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Podcast Profile: Philosophy

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
3 episodes
2010 to 2012
Median: 49 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Recorded lectures from the Faculty of Philosophy

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Recorded lectures • Philosophy faculty • Human thought and consciousness • Medieval Philosophy • Bertrand Russell’s metaphysics • Causation debate • Empirical and philosophical arguments

This podcast, titled "Philosophy," offers a series of intellectually stimulating recorded lectures from the Faculty of Philosophy. The show delves into a wide array of philosophical topics, fostering deep reflection and critical thinking.

One prominent theme is the examination of human thought in comparison to animal cognition. The episodes explore historical and contemporary views on consciousness, addressing philosophical and empirical arguments. Descartes' perspective on animals as mere machines is discussed, juxtaposed with modern views that attribute conscious lives to animals, raising questions about the nature and limits of non-human thought.

Another key theme involves the exploration of historical periods in philosophy. For instance, the podcast sheds light on the timeline and characteristics of medieval philosophy, offering insights into how philosophical thought and theories evolved during that era.

The podcast also delves into specific philosophical figures and their influential works. One notable focus is on Bertrand Russell’s critique of the law of causality, providing an analysis of his famous essay "On the Notion of Cause." The discussion highlights the relevance and impact of Russell’s ideas on contemporary philosophical discourse, particularly his critique of traditional metaphysical concepts.

Overall, this podcast offers a rich tapestry of content ranging from comparative animal cognition to historical and influential philosophical ideas. By engaging with these lectures, listeners can expect to deepen their understanding of various philosophical questions and the development of thought over time. Through a blend of historical analysis and contemporary critique, the episodes provide a comprehensive look at both the evolution of philosophical ideas and ongoing debates in the field.

Episode Image What is Distinctive About Human Thought?
49 minutes
Episode Image Professor John Marenbon Inaugural lecture: When was Medieval Philosophy?
47 minutes
Episode Image Professor Huw Price Inaugural Lecture
56 minutes