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Podcast Profile: Radical Philosophy

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240 episodes
2015 to present
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Categories: Broadcast Radio Programs • Interview-Style

Podcaster's summary: Food for Thought, lets get radical for philosophy!

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List Updated: 2024-May-05 06:08 UTC. Episodes: 240. Feedback: @TrueSciPhi.

Lesbian Archives - Jean Taylor
Lesbian Archives - Jean Taylor discusses the importance of lesbian archives, lesbian culture and herstory.
Part 2 Women's Land Australia - Chris Sitka
Part 2 Women's Land Australia - Chris Sitka discusses the controversy about domestic animals and also interactions with the local community.
Women's Land Australia - Chris Sitka
Women's Land Australia - Chris Sitka describes the political conception, daily life and historical legacy of a women only communal land established 50 years ago during the heydays of the Women's Liberation Movement.
Wonderfeel - Kathryn Williams
Wonderfeel - Kathryn Williams discusses Wonderfeel, founded by Peter Siahna Wadham, including the differences in welcoming our full range of feeling and the deep richness this choice generally brings to our lives.
Brainwashing - Dr Alexandra Stein
Brainwashing - Dr Alexandra Stein discusses if there are warning signs when someone is being brainwashed and if brainwashing just affects a certain personality type.
Artificial Intelligence Part 2 - Dr Paula Boddington
Artificial Intelligence - Dr Paula Boddington discusses if there are cases where the code of ethics can make things worse and what the future holds for artificial intelligence and humans.
Artificial Intelligence - Dr Paula Boddington
Artificial intelligence - Dr Paula Boddington discusses some of the ethical questions connected with artificial intelligence and how we gain moral knowledge.
Sappho - Professor Diane Rayor
Sappho - Professor Diane Rayor discusses Sappho's poetic output, who her poetry was written for and Sappho's philosophy on life.
Dr Val Plumwood - Prof. Kate Rigby
Prof. Kate Rigby discusses Dr Val Plumwood, an Australian philosopher and ecofeminist known for her work on anthropocentrism, her life and how she survived an attack by a saltwater crocodile.
Jeannine Deckers - The Singing Nun - D.A. Chadwick
Jeannine Deckers, The Singing Nun - D.A. Chadwick discusses her book, The Singing Nun Story: The Life and Death of Soeur Sourire, and her important legacy.
Cognition - Dr Inês Hipólito
Cognition - Dr Inês Hipólito discusses how cognitive development affects learning, why it is important to study cognition and the connection between memory and cognition.
Influential feminist activists from Japan - Dr Caroline Norma
Influential feminist activists from Japan’s contemporary feminist movement - Dr Caroline Norma discusses Japan’s contemporary feminist movement and the issues it faces, including, primarily, sexual violence and harassment of women and girls.
Shame - Madeleine Shield
Shame - Madeleine Shield discusses if there is a connection between shame and self-respect, whether it is possible to force someone to feel shame and if it's possible to overcome the emotion of Shame.
Vulnerability - Professor Marina McCoy
Vulnerability - Professor Marina McCoy discusses why it important to accept our vulnerability and what is the best way to respond to vulnerability also how vulnerability is central to the human experience.
Knowledge and Belief - Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza
Knowledge and Belief - Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza discusses whether most people's belief system is based on knowledge and how knowledge and belief assist people in their everyday life.
Art - Dr Vanessa Brassey
Art - Dr Vanessa Brassey discusses the connection between philosophy and art, also why the philosophical prospective of art is important and if art could be a form of philosophy.
Animals in Research - Dr Jane Johnson
Animals in Research - Dr Jane Johnson discusses if there are grounds for extending human research principles to animals, also respect for persons (autonomy) and informed consent.
Hélène Metzger - Prof Cristina Chimisso
Hélène Metzger - Prof Cristina Chimisso discusses Hélène Metzger's early life, her thesis on the emergence of the science of crystals and why she is not as well-known as she should be.
Judgement - Dr Giulia Felappi
Judgment - Dr Giulia Felappi discusses her paper on “On the Nature of Judgment” and if there are reasons to take the multiple relation theory as doomed.
Animal Welfare / Rights - Dr Elisa Galgut
Animal Welfare / Rights - Dr Elisa Galgut discusses some of the cultural practices that harm animals, the difference between racism and speciesism and how cannibalism is connected with eating animals.
Constructing Death as a Form of Failure - Prof Beverley Clack
Constructing Death as a Form of Failure - Prof Beverley Clack discusses how neoliberal success is defined, what is it that makes it difficult to know quite what to do with death and death and loss.
Sound and Climate - Kyla Brettle
Sound and Climate - Kyla Brettle discusses the difference between personal and collective climate action and why listening to nature has such a caring effect on people.
Grief - Dr Becky Millar
Grief - Dr Becky Millar discusses how horror films are especially suited to portray and communicate the phenomenology of grief, the nature and role of grief and if grief is just a necessary evil in life.
Matriarchy - Jenny Cameron
Matriarchy - Jenny Cameron discusses what initially got her interested in matrifocal communities and if it possible for our society to make the necessary shifts to adopt these lessons and ensure we survive the challenges being presented to us in our modern day.
The Experience of Illness Part 2 - Professor Havi Carel
The Experience of Illness Part 2 - Professor Havi Carel discusses the aim of the Phenomenology of Illness, if illness is being-towards-death and if there epistemic injustice in healthcare.
The Experience of Illness - Professor Havi Carel
The Experience of Illness - Professor Havi Carel discusses how a person changes when they become ill, if there is well being within illness and if people seem to be less accepting if an illness is not visible.
Lesbian Separatism Part 2 - Amber-Lia Van Aurich
Lesbian Separatism Part 2 - Amber-Lia Van Aurich discusses the limitations, ethics and theoretical framework as well as the research design used for her study, and also the positives of lesbian separatism.
Lesbian Separatism - Amber-Lia Van Aurich
Lesbian Separatism - Amber-Lia Van Aurich discusses lesbian identiy, how separation began and some examples of lesbian separatism during the late twentieth century.
Women's Writing During Lockdown - Prof Sarah Pedersen
Women's Writing During Lockdown - Prof Sarah Pedersen discusses the AHRC project investigating women's writing during lockdown, what Mumsnet is and the benefits from documenting occurrences during lockdown.
The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies - Dr. Julia Hermann
The Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies -Dr. Julia Hermann discusses the ethical issues of how an artificial womb could be used in the future, If an artificial womb would change the concept of personhood and how it would effect the debate about abortion and reproductive rights.
Human Extinction - Asst. Prof. Elizabeth Finneron-Burns
Human Extinction - Asst. Prof. Elizabeth Finneron-Burns discusses methods of population control, if these methods can be morally justified and reasons why we might consider human extinction to be wrong.
