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Podcast Profile: FQxI Podcast

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108 episodes
2012 to 2024
Median: 40 minutes
Collections: Physics, Math, and AstronomyScience

Description (podcaster-provided):

Physics podcast from the Foundational Questions Institute (FQxI)

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Quantum physics • Theoretical discussions • Yearly physics reviews • Multiverse and consciousness debates • Constructor theory • Quantum experiments • Time perception • Physics of reality and universe exploration

The "FQxI Podcast" offers an insightful exploration into diverse and fundamental topics within the realm of physics, guided by the Foundational Questions Institute's focus on foundational questions. The podcast features a variety of thought-provoking discussions with physicists, cosmologists, and other expert guests who delve deep into theoretical and practical aspects of contemporary physics.

Recurring themes in the podcast include the exploration of major physics breakthroughs and theoretical advances. A significant portion of the content delves into fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, including discussions about the multiverse, the existence of objective reality, and whether time itself is an illusion. These questions are often explored through the lens of recent experimental and theoretical developments, such as advancements in quantum mechanics and the implications of quantum computing.

Another prominent theme is the "Year in Physics Review," which recounts significant discoveries and advancements in physics each year, as chosen by expert guests, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the field's evolving landscape. The podcast also regularly examines the relationship between physics and other disciplines, such as biology and consciousness, exploring concepts like thermodynamics in the nanorealm and testing theoretical frameworks like Constructor Theory.

In addition, discussions often extend to the philosophical implications of scientific discoveries, questioning the future directions of science and the broader impact on society. Topics such as the quest for a theory of everything, the fine-tuning of the universe for life, and the evolving quest for understanding the role of agency and causality in scientific theories are prevalent.

Overall, this podcast serves as a platform for engaging with cutting-edge physics and theoretical inquiry, providing listeners with content that is both ambitious in scope and rich in intellectual exploration.

