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Podcast Profile: Mind to Mind

podcast imageTwitter: @keithfrankish
2 episodes
Average episode: 132 minutes
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Categories: Interview-Style • Panel-Style

Podcaster's summary: Philosopher Keith Frankish interviews leading philosophers of mind and cognitive scientists

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List Updated: 2024-May-05 06:08 UTC. Episodes: 2. Feedback: @TrueSciPhi.

2022-Apr-16 • 153 minutes
Pete Mandik
Pete Mandik is professor of philosophy at William Paterson University of New Jersey. He works on topics at the intersection between philosophy of mind and the cognitive sciences and is particularly interested in naturalistic accounts of consciousness and intentionality. | We began by talking about Pete’s background and influences, then dived deep into his views about consciousness, representation, and consciousness. Join us to learn why ‘what it is like’ talk is empty, why colour sensations are a myth, and ...
2022-Jan-15 • 112 minutes
Nicholas Humphrey
An interview with neuropsychologist Nicholas Humphrey, focusing on the theory of consciousness presented in his books Seeing Red (2006), Soul Dust (2011), and Sentience (2022). We talked about blindsight, the difference between sensation and perception, the function of consciousness, whether phenomenal consciousness is an illusion, artificial consciousness, suicide, spirituality, and evolutionary psychology. | Timings: | 00:25 Introduction to Nicholas Humphrey | 02:56 Taking consciousness seriously | 05:18 ...