Part 2 Sex and Suffering - Prof Janet McCalman
Sex and Suffering - Prof Janet McCalman provides a absorbing social history of women's health at The Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne, what the nurse patient relationship was like and if things have changed
Sex and Suffering - Prof Janet McCalman
Sex and Suffering - Prof Janet McCalman provides a absorbing social history of women's health at The Royal Women's Hospital Melbourne from 1856-1996.
Respect - Dr Kristi Giselsson
Respect - Dr Kristi Giselsson discusses the current questioning of the concept of universalism, marginalisation and oppression and the argument for the inclusion of non-human animals.
Women's Food Matters - Dr Vicki A Swinbank
Women's Food Matters - Dr Vicki A Swinbank discusses the significance of the book title, why there was a need for this book and how feminists have often seen the kitchen as a site of women’s oppression.
Anne Lister & Ann Walker - Lynn Pharaoh
Anne Lister & Ann Walker - Lynn Pharaoh discusses Anne Lister's lesbian relationship with Ann Walker, the many obstacles they had to overcome and their legacy for lesbians globally.
Part 2 Empathy - Meline Papazian
Part 2 Empathy - Meline Papazian discusses the connection between empathy and morality, moral judgements and the value of empathy.
Empathy - Meline Papazian
Empathy - Meline Papazian discusses the essential features of empathy, the history of the word empathy and emotional sharing..
Philosophy for Children - Dr Laura D’Olimpio
Philosophy for Children - Dr Laura D’Olimpio discusses what parents can do to introduce their children to philosophy at an early age, the benefits of asking children philosophical questions and if philosophy prepares children for life.
Mental Capacity - A/Prof Imogen Goold & Dr Cressida Auckland
Mental Capacity - A/Prof Imogen Goold & Dr Cressida Auckland discuss the indicators of a lack of mental capacity, the law's cliff-edge approach to mental capacity and the mental capacity Bill and human rights.
Part 2, Alice Anderson - Loretta Smith
Alice Anderson - Loretta Smith describes Alice Anderson's personality and some incredible achievement's in her life.
Alice Anderson - Loretta Smith
Alice Anderson - Loretta Smith discusses her book, A Spanner in the Works, Extraordinary story of Alice Anderson, who owned the first female-run garage in Australia.
The Privatized State - Associate Professor Chiara Cordelli
The Privatized State - Associate Professor Chiara Cordelli discusses the problem with authorisation, representative agency and what duties philanthropists have.
Social Rights and Freedoms - Professor Kimberley Brownlee
Social Rights and Freedoms - Professor Kimberley Brownlee discusses social deprivation, what it means to belong and moral messiness.
Francis Levy - Professor Elaine Stratford
Professor Elaine Stratford - discusses how Francis Levy educated people about the treatment of animals, the bands of mercy and the girls Friendly Society.
Ecological Thinking - Professor Lorraine Code
Ecological Thinking - Professor Lorraine Code discusses the wisdom of ecological thinking, the dangers of autonomy and Rachel Carson's scientific practice.
Clinical Research involving pregnant women - Assoc. Prof. Angela Ballantyne
Clinical Research involving pregnant women - Associate Professor Angela Ballantyne discusses the benefits of including pregnant women in clinical research, pregnant women in covid vaccine research and their risks of exploitation in clinical research.
Menstrual Taboos - Dr Mariana Lopez
Menstrual Taboos - Dr Mariana Lopez discusses the social and environmental impacts of menstrual waste, the prevailing taboos around menstruation and organisations that are making a difference in womans lives.
Alt-Right, Misogyny, and Feminism - Dr. Tracy Llanera
Alt-Right, Misogyny, and Feminism - Dr. Tracy Llanera discusses how the alt-right is different from other racist groups, what is meant by the term “White Power Barbie” and the exit cases of women from other extremist groups.
Is it Immoral to be Immortal? - Dr Francesca Minerva
Is it Immoral to be Immortal? Dr Francesca Minerva discusses whether cryonics is raising the dead, what ethical concerns there would be with a head transplant and the cost involved.
Shaping Children’s Brains - Assoc. Prof. Sarah Whittle & Divyangana Rakesh
Shaping Children’s Brains - Assoc. Prof. Sarah Whittle & Divyangana Rakesh discuss what neighbourhood disadvantage is, what effect stress can have on the brain and how teachers play a role in promoting healthy brain development.
Feminist Legal Clinic - Anna Kerr
Feminist Legal Clinic - Anna Kerr discusses what the main objectives are in the feminist legal clinic, how the justice system is failing Aboriginal women and how domestic violence could be reduced.
Prof. Alessandra Tanesini - Feminist Epistemology
Feminist epistemology - Prof. Alessandra Tanesini explains about the different varieties of feminist epistemology, the importance of standpoint in feminism and how power is relevant to knowledge.
Prof. Lorraine Talbot - Why is modern capitalism irresponsible?
Why is modern capitalism irresponsible? Professor Lorraine Talbot discusses capitalism and company law, the history of companies under capitalism and what the government could do to make capitalism responsible
Philosophy of Grief, Death of a Friend - Assoc. Prof. Liz Forbat
Philosophy of Grief, Death of a Friend - Associate Professor Liz Forbat discusses the so-called hierarchy of grief, long-term effects from not being able to grieve and what people can do or say to support somebody after the death of a friend.
Legalise Cannabis - Sophia Moermond
Legalise Cannabis - Sophia Moermond discusses the health benefits of cannabis, what has changed since cannabis possession was legalised in the ACT and why cannabis should be legal.
Mental Causation - Associate Professor Sara Worley
Mental Causation - Associate Professor Sara Worley discusses the mind and body problem, the manifest Image of human beings and if people are always responsible for the actions.
Women in Japanese Politics - Dr Emma Dalton
Women in Japanese Politics - Dr Emma Dalton discusses how the Major political parties in Japan constructed the modern Japanese political system, how political women negotiate the male dominated world of Japanese politics and experiences of women that have been involved in party politics in Japan.
Women in the Informal World of Work - Dr Annie Delaney
Women in the Informal World of Work - Dr Annie Delaney discusses a recent survey of Indian Informal women workers, what the working conditions are like for women in these factories and if people can do anything to help this situation.
Dr Karen Bell - A Working-Class Green Movement Part 2
A working-class green movement Part 2 - Dr Karen Bell discusses how attitudes towards working class people are preventing the attainment of sustainability and also about environmental policy makers.
Dr Karen Bell - A Working-Class Green Movement Part 1
A working-class green movement - Dr Karen Bell discusses how working class people are disproportionately carrying environmental burdens and explains about the 3 proposed main themes dominating contemporary environmentalism.
