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Podcast Profile: Multiculturalism Bites - Audio

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20 episodes
Median: 18 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Multiculturalism is one of the most vexing political issues of our day. How can people with very different values and customs live alongside each other? What is the history of multiculturalism? What are the arguments for and against its various forms? Has it failed? Does it have a future? The Open University's Nigel Warburton interviews ten leading thinkers about the meaning and implications of multiculturalism. David Edmonds introduces each episode.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ History of multiculturalism • Varieties of multiculturalism • Role of disgust • Justifying liberal intervention • Multiculturalism vs. liberalism • Welfare state conflicts • Free speech concerns • Political obligations • Historical toleration • Recognition and respect

This podcast delves deeply into the complex and multifaceted concept of multiculturalism. It seeks to unpack the political, social, and philosophical implications of people from diverse cultural backgrounds coexisting within the same society. Through interviews with leading thinkers, the podcast examines the historical roots of multiculturalism, exploring its origins in the U.S. civil rights movements of the 1950s and 60s, its evolution through Canadian policy, and its current manifestations in contemporary Europe.

Key themes include the varieties and forms of multiculturalism, the challenges posed to liberal ideologies, and the potential tensions between individual rights and collective cultural practices. The podcast addresses how ideologies surrounding multiculturalism interact with liberal values, such as free speech and political obligation, questioning whether these can coexist harmoniously or are inherently in conflict.

Several episodes explore the psychological and emotional dimensions of multiculturalism, such as the role of disgust in prejudicial attitudes and the importance of recognition and respect in achieving political equality. Ethical considerations concerning intervention in cultural practices and the concept of toleration are also examined, highlighting how historical discussions inform present-day debates.

By engaging with these themes, the podcast presents a nuanced discourse on the feasibility and desirability of multiculturalism. It poses critical questions about whether multiculturalism has succeeded or failed and what its future might look like, scrutinizing the underlying assumptions about culture and societal obligations.

Overall, the content provides a rich, intellectual exploration of how multiculturalism shapes, and is shaped by, the political landscapes and social dynamics within diverse communities, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of one of today’s most challenging political issues.

Tariq Modood on The History of Multiculturalism
20 minutes
Transcript -- Tariq Modood on The History of Multiculturalism

Chandran Kukathas on Varieties of Multiculturalism
17 minutes
Transcript -- Chandran Kukathas on Varieties of Multiculturalism

Martha Nussbaum on Disgust
14 minutes
Transcript -- Martha Nussbaum on Disgust

Clare Chambers on Justifying Intervention
19 minutes
Transcript -- Clare Chambers on Justifying Intervention

Anne Phillips on Multiculturalism and Liberalism
19 minutes
Transcript -- Anne Phillips on Multiculturalism and Liberalism

David Miller on the Welfare State and Multiculturalism
18 minutes
Transcript -- David Miller on the Welfare State and Multiculturalism

Alan Haworth on Free Speech and Multiculturalism
15 minutes
Transcript -- Alan Haworth on Free Speech and Multiculturalism

John Horton on Political Obligation and Multiculturalism
17 minutes
Transcript -- John Horton on Political Obligation and Multiculturalism

Susan Mendus on Toleration
20 minutes
Transcript -- Susan Mendus on Toleration

Nancy Fraser on Recognition and Multiculturalism
18 minutes
Transcript -- Nancy Fraser on Recognition and Multiculturalism