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Podcast Profile: A Romp Through Philosophy for Complete Beginners

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9 episodes
Median: 82 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

In this series of podcasts Marianne Talbot uses some famous arguments in the history of philosophy to examine philosophy as a discipline. By harnessing participants’ intuitions on both sides of the various arguments she encourages her audience actually to do philosophy. In listening to these podcasts you can yourself learn how to do philosophy, not by listening to someone else do it, but by starting to do it for yourself.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Logic and argument • Moral and political philosophy • Epistemology and metaphysics • Philosophy of science • Famous philosophical arguments and intuitions • Engaging in philosophical thought and questions

This podcast series, "A Romp Through Philosophy for Complete Beginners," offers an exploration of fundamental philosophical concepts through a structured approach. Hosted by Marianne Talbot, the series is designed to engage both novices and those with a budding interest in philosophy by unpacking famous arguments and providing insights into conducting philosophical inquiries.

The podcast covers a range of philosophical disciplines, including logic, moral and political philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, and the philosophy of science. Through these episodes, listeners are introduced to the methodology of philosophy, starting with how to identify and evaluate arguments. This involves discussing well-known philosophical ideas, such as Descartes’ foundational argument "I think, therefore I am."

Further episodes delve into moral and political philosophy, notably examining the balance between freedom and equality and engaging with significant moral theories like deontology and utilitarianism. These discussions use thought experiments to illuminate complex philosophical questions and stimulate critical thinking.

The podcast extends its inquiry to epistemology and metaphysics, addressing "Gettier Problems" that challenge traditional knowledge frameworks and pondering the nature of possible worlds and unactualised possibilities. The approach taken illustrates philosophical debate and exploration of profound ontological questions.

In its examination of the philosophy of science, the series considers the concept of 'objective fact,' foundational to scientific theory-building. This allows listeners to reflect on the nature of scientific inquiry and its philosophical underpinnings.

Across the episodes, Marianne Talbot encourages active engagement, challenging listeners to move beyond passive listening and begin their own philosophical examination of the world around them. The series also includes an interactive component where audience questions are addressed, fostering a participatory environment conducive to philosophical discourse.

Logic and Argument: the Methodology of Philosophy
83 minutes
Logic and Argument: the Methodology of Philosophy (Slides)

Moral and Political Philosophy
90 minutes
Moral and Political Philosophy (Slides)

Epistemology and Metaphysics
77 minutes
Epistemology and Metaphysics (Slides)

The Philosophy of Science
75 minutes
The Philosophy of Science (Slides)

Questions and Answers Session
82 minutes