Love your pet, love your Vet Part 2 - Dr Nadine Hamilton
Love your pet, love your Vet - Dr Nadine Hamilton discusses why lots of people think that vets charge too much, if Vets are really as well paid as people think they are and what can we do as individuals to try and make this situation better.
Love your pet, love your Vet Part 1 - Dr Nadine Hamilton
Love your pet, love your Vet - Dr Nadine Hamilton explains about her involvement in, love your pet, love your vet, the suicide statistics for veterinarians also why these statistics are so high.
Dr Jeanne Snelling - Assisted Dying
Assisted Dying - Dr Jeanne Snelling explains what assisted dying is, which countries have legalised assisted dying, and the role of the Medical Council.
Humans and Animal Viruses - Dr Katie Woolaston
Humans and Animal Viruses - Dr Katie Woolaston discusses the connection between covid-19 and wildlife, how environmental destruction is leading to an increase in zoonotic diseases and how indigenous people and women are disadvantaged by pandemics.
Dr Lindsay Hamilton - Ethnography after Humanism
Ethnography after Humanism - Dr Lindsay Hamilton explains about the ecology of ethnographic methods, the benefits of this research for human and non-human animals and if there are possibilities for the creation of new forms of ethnography.
Dr Jade Bilardi - Miscarriage
Miscarriage - Dr Jade Bilardi explains about the 12 week rule, how friends and family members can support women also where women can turn to for help.
Robyn Annear - Op shops and Capitalism
Op shops and Capitalism - Robyn Annear discusses the history of second-hand, mending vs ending and if second-hand can overturn Global capitalism.
Katerina Bryant - Hysteria
Hysteria - Katerina Bryant explains how your brain tries to protect you, how hysteria changed throughout history and gives some examples of modern day hysteria.
Dr Kelli Sandman-Hurley - Dyslexia
Dr Kelli Sandman-Hurley explains about some of the myths surrounding dyslexia, what multi-sensory and explicit Intervention is and the best way for a parent to advocate for a child with dyslexia.
Professor Jackie Leach Scully - Disability In a Time of Pandemic
Disability In a Time of Pandemic - Professor Jackie Leach Scully answers such questions as, It's 2020 and healthcare Professionals worldwide are having to decide which patients receive life saving critical care, so just what type of guidance is being given and who is it being given by? and who should the guidance should be given by?
Social Responsibility or Culpability - Associate Professor Stephanie Collins
Social responsibility or culpability - Associate Professor Stephanie Collins discusses if people who don't abide by the governments guidelines are complicit in causing people's deaths, and why doing the right thing so difficult for people.
Liveable Income Guarantee - Dr Elise Klein
Liveable Income Guarantee - Dr Elise Klein discusses how a liveable income guarantee would work, if a liveable income guarantee exist in other countries and how the government would pay for a liveable income guarantee.
Prof Valeria Motta - Part 2 Loneliness
Loneliness Part 2 - Prof Valeria Motta discusses how research can help address the loneliness problem, what effects loneliness has on people and organisations that people can get in touch with if they are feeling lonely.
Prof Valeria Motta - Loneliness
Prof Valeria Motta gives us a definition of loneliness, and speaks about the characteristics of loneliness and also the campaign to end loneliness.
Dr Nicole Lee - Drugs, alcohol and the coronavirus
Drugs, alcohol and the coronavirus - Dr Nicole Lee discusses if there is an increased risk of coronavirus for those people who use drugs, the signs are that people can look for that might indicate that they do have a drinking problem and who to contact to seek assistance.
Dr Olivia Fisher - Feeling anxious about coronavirus?
Feeling anxious about coronavirus - Dr Olivia Fisher explains about fear reactions and normal anxiety, if there is such a thing as good anxiety or concern and preventative factors.
Dr Fiona MacDonald - What happens to breakfast when classes go online?
What happens to breakfast when classes go online? Dr Fiona MacDonald explains about the history of breakfast clubs at school, what happens when kids don't eat breakfast and how the breakfast club provides more than just food and nutrition.
Professor Ruth Kinna - Helping each other through the Coronavirus crisis
Helping each other through the coronavirus crisis - Professor Ruth Kinna explains about the history of mutual aid, how an anarchist society is better equipped to deal with pandemics than the capitalist system we live under and how we could preserve community-based organisation in post coronavirus world.
Dr Amy Graham - Schools moving online
Schools moving online - Dr Amy Graham explains about schools going online because of the coronavirus, the digital divide and how will this affect children in remote areas.
Dr Desiree Kozlowski - Tiny moments of pleasure
Tiny moments of pleasure - Dr Desiree Kozlowski explains how can we shift our attention towards the small every day pleasures in our lives, the effects of ongoing stress and also some examples of these small pleasures.
Professor Rachel Ankeny - Food Ethics
Food Ethics - Professor Rachel Ankeny explains about genetically modified food, the role food plays in the maintenance of tradition, culture and identity and if Australian consumers have an awareness and acceptance of insects as food.
Dr Eve Vincent - Welfare Reform
Welfare Reform - Dr Eve Vincent discusses how people were affected by the cashless debit card trial, about experiences of shame and stigmatisation when using cashless debit card also the ParentsNext program and how it makes life harder for single mothers.
Dr Lubomira Radoilska - Addiction and Weakness of Will
Addiction and Weakness of Will - Dr Lubomira Radoilska discusses how society as a whole views addiction, and how this affects the way those with addictions are treated and also the part rational judgement plays in addiction.
Prof Barbara Gold Taylor - Kindness
Kindness - Prof Barbara Gold Taylor discusses the history of kindness, if humans have kindness instinct and if kindness has become our forbidden pleasure.
Asst. Prof Katharine Jenkins - Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality
Philosophy of sex and sexuality - Assistant Professor Katharine Jenkins explains about sexual preferences and orientation, and the conceptual analysis of sexuality as well as some of the normative issues involved in sexuality.
Dr Suki Finn - Metaphysics of Pregnancy
Metaphysics of Pregnancy - Dr Suki Finn discusses the relationship between the fetus and the maternal organism, if the fetus is really a parasite and how many humans there are in pregnancy.
Dr Sara Meger - Rape Loot Pillage
Rape Loot Pillage - Dr Sara Meger discusses a feminist political economy of sexual violence in war, and if this sexual violence has an element of genocide, also if just taking the rape out of war is enough.
Prof Babette Babich - Music Philosophy
Music Philosophy - Prof Babette Babich discusses her publication "Words in Blood, Like Flowers" kd lang's hallelujah effect and also musical covers the culture industry.
Dr Mary Leng - Abstract Objects
Abstract Objects - Dr Mary Leng discusses what type of abstract objects philosophers are concerned about and different views on whether mathematical objects really exist.
