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Podcast Profile: Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast

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10 episodes
2024 to 2025
Median: 12 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

When you head outdoors tonight, take Sky & Telescope's Sky Tour astronomy podcast with you for a guided tour to the night sky. Learn what constellations are visible, find out where and when you'll see the planets, and catch each month's celestial highlights, from meteor showers to eclipses.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Guided night sky tours • Celestial highlights • Planets and constellations • Moon phases • Meteor showers • Observing tips

This podcast, the Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast, provides listeners with a comprehensive exploration of the night sky, guiding them through the stars, planets, and celestial events visible from their location. Each episode is centered on the unique astronomical highlights and phenomena occurring during the specific month, offering listeners a seasonal perspective on stargazing.

Listeners are introduced to both well-known and lesser-known constellations, enabling them to deepen their understanding of the celestial sphere. The podcast offers tips on identifying constellations and observing the movements of planets, often referred to as "wandering stars." Across several episodes, there is a consistent focus on tracking the visible planets, typically offering insights on how to see up to five of them.

The phases and positioning of the Moon are recurring topics, as listeners are encouraged to observe its waxing and waning phases alongside notable lunar events. The podcast also directs attention to seasonal meteor showers, potentially guiding listeners to some of the most spectacular meteor events visible to the naked eye.

With the podcast’s guidance, listeners can participate in astronomy phenomena such as watching for new stars or comets, and even observing rare occurrences like a star being eclipsed by the Moon. Designed to be informative, this podcast caters to astronomy enthusiasts and casual stargazers alike, offering engaging and educational content that enriches the listener’s understanding and appreciation of the night sky. Each episode is crafted to provide a clear, accessible audio tour, making it suitable for a broad audience interested in exploring the celestial wonders visible from Earth.

February Podcast: Planets Amid Winter’s Stars
14 minutes
January Podcast: Mars Meets the Moon
13 minutes
December Podcast: Jupiter Leads the Way
11 minutes
November Podcast: Cassiopeia & Company
11 minutes
October Podcast: The Moon’s Waxing and Waning
13 minutes
September Podcast: Exploring Vega’s Neighborhood

August Podcast: Nova Watch in the Northern Crown

July Podcast: Spotlight on Spica

June Podcast: Spotting the Serpent Charmer

May Podcast: Big Dipper Shows the Way
11 minutes