Episode Image The Year in Physics Review 2024
75 minutes
Episode Image The Universal Constructor: A Conversation with David Deutsch
30 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review 2023 Part 3
43 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review 2023 Part 2
27 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review 2023: Part 1
25 minutes
Episode Image Is there a Theory of Everything? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 6
61 minutes
Episode Image What is Life? What is Consciousness? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 5
51 minutes
Episode Image Does Objective Reality Exist? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 4
57 minutes
Episode Image Is There a Multiverse? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 3
45 minutes
Episode Image Is Our Universe Fine-Tuned For Life? Great Mysteries of Physics Part 2
46 minutes
Episode Image Is Science Becoming Less Disruptive?
49 minutes
Episode Image Is Time an Illusion? Great Mysteries in Physics Part 1
47 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review Part 3: Concluding our countdown of the biggest stories in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
48 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review Part 2: Continuing our countdown of the biggest stories in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
31 minutes
Episode Image The Year in Physics Review Part 1: Beginning our countdown of the biggest stories in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham. We start with a discussion about whether a wormhole really was created in a quantum computer, in the lab?
44 minutes
Episode Image Testing Time: Quantum physicists Fabrizio Piacentini and Laura Knoll discuss their recent experiment testing the predictions of Constructor Theory, a new meta-framework of physics that may encompass all other theories. The new framework could solve the...
34 minutes
Episode Image Happy Higgs-versary! Particle physicist Kevin Black tells Zeeya Merali about the LHC's new quest. Also, time-travel at the LHC, an update on the W Boson tests with Frank Wilczek; Catalina Curceanu on testing the origin of consciousness; & Queensland...
52 minutes
Episode Image The End of Everything: Astrophysicist Katie Mack on her book describing ways to destroy the universe, & on hints of new physics at the LHC; a quantum engine that heats & cools simultaneously; how the thermodynamic gradient may have driven the evolution of...
52 minutes
Episode Image 'Quantum dots' can teach us about thermodynamics in the nanorealm.
10 minutes
Episode Image Time's Arrow: A conversation with Paul Davies about time's irreversible flow, black holes, memories of Stephen Hawking and the information paradox, Maxwell's demon and living systems -- and how to improve universities. With Logan Chipkin.
60 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Steampunk: Physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern talks about her new book on quantum thermodynamics, temperatures below absolute zero, and the physics of yesterday's tomorrow.
46 minutes
Episode Image Constructor Theory and Irreversibility: A conversation with Chiara Marletto and Vlatko Vedral on a novel unification between information theory and thermodynamics and their recent experiment that tested, and corroborated, the constructor theoretic notion...
52 minutes
Episode Image Eerie quantum Aharanov-Bohm effect demonstrated for gravity; mysteries about the nature of time; how choices can curve spacetime; and the Science of Can and Can't.
60 minutes
Episode Image Information as Fuel. Quantum physicist Natalia Ares describes her quest to test thermodynamics in the quantum realm with carbon nanotubes. Philosopher Owen Maroney and theoretical physicist Janet Anders explain what such experiments can teach us about the...
27 minutes
Episode Image 2021: The Year in Physics Review Part 3. FQXi's annual countdown of the physics highlights concludes, with quantum physicist Ian Durham.
43 minutes
Episode Image 2021: Year in Physics Review Part 2. Our rundown of the physics highlights of the year continues, with quantum physicist Ian Durham.
26 minutes
Episode Image 2021: Year in Physics Review Part 1. Beginning our countdown of the biggest and best stories in physics, with quantum physicist Ian Durham.
18 minutes
Episode Image Schrödinger's Tardigrade: Has a multicellular organism really been entangled with a superconducting qubit? Physicist Vlatko Vedral defends his team's controversial claims; Mitch Waldrop discusses the long-running Hubble tension saga and the launch of the...
59 minutes
Episode Image Breakthrough Prize winner Jun Ye talks optical lattice clocks; the thermodynamic cost of timekeeping with Marcus Huber; & microbead minimotors help John Bechhoefer investigate information processing in nanomachines and biological systems.
50 minutes
Episode Image The Disordered Cosmos: Physicist Chanda Prescod-Weinstein discusses the hunt for axions, her new book on dark matter, racism and misogyny in science, and the controversy surrounding the Thirty Meter Telescope.
45 minutes
Episode Image 2020: Year in Physics Review Part 2: Concluding our countdown of the biggest stories of the year in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
42 minutes
Episode Image 2020: Year in Physics Review Part 1: Beginning our countdown of the biggest stories in foundational physics and beyond, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