Professor Louise Antony - Philosophers Without Gods
Philosophers Without Gods - Professor Louise Antony gives a definition of what a atheist is, and discusses why is it that sceptics and atheists are viewed with suspicion and if religious faith is a form of belief.
Philosophy of Music - Professor Lydia Goehr
Philosophy of Music - Professor Lydia Goehr discusses what the purpose and value of music is and explains about analytic and historical philosophical approaches to music.
Dr Talia Morag - Tracking Dogma Part 2
Part 2 Tracking Dogma - Dr. Talia Morag discusses whether the emotions of the human adult by and large track core emotional themes, if a lot of our emotional responses seem counter-productive and if there are alternatives to the strong and weak versions of the tracking dogma.
Dr Talia Morag - Tracking Dogma
Tracking Dogma - Dr Talia Morag explains what dogma is, the core relational themes of dogma and strong tracking dogma, the week tracking dogma and the normative tracking dogma.
Prof Fiona Woollard - Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding - Professor Fiona Woollard discusses why there is shame associated with breastfeeding especially in public places, the philosophical mistakes surrounding the way we talk and think about infant feeding decisions and if there was a dollar value placed on human milk would raise the status of women.
Dr Luara Ferracioli - Citizenship for Children
Citizenship for Children - Dr Luara Ferracioli discusses why children are morally owed citizenship in their State of residence, who has duties of justice towards children and what the challenge for statism is.
Chris Sitka - Part 2 The origins of patriarchy
The origins of patriarchy Part 2, Chris Sitka discusses why modern feminists are not interested in studying the origins of patriarchy, and Australian indigenous culture in regards to patriarchy.
Chris Sitka - The origins of patriarchy Part 1
The origins of patriarchy Part 1 Chris Sitka discusses the history of the people on our planet, how and why patriarchy established itself, and Marija Gimbutas book, The language of the goddess.
Assistant Professor Janelle Pötzsch - Sweatshops
Sweatshops - Assistant Professor Janelle Pötzsch discusses the connection between capitalism and sweatshops, if there any actions that companies can undertake to improve conditions, and if we can prevent sweatshops.
Dr Jennifer Windt - Dreaming
Dreaming - Dr Jennifer Windt discusses the relationship between dreams and the self, the role of the body and the brain in shaping bodily experience in dreams and if dreams deceptive experiences.
Part 2 Dr Julienne Van Loon - The Thinking Woman
Part 2, The Thinking Woman - Dr Julienne Van Loon answers questions such as, why did you the books chapters such fantastic names such as love, play, work, fear, wonder and friendship?
Dr Julienne Van Loon - The Thinking Woman
The Thinking Woman - Dr Julienne Van Loon answers questions, with so many women thinkers, how did you choose these women to write about?, and why did you the books chapters such fantastic names such as love, play, work, fear, wonder and friendship?
Faith L Justice - Hypatia
Hypatia - Faith L Justice discusses whether any of Hypatia's letters or books have survived, and how Hypatia has been described as a mathematician and an astronomer but how her first love was really philosophy.
Dr Holly Lawford-Smith - Are citizens culpable for their state's actions?
Are citizens culpable for their state's actions? - Dr Holly Lawford-Smith explains how the individual benefits from being a member of the state and if a citizen has more responsibility for the state's actions because of these benefits.
Dr Linda Barclay - Disability with Dignity
Disability with Dignity - Dr Linda Barclay discusses the connection between dignity and status and what dignity as bearing is also the relationship between the capabilities approach and human rights.
Autonomy Part 2 - Dr Suzanne Killmister
Part 2 Autonomy - Dr Suzanne Killmister discusses the leading theories of autonomy, autonomy as a human right and the connection between unwanted perfectionism and autonomy. Also if cats have more autonomy than dogs.
Dr Suzanne Killmister - Autonomy
Autonomy - Dr Suzanne Killmister discusses the leading theories of autonomy, autonomy as a human right and the connection between unwanted perfectionism and autonomy.
Dr Leila Toiviainen - Ethical Issues in the Care of Older People
Ethical Issues in the Care of Older People, Dr Leila Toiviainen, from University of Tasmania speaks about ethical issues in the care of older people, including the use of restraint, dignity of risk and if children have an ethical obligation to care for or support their parents.
Dr Maurita Harney - Existentialism
Dr Maurita Harney from Melbourne University speaks about existentialism, definitional issues and background. And also about Simone de Beauvoir who was an important existentialist, as well as her own view on existentialism.
Prof Louise Johnston - Feminist Geography
Feminist Geography - Prof Louise Johnston, Deakin University speaks about Feminist Geography, the effect that Feminist Geography has had on the revision of the contents of geographical research. Also the relevance of home, identity and sexuality.
Associate Prof Anik Waldow - Personal Identity
Personal Identity - Associate Professor Anik Waldow discusses why it is so inportant to have a sense of personal identity, and what happens if you lose your personal identity also the connection between scepticism and personal identity.
Dr Jacqueline Broad - Mary Astell
Speaking with Dr Jacqueline Broad, who is writing a book about Mary Astell, a 17th century English feminist and philosopher, who was quite famous in her time, but whose influence and notoriety has dissipated considerably since.
Part 2 Associate Prof Ami Harbin - Disorientation and Moral Life
Part 2 Disorientation and Moral Life - Associate Professor Ami Harbin discusses the moral significance of disorientation and if these situations can be harnessed to contribute positively to our moral choices and also the importance of moral improvement.
Associate Professor Ami Harbin - Disorientation and Moral Life
Disorientation and Moral Life - Associate Professor Ami Harbin discusses the features of ordinary human lives that are neglected by moral theory, the argument against treating practical disorientation as an abject defect and disorientation of thinking.
Assistant Professor Jean Kazez - Philosophical Parenting
Philosophical Parenting - Assistant Professor Jean Kazez discusses if babies are lucky to be born or just the opposite, if it's ever all right to lie to you children also if having children is like a kind of afterlife.
Part 2 Assistant Prof Candice Delmas - Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience - Assistant Professor Candice Delmas discusses if we should broaden the concept of civil disobedience, some of the ethics involved with government whistleblowing, also outlaw whistleblowers.
Assistant Professor Candice Delmas - Civil Disobedience
Civil Disobedience - Assistant Professor Candice Delmas explains the difference between civil and uncivil disobedience, the moral and political importance of civil disobedience also what type of disobedience Pussy Riot participated in.
Prof Nancy Hirschmann - Disabilities
Disabilities - Professor Nancy Hirschmann gives a definition of disability, a political analysis of disability, and discusses some problematic ways that disability is betrayed, also how disability has been used in the pursuit of different political goals.
