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Podcast Profile: Philosophy of Religion

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17 episodes
Median: 41 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

This series of eight lectures delivered by Dr T. J. Mawson at the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 2011, introduces the main philosophical arguments pertaining to the Western monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Each lecture has an associated hand-out (two for the first lecture).

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Western monotheistic religions • Judaism • Christianity • Islam • Essential properties of God • Accidental properties of God • Ontological and Cosmological Arguments • Design Argument • Religious experience • Miracles • Problem of Evil • Pascal's Wager

This podcast series, "Philosophy of Religion," delivered by Dr. T. J. Mawson at the University of Oxford, introduces listeners to key philosophical arguments and concepts within Western monotheistic religions, specifically Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Across eight lectures, the series systematically explores various facets of philosophical discourse related to the divine.

The initial lectures delve into the essential properties of God, laying the foundational understanding of how God is conceptualized in these religious traditions. Following this exploration, the series addresses both the essential and accidental properties of God, providing a nuanced examination of what constitutes the divine nature.

Subsequent lectures methodically present arguments for the existence of God. These include classic philosophical arguments such as the Ontological and Cosmological arguments, which seek to establish God’s existence based on logic and the nature of being. Additionally, the series discusses the Design Argument, which infers the presence of a designer from the complexity and order of the universe. The consideration of religious experience and miracles further adds to the discourse on how personal experiences and extraordinary events are viewed as evidence for God's existence.

In contrast to the arguments for God's existence, the series also includes arguments against it, focusing particularly on the Problem of Evil. This segment addresses the philosophical challenges that arise from reconciling the existence of a benevolent and omnipotent God with the presence of evil and suffering in the world.

The final lecture discusses faith and Pascal's Wager, examining the rationality of religious belief and the pragmatic arguments for believing in God even in the absence of definitive proof.

Overall, this podcast provides a thorough introduction to the philosophy of religion, addressing key arguments for and against the existence of God while engaging with deep philosophical questions about faith and divine properties.

Overview of the Philosophy of Religion Lecture Series (Handout) (Other Resource)

1. The Essential Properties of God
41 minutes
1. The Essential Properties of God (Other Resource)

2. The Essential Properties of God (continued)
45 minutes
2. The Essential Properties of God (continued) (Other Resource)

3. The Accidental Properties of God
43 minutes
3. The Accidental Properties of God (Other Resource)

4. Arguments for the Existence of God - The Ontological and Cosmological Arguments
41 minutes
4. Arguments for the Existence of God - The Ontological and Cosmological Arguments (Other Resource)

5. Arguments for the Existence of God -The Design Argument
40 minutes
5. Arguments for the Existence of God -The Design Argument (Other Resource)

6. Arguments for the Existence of God - Religious Experience and Miracles
42 minutes
6. Arguments for the Existence of God - Religious Experience and Miracles (Other Resource)

7. Arguments against the Existence of God - The Problem of Evil
40 minutes
7. Arguments against the Existence of God - The Problem of Evil (Other Resource)

8. Faith and Pascal's Wager
39 minutes
8. Faith and Pascal's Wager (Other Resource)