23 minutes
Episode Image #ShutDownSTEM and the #Strike4BlackLives; Retrocausality Reviewed; Measuring Consciousness in Fruit Flies; Superior -- The Return of Race Science; & the Mystery of the Monster Galaxy.
60 minutes
Episode Image 2019: Year in Physics Review Part 2: Concluding our countdown of the biggest stories of the year in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
50 minutes
Episode Image 2019: Year in Physics Review Part 1 Beginning our countdown of the biggest stories of the year in physics, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
31 minutes
Episode Image An amped up version of the Schrodinger Cat Paradox spells trouble for all quantum interpretations -- according to its architect Renato Renner. He tells Zeeya and Brendan how the controversial thought experiment works, and why he thinks it is bad news for...
57 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Supremacy Milestone? Rumours abound that Google's quantum processor Sycamore has performed a task that would flummox the best classical computer — a first in quantum computing. Physicist Ian Durham assesses the claims, gives us a quantum...
36 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Mind Reading. Could we create a quantum experiment to predict what a person will do, without having to simulate their consciousness? Physicist Adam Brown argues a classic quantum "bomb tester" proposed in the 1990s could be modified to do just...
28 minutes
Episode Image Downward Causation. Cosmologist George Ellis investigates agency and argues that causation is a two-way process between the mind and lower level biological and physical functions. From the 6th FQXi meeting in Tuscany, in July.
21 minutes
Episode Image Designing the Mind. Cognitive scientist Susan Schneider talks transhumanism and asks at what point does human enhancement go too far? Are we in danger of accidentally destroying ourselves through technological augmentation and creating new beings in our...
25 minutes
Episode Image Measuring Free Will. To what degree are our choices really free, rather than determined? And how much control do we have over them? Quantum physicist Ian Durham presents a new mathematical model for free will. From the 6th FQXi Meeting, in Tuscany.
22 minutes
Episode Image How do we make decisions? Physicist Carlo Rovelli discusses the science behind choice -- arguing that agency is intimately tied to time's arrow. From the 6th FQXi meeting in Tuscany.
36 minutes
Episode Image Building an AI Physicist. Cosmologist Max Tegmark describes the challenges with creating trustworthy artificial intelligence, and his own project writing a code that used neural networks to re-discover 100 equations from the Feynman lectures.
15 minutes
Episode Image The Limits of Computation. Astrophysicist Fred Adams argues the world will run out of resources for computation in 32 years without a paradigm shift. And he discusses how alien civilizations could mine stars to create solar-system-sized "black cloud...
21 minutes
Episode Image Causality, Memory and the Arrow of Time. Cosmologist Sean Carroll is searching for a mathematical description of why causes precede effects and asking what makes our memories of the past special. Audio of a talk from the FQXi meeting in Tuscany.
24 minutes
Episode Image 2018 Year in Physics Review Part 2: We conclude our countdown of the top physics stories of the year, as chosen by Ian Durham.
30 minutes
Episode Image 2018 Year in Physics Review Part 1: We begin our countdown of the top physics stories of the year, as chosen by Ian Durham.
21 minutes
Episode Image Superhuman: In this special edition, evolutionary biologist Rowan Hooper discusses his new book, which examines the extremes of mental and physical ability. He discusses encounters with some of the world's cleverest people, investigates the role of...
37 minutes
Episode Image High-energy neutrino traced back to a distant galaxy, with Azadeh Keivani; possible discovery of sterile neutrinos, with Richard Van de Water; black holes replaced by fuzzballs, with Samir Mathur; finding an almost-quantum theory, with Miguel Navascues;...
38 minutes
Episode Image Losing the Nobel Prize: In this special edition, physicist Brian Keating discusses his new book, which recounts the ill-fated BICEP2 announcement--and retraction--of the claimed discovery of primordial gravitational waves in 2014.
37 minutes
Episode Image Remembering Stephen Hawking; light from the first stars in the universe, with Rennan Barkana; our place in the multiverse, with Eugene Lim; & setting up a science hostel in Maui, with Garrett Lisi.
40 minutes
Episode Image 2017 Physics Countdown Part 3: What was the biggest physics breakthrough of the year? FQXi's review, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham, concludes.
29 minutes
Episode Image 2017 Physics Countdown Part 2: FQXi's review of the biggest breakthroughs of the year, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham, continues.
22 minutes
Episode Image 2017 Physics Countdown Part 1: FQXi's review of the biggest breakthroughs of the year, as chosen by quantum physicist Ian Durham.
18 minutes
Episode Image Real numbers are not (ontologically) real, says Nicolas Gisin; living in a Sudoku Universe, with Emily Adlam; FQXi launches a new essay contest and large grant round, with Anthony Aguirre and Jan Wallaczek; & fine-tuning quantum theory, with Matt Leifer.