Prof Helen Frowe - The Moral Distinction between Killing and Letting Die
The Moral Distinction between Killing and Letting Die - Professor Helen Frowe discusses how self defence is relevant, enemy torture and whether we are less responsible for the deaths we allow than for the deaths that we cause.
Dr Jane Lymer - Pregnancy
Pregnancy - Dr Jane Lymer discusses Zoe's death, the ethical implications of the relationship between a woman and a fetus, Merleau Ponty's accouplement, and how the soul is different to self-hood.
Prof Kathryn Norlock - Part 2 Miscarriage, Reproductive Loss and Fetal Death
Part 2 Miscarriage, Reproductive Loss and Fetal Death - Professor Kathryn Norlock discusses, what miscarriage and person denying is, how the ways in which experiences of miscarriage are shaped by social scripts and narrative sharing spaces and gives a philosophical account of pregnancy.
Prof Kathryn Norlock - Miscarriage Reproductive Loss and Fetal Death
Miscarriage, Reproductive Loss and Fetal Death - Professor Kathryn Norlock discusses how statistically a very high rate of pregnancies end in miscarriage so it's a fairly common occurrence, however it is seldom discussed, and about the connection of the legal status of the fetus, also how philosophers can help this situation.
Prof Lisa Tessman - When Doing the Right Thing Is Impossible
When Doing the Right Thing Is Impossible - Professor Lisa Tessman discusses how and why do human beings construct morality, and how is it that sometimes moral wrongdoing is just unavoidable also the situation that occurred with Cyclone Katrina and the moral decisions that had to be made.
A/Prof Alexis Shotwell - Against Purity
Against Purity - Associate Professor Alexis Shotwell discusses if it's possible for anybody to be 100% pure, disturbance regime, and explains what being against purity means as well as if natural purity a rationalised concept.
Dr Vanessa Schouten - Sexual Consent in Residential Care Facilities
Sexual Consent in Residential Care Facilities - Dr Vanessa Schouten speaks about if there are very many reports of inappropriate sexual activity between residents, the reaction of staff and family members and also some of the other ethical issues and principles and ethical approaches and interventions.
A Prof Serena Parekh - Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt - Associate Professor Serena Parekh tells us about some of the tensions and paradoxes within the modern concept of human rights, which Arendt brings to light, and the “the banality of evil”
Dr Sharon Presley - Voltaraine de Cleyre
Voltaraine de Cleyre - Dr Sharon Presley discusses Voltaraines' classic works anarchism and the American tradition, de Cleyre's concept of the Dominant Idea, what de Cleyre's thoughts were on free thought and religion, and explains about her essay “sex slavery”.
A/Prof Kristin Andrews - Part 2 Philosophy of Animal Minds
Philosophy of Animal Minds Part 2 - Associate Professor Kristin Andrews discusses if it is possible for chimpanzees and rats to have empathy, and if chimpanzees reason about belief, also how animal cognition differs from human cognition.
A/Prof Kristin Andrews - Philosophy of Animal Minds P1
Philosophy of Animal Minds Part 1- Associate Professor Kristin Andrews discusses why within the field of philosophy, ever since ancient times there has been an interest in animal minds however in the last few decades animal minds has became become a major topic, and also explains about animals and language of thought.
Ethical Loneliness - A/Prof Jill Stauffer
Ethical Loneliness - Associate Professor Jill Stauffer answers questions such as, truth Commissions have been held up as providing healing to victims and have made many perpetrators face up to their crimes but you also see their limitations in combatting ethical loneliness why is this? You don't only look at the culpability of the perpetrator but the ways in which the wider society are implicated in crimes against humanity... Does the response to hearing and listening have to be accompanied by structural c...
Prof Heather Widdows - Moral Philosophy of Beauty
Moral philosophy of beauty - Professor Heather Widdows discusses the connection between beauty and philosophy, how beauty affects people's lives and if there is any truth in that old saying, beauty is only skin deep.
Assistant Professor Helen McCabe - Harriet Taylor
Assistant Professor Helen McCabe - Harriet Taylor, Sometimes it is said that behind every great man is even a greater woman, Assistant Professor Helen McCabe speaks about if this was the case for Harriet Taylor and John Stuart Mill and what Harriet Taylor's intellectual strenghts were and also Harriet Taylor's legacy.
Dr Jocelynne Scutt - Violence in the Family P2
Violence in the Family Part 2 - Dr Jocelynne Scutt speaks about her book Even in the Best of Homes - Violence in the Family and the police involvoment in family matters also what steps do you think can be taken to end violence in the family.
Dr Jocelynne Scutt - Violence in the Family P1
Violence in the Family - Dr Jocelynne Scutt speaks about her book Even in the Best of Homes - Violence in the Family and historically what the connection between family and slavery, and how a lot of parents consider it their right to smack their children.
Prof Carrie Jenkins - The Philosophy of Love
The Philosophy of Love - Professor Carrie Jenkins speaks about how the philosophy of love can be seen as a conversation, also how she come to writing about polyamory from a theoretical perspective and if polyamory is just another lifestyle or something more political/ living polyamorously is making a political statement about ownership.
Prof Jacqueline Jones - Lucy Parsons
Lucy Parsons - Professor Jacqueline Jones discusses her book, The Goddess of Anarchy; the life and times of Lucy Parsons, the significant parts of Lucy Parsons life that were lived outside of the public eye, and why it is that Emma Goldman has worldwide fame whereas Lucy Parsons has been relatively unknown.
Prof Eileen Hunt Botting - Hannah Mather Crocker
Hannah Mather Crocker - Professor Eileen Hunt Botting speaks about Hannah Mather Crocker's views on sex equality and human nature, education and if she was a was a rhetorical strategist.
Dr Kate Farhall - Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian representation
Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian representation - Dr Kate Farhall looks at representations of women's same-sex sexuality and compulsory heterosexuality in women's magazines, the theory of 'pornification' and the changes in sex and relationship content over time and how this is linked this to changes in the feminist movement.
A/Prof Sandrine Bergès - Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft - Associate Professor Sandrine Bergès discusses Mary Wollstonecraft's views on children's rights and animal ethics, opinions on inequality respect and love and her approaches to motherhood.
Prof Elizabeth Anderson - Abuse of Power by Employers
Abuse of Power by Employers - Professor Elizabeth Anderson speaks about cases where employees are told to wear diapers instead of being able to have bathroom breaks, sexual harassment and the misconceptions amongst people about thinking that free markets make workers free.
A/ Prof Bronwyn Winter - Women-Insecurity-Violence-post-9-11
Part 2 Women-Insecurity-Violence-in a post-9-11World, Associate Professor Bronwyn Winter.
