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Podcast Profile: The Public Philosopher

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17 episodes
2012 to 2024
Median: 41 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel examines the thinking behind a current controversy.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical discussions • Moral dilemmas • AI ethics • Global politics • Free speech • Climate change • Immigration • Economic inequality • Democracy • Health incentives • Education access

This podcast, "The Public Philosopher," features Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel as he delves into the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary controversies. Guided by Sandel, audiences engage in Socratic dialogue on pressing ethical and philosophical issues, with each episode focusing on a distinct topic. The themes explored often revolve around the implications of technology and artificial intelligence, as well as moral and civic identity in the modern world.

Listeners will encounter thought-provoking discussions about the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence, such as its impact on employment and decision-making, and whether AI could render human thought obsolete. The podcast also tackles globalization, inequality, and national identity, questioning the effects of political phenomena like Brexit and the future of democracy. Additionally, the series probes the moral complexity of climate change, free speech, and immigration, prompting audiences to critically assess the ethical obligations between wealthy and developing nations, and the philosophical justification for national borders.

Through interactive formats held in various global venues, Sandel challenges listeners to consider deep moral questions related to voting rights, government influence on personal morality, and fairness in issues like welfare, healthcare, and income disparity. Episodes about incentivizing health behaviors and addressing historical national guilt further diversify the scope, making this podcast a rich exploration of ethical reasoning across diverse contexts. Michael Sandel, known for his engaging style, encourages critical thinking about these fundamental issues affecting societies today, with the audience playing an integral role in the philosophical quest.

The Ethics of AI
42 minutes
Will AI make thinking obsolete?
41 minutes
Public Philosopher - Citizens of Nowhere?
41 minutes
Global Philosopher: Should there be any limits to free speech?
41 minutes
Would life be better if robots did all the work?
41 minutes
The Global Philosopher: Should the Rich World Pay for Climate Change?
41 minutes
The Global Philosopher: Should Borders Matter?
41 minutes
Why Democracy?
52 minutes
National Guilt
41 minutes
Why Vote?
41 minutes
Morality and the State
41 minutes
Is rape worse than other violent crime?
38 minutes
42 minutes
41 minutes
Should we bribe people to be healthy?
41 minutes
Should a banker be paid more than a nurse?
41 minutes
Should universities give preference to applicants from poor backgrounds?
41 minutes