55 minutes
Episode Image Gravitational waves from a neutron star collision; creating Majorana particles in the lab with Kang L. Wang; quantum Darwinism with Gerardo Adesso; & making a quantum replicant with Jayne Thompson.
40 minutes
Episode Image China takes the first steps to building a quantum Internet; testing quantum gravity in the lab; making a baby universe in a particle accelerator; and singing about physics.
46 minutes
Episode Image Concluding our list of the top physics breakthroughs of 2016, as chosen by Ian Durham.
38 minutes
Episode Image Counting down the biggest physics breakthroughs of 2016, with Ian Durham.
26 minutes
Episode Image Retrocausal reality with Ken Wharton; tips for FQXi's new essay contest; the Breakthrough prizes in physics; the science of terrorism, with Peter Byrne; & Carlo Rovelli gives a brief lesson on writing a physics bestseller.
43 minutes
Episode Image Science & Creativity: Conversation with bestselling science fiction author Neal Stephenson, artist Jayne Tollaksen, and musical physicists Ian Durham, Stephon Alexander & Brendan Foster. With Zeeya Merali.
41 minutes
Episode Image Max Tegmark on measuring consciousness in the lab -- and finding a hidden dimension in natural language. From the 5th FQXi Meeting.
22 minutes
Episode Image Sean Carroll asks What Happens Inside the Wavefunction? From the 5th FQXi International Meeting.
22 minutes
Episode Image Quantum physicist Matt Leifer reveals the dirty secrets of quantum foundations: the Copenhagen Interpretation does not exist and Copenhagen-like interpretations are as crazy as invoking parallel universes. From the 5th International FQXi meeting.
25 minutes
Episode Image Physicist Paul Davies reveals the "dirty secrets of life." From the 5th FQXi conference.
22 minutes
Episode Image Happy 10th Birthday to us! FQXi's director Anthony Aguirre celebrates a decade of the Foundational Questions Institute, and chats about the Kepler's planet haul and Breakthrough Starshot; Catalina Curceanu on testing a quantum rival under a mountain; &...
39 minutes
Episode Image A MICROSCOPE on Galileo; how gravitational waves open a new window on the universe; searching for defects in spacetime; & a quantum-horror short story.
42 minutes
Episode Image FQXi's countdown of the top physics breakthroughs of 2015 concludes, with Ian Durham.
31 minutes
Episode Image Our countdown of the biggest physics breakthroughs of 2015 continues, with Ian Durham.
20 minutes
Episode Image Our review of the year in physics, with quantum physicist Ian Durham, begins.
27 minutes
Episode Image Physics of Information special featuring black hole firewalls, ruling out reality & the search to define what information actually is. Plus highlights of other FQXi-funded research projects.
50 minutes
Episode Image FQXi launches a new large grant round & Neutrino physicists win the Nobel and Breakthrough Prizes; a cosmic test for time; safeguarding the future of humanity; & Brains from Thunderbirds explains quantum physics.
41 minutes
Episode Image Hawking claims to solve black hole paradox & quantum spookiness passes toughest loophole-free test yet; relativity could cause quantum collapse; 5 steps for saving the world; quantum thermodynamics; & the physics filmmaker.
53 minutes
Episode Image Pluto, pentaquarks & Earth 2.0; Frank Drake talks about the new 100 million dollar hunt for alien life; conjuring a neutron star from a nanowire; & "Edge of the Sky" talks physics without the jargon.
52 minutes
Episode Image How do we communicate foundational physics to the public? Panel discussion with physicists and communicators Sabine Hossenfelder, Matt Leifer, Dagomir Kaszlikowski & Brendan Foster, from the New Directions meeting in Washington, DC.
36 minutes
Episode Image Physics poetry; curving spacetime in the lab; & searching for undecidable problems.
36 minutes
Episode Image Bohmian Rhapsody: Physicists Shelly Goldstein and Jean Bricmont discuss features of the deterministic alternative to standard quantum mechanics proposed by David Bohm. From the Quantum Foundations meeting in Erice, Italy, supported by COST.
23 minutes
Episode Image Physicists Angelo Bassi and GianCarlo Ghirardi discuss collapse models. From the COST quantum foundations meeting in Erice, Italy.
22 minutes
Episode Image A quantum reality check; observing black hole firewalls; & a quantum theory of network explains time's arrow.
50 minutes
Episode Image 2014 in Review: physicist Ian Durham reveals the top two physics stories of the year; & we give you tips for entering FQXi's new essay contest: "Trick or Truth? The Mysterious Connection Between Physics and Mathematics".
28 minutes
Episode Image 2014 in review: Ian Durham's countdown of the top 5 physics stories of the year continues; & we launch FQXi's RFP "The Physics of What Happens."
17 minutes
Episode Image 2014 in review: Ian Durham picks his top 5 physics stories of the year; & we congratulate the winners of the first FQXi video contest.
34 minutes
Episode Image How parallel worlds interact with ours; redefining "life" in terms of predicting the future; questioning the founding assumptions of quantum theory; & the Philae lander sends back songs from a comet.
46 minutes