A/ Prof Bronwyn Winter, Women-Insecurity-Violence-post-9-11
Women-Insecurity-Violence-in a post-9-11World, Associate Professor Bronwyn Winter gives a definition of the world and a state and speaks about the relevance of this definition. Also discusses sex tourists flights and prostitution the Philippines.
A/Prof Fiona Jenkins - Women in Philosophy
Implicit bias, stereotype threat, women in philosophy and what needs to change - Associate Professor Fiona Jenkins
Prof Virginia Held - The Ethics of Care
The Ethics of Care - Professor Virginia Held speaks about how the ethics of care is relevant to global and political matters, if the ethics of care has feminist roots, and if there is any connection between the ethics of care and the rising interest in civil society.
Dr Elinor Mason - Blame and Blameworthiness
Blame and Blameworthiness - Dr Elinor Mason speaks about the different kinds of blameandthe relationship between praise and blameworthiness.
Dr Nicola Henry - Digital Abuse and Harassment
Digital Abuse and Harassment - Dr Nicola Henry explains about conceptualising technosocial sexual harms, what rape culture is and if the law has been able to keep pace with technology
Emma McNicol - Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir - Emma McNicol speaks about Simone de Beauvoir, a French writer, intellectual, philosopher, political activist, feminist and social theorist.
Dr Natalie Jovanovski - Digesting Femininities
Dr Natalie Jovanovski, Digesting Femininities. Dr Natalie Jovanovsk speaks about the way that food and gender are reinforced in diet books in the 21st century and how pseudo-feminist language is used to promote dieting, and how cookbooks are sources of body-policing messages.
Prof Lisa Bortolotti - Clinical Delusions
Clinical Delusions - Prof Lisa Bortolotti speaks about different types of delusions, if clinical delusions have any psychological benefits and if everybody has delusions.
Two-Dimensional Semantics - Dr Laura Schroeter
Two-dimensional semantics - Dr Laura Schroeter speaks about two-dimensional semantics, the connection between two-dimensional semantics and the foundations of philosophy. Also if morality is more a matter of opinion than truth, and explains what mental representation is.
Alma Barner - Imagination
Imagination - Alma Barner PhD student at ANU speaks about the definition of imagination. The epistemic roles of imagination, what type of effect technology has on children’s imagination. Also if it is harmful for people to have an over active imagination
Prof Helen Beebee - Deviance in Philosophy
Deviance in Philosophy - Professor Helen Beebee explains about implicit bias and stereotype threat, gives us a definition of deviance in philosophy and how the current situation could be changed
Liz Walker - Porn Harms Kids
Porn Harms Kids - Liz Walker the chair of Porn Harms Kids speaks about harmful things watching porn can do to your child, what is the best way to go about speaking with your kids about porn and how Australia is under pressure to force porn sites to introduce age verification.
A/Prof Karen Green - Catharine Macaulay and Letitia Barbauld
Catharine Macaulay and Letitia Barbauld - A/Professor Karen Green speaks about Catherine McCaulay and Letitia Barbauld and their biographical background, the similarities and the differences in their philosophies and other enlightened women of their time that influenced their thought.
Part 2 Prof Diana Tietjens Meyers - Female Genital Cutting
Part 2 Contesting Female Genital Cutting in Africa, Professor Diana Tietjens Meyers speaks about the legal status of female genital cutting, her philosophical analysis of successful strategies as well as human slavery.
Prof Diana Tietjens Meyers - Female Genital Cutting
Contesting Female Genital Cutting in Africa - Professor Diana Tietjens Meyers speaks about the legal status of female genital cutting and her philosophical analysis of successful strategies.
Prof Miranda Fricker - Epistemic Injustice
Epistemic Injustice - Prof Miranda Fricker speaks about the two central forms of epistemic injustice, their two corresponding remedies and epistemic injustice relation to health care and psychiatry.
Prof Margaret Atherton - Women Philosophers
Women Philosophers of the Early Modern Period - Professor Margaret Atherton speaks about Catharine Trotter Cockburn, Margaret Cavendish and many more women.
Prof Sheri Tuttle Ross - Motherhood and Moral Luck
Motherhood and Moral Luck - Professor Sheri Tuttle Ross gives a definition of moral luck, and speaks about the notion of taking responsibility in connection to children and also “grey zones”.
Prof Miranda Fricker - Epistemic Injustice
Epistemic Injustice - Prof Miranda Fricker speaks about the two central forms of epistemic injustice, their two corresponding remedies and epistemic injustice relation to health care and psychiatry.
Prof Samantha Brennan - Family
Family - Professor Samantha Brennan speaks about how the structure of the family has changed over time, negatives and positives associated with the family and describes what the family of the future might be like.
Prof Marcia Baron - Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of Law, Professor Marcia Baron discusses rape law, the difference between non consensual sex and unwanted sex, and the Anna Stubblefield case.
Associate Professor Jennifer Baker - Virtue Ethics
Associate Professor Jennifer Baker speaks about virtue ethics and the reform of US policing - the connection between norms and virtual ethics and how virtual ethics are applied to law enforcement.
Assoc Prof Jennifer Baker - Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics - Associate Professor Jennifer Baker speaks about virtue ethics and the reform of US policing - the connection between norms and virtue ethics and how virtue ethics are applied to law enforcement.
Prof Rachel Barney - Plato’s conception of the Good
Prof Rachel Barney answers questions, would you be able to define what good is? I suppose the opposite to good is bad or evil, would you have a definition of evil? and would you say that the good is something that everybody desires?
Associate Professor Janice Richardson - describes what is meant by feminist philosophy
"Associate Professor Janice Richardson describes what is meant by feminist philosophy and the ways in which it alters philosophy"
Prof Donna Haraway - When Species Meet
Prof Donna Haraway speaks about her book When Species Meet, if we have never been human, were the term companion species came from and Barbara Smuts research on baboons.
Assoc.Prof. Janice Richardson - Privacy and Legal Personhood
Assoc.Prof. Janice Richardson explains about the history of legal personhood and the connection between feminism and privacy.
Dr Janice Richardson - Feminists in Philosophy
Dr Janice Richardson explains the situation with feminists in philosophy at the moment and also some of the ways that women have been marginalised within the field of philosophy.
Prof Amie Thomasson - Social Groups
Prof Amie Thomasson describes what a social group is, how social groups give normative structure to our lives also the functions of individual social groups.
Professor Helen Steward - Free Will Part 2
Professor Helen Steward explains about determinism, if anyone ever acts freely, also the strong bond between some people and dogs.
Professor Helen Steward - Free Will
Professor Helen Steward explains about free will and instinct, also if there are any difference between us, human animals and non human animals in regards to free will.
