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Podcast Profile: The Secrets of Mathematics

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24 episodes
2014 to 2017
Median: 55 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

A series of talks and lectures from Oxford Mathematicians exploring the power and beauty of their subject. These talks would appeal to anyone interested in mathematics and its ever-growing range of applications from medicine to economics and beyond.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Mathematics in science and art • Lectures and discussions • Historical and modern applications • Notable mathematicians and theories • Interdisciplinary insights • Public understanding of mathematics • Mathematical concepts and puzzles

This podcast, titled "The Secrets of Mathematics," is a rich collection of talks and lectures by esteemed scholars and mathematicians predominantly from Oxford University. It explores mathematics not just as an abstract discipline but as a field with profound interdisciplinary applications and philosophical implications. Across the episodes, listeners can expect to encounter discussions on the role of mathematics in understanding complex phenomena, ranging from the patterns observed in genetics to predictions about the universe's future. There is a notable emphasis on the societal and technological impact of mathematics, with explorations into topics like big data, climate modeling, and brain tumor analysis.

The podcast delves into the historical and biographical facets of mathematics by sharing insights into the lives and contributions of significant mathematicians such as Sir Roger Penrose and Sir Michael Atiyah. This blend of personal reflections and technical discussions provides a human element to the mathematical concepts covered. Additionally, the episodes tackle more philosophical inquiries, such as the limits of scientific knowledge and the intersection of mathematics with art, music, and even marital dynamics. Overall, "The Secrets of Mathematics" presents a tapestry of lectures that reveals the elegance and utility of mathematics in diverse contexts, making it accessible and intriguing to anyone interested in the discipline and its broader implications in our world.

Autism and Minds Wired for Science
62 minutes
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe - Roger Penrose
61 minutes
Can Yule Solve My Problems? - Alex Bellos
48 minutes
As he retires from the the Savilian Chair of Geometry, Oxford Mathematician Nigel Hitchin reflects
67 minutes
Roger Heath-Brown a Life in Mathematics
37 minutes
Modelling genes: the backwards and forwards of mathematical population genetics - Alison Etheridge
53 minutes
The Prime Number Theorem
38 minutes
What We Cannot Know - Marcus du Sautoy
55 minutes
The Travelling Santa Problem and Other Seasonal Challenges - Marcus du Sautoy
57 minutes
Symmetry, Spaces and Undecidability - Martin Bridson
61 minutes
Putting the Higgs Boson in its Place
51 minutes
M. C. Escher - Artist, Mathematician, Man
71 minutes
The Gomboc, the Turtle and the Evolution of Shape - Gabor Domokos
51 minutes
Birth of an Idea: A Mathematical Adventure - Cedric Villani
57 minutes
What Maths Really Does: From modelling the brain to modelling the climate - Alain Goriely
58 minutes
Forbidden Crystal Symmetry: Mathematics and architecture - Roger Penrose
54 minutes
The History of Mathematics in 300 Stamps - Robin Wilson
56 minutes
Big Data's Big Deal - Viktor Mayer-Schonberger
44 minutes
Extra Time: Professor Sir Roger Penrose in conversation with Andrew Hodges - part two
41 minutes
Extra Time: Professor Sir Roger Penrose in conversation with Andrew Hodges - part one
50 minutes
Sir Michael Atiyah, a Life in Mathematics
31 minutes
Why there are no three-headed monsters, resolving some problems with brain tumours, divorce prediction and how to save marriages - James D Murray
78 minutes
Bryce McLeod, a Life in Mathematics In conversation with John Ball
59 minutes
Maths in Music: The Secret Mathematicians - Marcus du Sautoy
51 minutes