Episode Image Primordial gravitational waves turn to dust and why this is good news for inflation theory; Julian Barbour's model in which the big bang created twin mirror universes, solves the arrow of time problem; & Paul Davies on his physics-based...
53 minutes
Episode Image Watching Schrodinger's cat die; black holes bounce into white holes; sharpening Occam's razor; catching quantum pigeons; & generating quantum Cheshire cats.
48 minutes
Episode Image Time travel is simulated in the lab; Alan Guth on the doubts clouding the BICEP2 result; how the Higgs should have destroyed the universe already; & could entropy explain why nature obeys quantum rules?
42 minutes
Episode Image Andrei Linde and Joao Magueijo on the BICEP2 discovery of primordial gravitational waves; using thermodynamics to explain the origin of gravity; & is quantum entanglement the fundamental glue that binds reality together?
59 minutes
Episode Image Max Tegmark proposes that consciousness may be another state of matter in his talk at the 4th FQXi International Conference.
24 minutes
Episode Image Sean Carroll questions conventional wisdom on quantum fluctuations, whether we might be disembodied "Boltzmann Brains" floating through space & eternal inflation leading to a multiverse, in his talk at the 4th FQXi conference.
24 minutes
Episode Image "What is quantum information *really* good for?" Physicists William Wootters, Caslav Brukner, Andrew Briggs, Raymond Laflamme, Sorin Paraoanu & Gerardo Adesso discuss this question at FQXi's 4th International Conference in Vieques.
43 minutes
Episode Image The final part of our Year in Physics review, with Ian Durham; & could ancient aliens have thrived in the universe 15 million years after the big bang?
32 minutes
Episode Image The FQXi Year in Physics Review with Ian Durham continues; & Tejinder Virdee talks about the Higgs discovery, the Nobel Prize, & inspiring the next generation of particle physicists in Africa.
35 minutes
Episode Image Physicist Ian Durham begins his physics review of 2013; & astronomer Sara Seager talks about exoplanets, alien hunting and her MacArthur genius grant.
38 minutes
Episode Image Was our universe birthed by a 5-D black hole?; Dark Energy Survey launches; Voyager 1 leaves the solar system; Quantum space experiments; & a Superposition of physics & art
60 minutes
Episode Image Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek talks tests of the cosmological multiverse & lab experiments for quantum parallel universes; neutrinos shift personality; a proof for Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; & plants do math.
47 minutes
Episode Image Temporal cloak hides events in time; Lee Smolin on his new book "Time Reborn"; Loop quantum gravity cuts out the core of black holes; & Laser experiment entangles two photons that do not co-exist.
41 minutes
Episode Image What the Planck results & others mean for the universe; Nobel laureate Brian Schmidt recalls discovering dark energy; New FQXi essay contest hints & tips; & Computing with DNA
60 minutes
Episode Image Diverting asteroids headed for Earth; how the Higgs could destroy the Universe; SQUID experiments create light from the quantum vacuum; & does photosynthesis in plants have quantum roots?
45 minutes
Episode Image Is God a good cosmological theory? Would God *choose* to create a multiverse?; How quantum effects help birds navigate; & How the laws of physics we perceive may depend on our choice of clock.
47 minutes
Episode Image Reviewing the top physics stories of 2012 with Ian Durham; searching for time's arrow in the string multiverse; & looking for the fundamental building blocks of space and time.
60 minutes
Episode Image Experiments testing the limits of wave-particle duality; connecting time's flow to the illusion of the enduring self; & Jim Al-Khalili on his new book "Paradox".
44 minutes
Episode Image Photon experiments raise uncertainty about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; the lowdown on FQXi's new $3 million Physics of Information grant round; casting the universe as a hologram to discover when time began; & art meets physics at the Jiggling...
42 minutes
Episode Image Questioning the parallel beliefs of quantum many-worlds supremo Everett; history of the Higgs with it's co-inventor Gerry Guralnik; quantum computing rewritten; & faster than light cosmology with Joao Magueijo.
51 minutes
Episode Image Taking particle physics to Ghana in our Higgs update; Julian Barbour explains why time does not exist, shapes are fundamental and the connection between consciousness and quantum gravity; and the psychology of mental time travel.
41 minutes
Episode Image Gruber Prize for Cosmology goes to WMAP ; searching the sky for "cosmic textures"; predicting the end of civilization; and the quantum fuel for time travel.
35 minutes
Episode Image Did the universe--the multiverse, the cyclic universe, & the "cosmic egg"--have a beginning?; tips for winning the FQXi essay contest; the quantum art of gravity & linguistics; sniffing out a quantum theory of smell; and we put *your* questions about...
43 minutes
Episode Image Splitting the electron into two quasiparticles, the orbiton and spinon; how the brain perceives time—and how to fool it; and a table-top test of quantum gravity.
30 minutes
Episode Image A radical rethink of quantum mechanics suggests time can flow backwards; Frank Wilczek discusses not-so-speedy neutrinos; and string theory, religion and music collide in two physics operas.
33 minutes