Professor Carol J Adams The Sexual Poltics of Meat part 2
Professor Carol J Adams descuses her book The Sexual Politics of Meat and where vegetarianism ends and feminism begins as well as Frankenstein's monster's vegetarianism.
Professor Carol J Adams - The Sexual Politics of Meat Part 1
Professor Carol J Adams descuses her book The Sexual Politics of Meat, and how meat is a symbol of patriarchy also the connection between poverty and the eating of meat.
Prof Christine Overall - Why have Children Part 2
Prof Christine Overall speaks about if in some cases it could be a moral responsibility to oneself not to have children, such as over population and also some criticisms of the one child per person responsibility.
Prof Christine Overall - Why Have Children
Prof Christine Overall speaks about why is choosing to have children an ethical issue and how feminist perspectives are connected with having children.
Dr Denise Thompson - Capitalism
Dr Denise Thompson explains about the term primitive accumulation and the connection between male power and capitalism also if capitalism will ever be replaced with another system.
Penny Mackieson - Permanent Care
Penny Mackieson explains the difference between adoption and permanent care, and if the system of permanent care is more likely to retain a child's sense of identity.
Penny Mackieson - Adoption
Penny Mackieson speaks about some of the complex issues associated with being adopted, and how into country and out of country adoption differs.
Prof Mary Midgley discusses her publications
Prof Mary Midgley discusses her publications; Beast And Man, Wickedness, Wisdom, Information and Wonder and Can't We Make Moral Judgements?
Dr Shelley Tremain - Feminist Philosophy of Disability
Dr Shelley Tremain discusses feminist philosophy of disability and the dialogues on disability series online.
Prof Jane Caputi - Mary Daly Part 2
Professor Jane Caputi speaks about Mary Daly and her animal rights activism, her last book Amazon Grace- recalling the courage to sin big as well as her fondest memories of Mary.
Prof Jane Caputi - Mary Daly Part 1
Prof Jane Caputi speaks about Mary Dalys' publications The Church and the Second Sex, Beyond God the Father and Wickedary.
Q & A "Women and Philosophy"
Q& A from the broadcast of a special 30th anniversary discussion on a ground-breaking Australasian Journal of Philosophy issue called "Women and Philosophy". This was an issue devoted to discussing philosophical traditions, methods, and theories from a woman's perspective or a feminist point of view--it was quite pioneering and influential at the time, and this session is be an opportunity to look back and discuss what has (or hasn't) changed since 1986. Speakers include A/Prof Karen Green, Prof Lorraine Co...
Live Broadcast Part 2
Live Broadcast Part 2 of a special 30th anniversary discussion on a ground-breaking Australasian Journal of Philosophy issue called "Women and Philosophy". This was an issue devoted to discussing philosophical traditions, methods, and theories from a woman's perspective or a feminist point of view--it was quite pioneering and influential at the time, and this session is be an opportunity to look back and discuss what has (or hasn't) changed since 1986. Speakers include A/Prof Karen Green, Prof Lorraine Code...
Live Broadcast Part 1
Live Broadcast of a special 30th anniversary discussion on a ground-breaking Australasian Journal of Philosophy issue called "Women and Philosophy". This was an issue devoted to discussing philosophical traditions, methods, and theories from a woman's perspective or a feminist point of view--it was quite pioneering and influential at the time, and this session is be an opportunity to look back and discuss what has (or hasn't) changed since 1986. Speakers include A/Prof Karen Green, Prof Lorraine Code, Prof ...
Professor Susan Wolf - Morality, Meaning and Love Part 2
Professor Susan Wolf explains about the relationship between love and knowledge and if love is really all that important.
Professor Susan Wolf - Morality, Meaning and Love Part 1
Professor Susan Wolf speaks about Morality, Meaning and Love and explains about the differences between moral and non-moral values.
Prof Ruth Hagengruber - The History of Philosophy Part 2
Prof Ruth Hagengruber speaks about The History of Philosophy Part 2, and gives us some examples of women philosophers who have shaped a philosophy of their own and which has become an accepted part of our tradition.
Prof Ruth Hagengruber - The History of Philosophy
Prof Ruth Hagengruber speaks about the history of women in philosophy and cutting through the veil of ignorance and rewriting the history of philosophy.
Prof Jane Caputi - Mary Daly
Prof Jane Caputi speaks about Mary Dalys' publications The Church and the Second Sex, Beyond God the Father and Wickedary.
Dr Denise Russell - Animals and Ethics
Dr Denise Russell speaks about animals and ethics and her time on a ethics committee.
Philosophy of Education with Dr Jennifer Bleazby Part 2
Part two of the Philosophy of Education with Dr Jennifer Bleazby So what is your view on reason/emotion dualism?How do classroom communities of philosophical enquiry support effective e-learning?Could you explain about reconstructing gender in philosophy for children?
Philosophy of Education with Dr Jennifer Bleazby Part 1
Philosophy of Education.Dr Jennifer Bleazby answers such question as: What are some of the ethics and challenges for inclusive mathematics teaching?Why do some school subjects have a higher status than others?
Dr Lina Eriksson - Social norms concerning gift giving
Dr Lina Eriksson speaks about social norms concerning gift giving and how social norms change over time.
Dr Lina Eriksson - Social norms concerning money
Dr Lina Eriksson speaks about social norms concerning money and if it is better to give money to a friend rather than loan money.
Dr Lina Eriksson - Social Norms
Dr Lina Eriksson speaks about how social norms are not always beneficial and how gender roles affect social norms.
Dr Rivka Witenberg
Dr Rivka Witenberg speaks about, if it's good enough for people to just not to act with intolerance.
Dr Rivka Witenberg - Tolerance
Dr Rivka Witenberg speaks about Tolerance.
Associate Professor Liz Mackinlay - Feminist Pedagogy Part 2
Associate Professor Liz Mackinlay speaks about Bell Hooks, Patti Lather and other women who were fairly influential figures in Feminist Pedagogy.
Associate Professor Liz Mackinlay - Feminist Pedagogy
Associate Professor Liz Mackinlay gives us a definition of feminist pedagogy and what inspired her interest in feminist pedagogy.
Julie Bindel - Surrogacy - Same-sex marriage - Prostitution
Julie Binde speaks about same-sex marriage, surrogacy and prostitution.
Dr Tracy Llanera speaks about Nihilism
Dr Tracy Llanera speaks about nihilism, and a connection between the problems of modernity and nihilism.
Melinda Tankard Reist - Speaks about 5 books.
Melinda Tankard Reist speaks about 5 books: Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s Stories of Grief After Abortion, Defiant Birth: Women Who Resist Medical Eugenics, Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls and, Big Porn Inc: Exposing the Harms of the Global Pornography Industry and Prostitution Narratives.
Questioning the Goal of Same-Sex Marriage - Dr Louise Richardson-Self
Dr Louise Richardson-Self speaks about what inspired her interest in same-sex marriage and what the goal of same-sex marriage is as well as the paradox of the tolerance racist.
Ruth and Nicky speak about the philosophy of homelessness from their own lived experiences.
Philosophical Republicanism
Lucy Mayne speaks about Philosophical Republicanism and a framework for understanding socially polluting Acts.
The Hidden History of the dismissal of the Whitlam government
Professor Jenny Hocking discusses the ethics behind the dismissal of the Whitlam Government.
Dr Monima Chadha - Self
Dr Monima Chadha answers questions such as; What is philosophy of self? Do you think that anybody has a permanent sense of self?
Brigid Evans - Disability
Brigid Evans speaks about disability and the politics of inclusion in regards to education, and if the failure to extend trust to individuals on the basis of their inherent, non-chosen characteristics constitute an injustice.
Chloe Mackenize - Disability
Chloe Mackenize speaks about the way bioethicists construct their theories about disability.
Dr Kate Lynch - Nature versus Nurture
Dr Kate Lynch speaks about nature versus nurture, dominant and recessive genes and if personality traits are genetic or environmental.
War - Catherine McDonald
Catherine McDonald speaks about War and if it is ever justified.
Zoe Krupka - Mindfulness
Zoe Krupka speaks about mindfulness, compliance and multinational companies.
“The book of the world”
Dana Goswick speaks about “The book of the world”
Part Two Dr Tereza Hendl
Part Two Dr Tereza Hendl speaks about Gender Selection, and answers such questions as What is the reducing diversity argument? and Do you think that gender stereotyping is harmful to children?
Dr Tereza Hendl - Gender Selection Part 1
Dr Tereza Hendl speaks about gender selection and the main reasons why people want to choose the sex of their child
Cathy Weiss - Domestic Work
Cathy Weiss speaks about domestic work, radical feminism and the patriarchal family.
Why victims don't have a moral obligation to forgive
Jenny Munt speaks about why victims do not have a moral obligation to forgive.
Dr Anke Snoek, Addiction
Dr Anke Snoek answers questions such as, Are there different types of addictions? Would alcohol and tobacco be the most common type of addictive substances? Do you think that it's possible for anyone to completely recover from a serious form of addiction?
Helen Ngo - Racism
Helen Ngo speaks about what racism is and how racism is expressed through bodily habits.
Dr Melanie Rosen - Dreams
Dr Melanie Rosen speaks about the philosophy of dreaming and whether are our dreams imagination or hallucination.
Prof Jeanette Kennett Empathy
Prof Jeanette Kennett speaks about the term, one death is a tragedy. 1 million is a statistic, and the connection between empathy and morality.
Prof Vanessa Lemm The Government of Life
Prof Vanessa Lemm speaks about The Government of Life and who were the Cynics and what there philosophy was.
Dr Catherine Legg - American Pragmatism
Dr Catherine Legg speaks about American Pragmatism and the other different fields of Philosophy. Also women participation within these fields.
Dr Melanie Rosen - Dreams
Dr Melanie Rosen speaks about the philosophy of dreaming and whether dreams are imagination or hallucination.of dreaming and whether are our dreams imagination or hallucination - See more at: Melanie Rosen speaks about the philosophy of dreaming and whether are our dreams imagination or hallucination. - See more at: Melanie Rosen speaks about...
Dr Helen Ngo - Racism
Dr Helen Ngo speaks about racism and about how is racism expressed through bodily habits.
The right to have rights, Dr Emma Larking
Dr Emma Larking answers questions such as What does Arendt referred to when she is speaking about the myth of human rights? Could you describe what a condition of absolute rightlessness is? Would you agree with statement that Jewish people were already stripped of all their rights, by their treatment by the Nazis, before their right to live was taken from them?
Joan Nestle - Lesbian Culture
Lesbian Culture - Joan Nestle speaks about the working class butch and femme bar culture of New York City in the late 1950's. She also touches upon the topic of being a controversial fiction writer in the 1980's. Currently, she has finished co-editing a special issue of multicultural lesbian journal "Sinister Wisdom" with Yasmin Tambiah.
Professor Susan Dodds, The ethical use of technology
Prof Susan Dodds answers questions such as, where do the embryos come from, are they created just for research purposes or are they excess embryos that are unwanted by there parents? Do you think that in a general sense public engagement is based more on emotion than reason? and has the legislation been able to keep pace with the advances in technology regarding research?
Prof Janna Thompson, speaks about what do we owe the dead
Prof Janna Thompson answers questions, Can we really harm the dead or are we really just harming ourselves by not being respectful towards them? What part does culture play in, what do we owe the dead? What is an intergenerational obligation?
Sexual Difference with Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Rebecca Hill speaks about Sexual Difference and some background information on Irigaray and her work. And also the current blog about the ponytail pulling incidents by NZ Prime Minister John Key.
Sexual Difference with Dr Rebecca Hill
Dr Rebbecca Hill speaks about the definition of sexual difference and what is was that inspired her to study sexual difference, as well as Luce Irigaray's theory of sexual difference. Part 1 of a 2 part interview.
Aesthetic judgement with Assoc Prof Jennifer McMahon
Assoc Prof Jennifer McMahon answer questions such as What is your definition of aesthetic judgement?What was it that inspired you to study the nature of aesthetic judgement?What do you consider to be aesthetic judgements significance?
Animal ethics empathy and emotion with Dr Norva Lo
Dr Norva Lo speaks about how emotions might breakdown boundaries between human and non-human animals. Also why farm animals are virtually invisible to the majority of the population, whereas dogs and cats enjoy such a privileged status.
Women on Liberty with Dr Jacqui Broad.
Dr Jacqui Broad speaks about the terms negative liberty, positive liberty and Republican liberty. The difference between physical freedom and freedon of thoughts and actions, as well as some of the views of some early modern women about freedom.
Dr Caroline Fley - Human Rights
Human Rights - Dr Caroline Fley speaks about human rights in conection with asylum seekers and refugees in Australia.
Professor Andrea Witcome - Cultural Heritage
Cultural Heritage - Professor Andrea Witcome speaks about cultural heritage. The model of Treblinka and how it is completely different in its aesthetic and lineage to other museum models.
Dr Penny Rush - Logic and Reason.
Logic and Reason - Dr Penny Rush from the University of Tasmaina, speaks about the philosophy of Logic and Reason.
Dr Kim Toffoletti speaks about Female Football Fans
Dr Kim Toffoletti speaks about female football fans and the affect of cultural differences. As well as theories of transnational feminism and why woman sports fans rarely appear in flims as leading roles.