Description (podcaster-provided):
Have you ever considered what being conscious actually means? By choosing to live in a particular state are you consenting to be subject to all its laws? For some there’s an assumption that philosophy might not be relevant to modern life but Dr. Nigel Warburton, senior lecturer in Philosophy at The Open University argues that many of us today are faced with philosophical questions such as these as we live our lives in the twenty first century. In this collection we ask academics to discuss these questions in addition to other important philosophical issues and concepts such as the morality of abortions and the reconciling a world with evil and a good God.Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):
➤ Consciousness • Political obligation • Personal identity • Morality of abortion • Problem of evil • Faith and reason • Thought experiments • Descartes and doubt • Cartesian dualismThis podcast explores various philosophical questions and dilemmas that are relevant to contemporary life. It aims to bridge the gap between philosophical theory and everyday experience by discussing how philosophical questions apply to the real world. The show delves into fundamental concepts such as consciousness, personal identity, and the nature of reality, encouraging listeners to consider what it means to be self-aware and how we define ourselves.
Key philosophical discussions include the morality of abortions, exploring the balance of rights between the foetus and the mother, and the problem of evil, questioning how a world governed by an all-powerful, benevolent God can still contain significant suffering. These topics invite listeners to engage with ethical and theological questions that have persisted through the ages.
The podcast also examines issues of political obligation, debating whether living within a state implies consent to its laws, and considers whether citizens can choose which laws to follow based on moral reasoning. In tackling the relationship between faith and reason, the episodes question whether religious beliefs are founded on evidence or blind faith.
Drawing from philosophical traditions, the show touches on Descartes' method of doubt as a tool for knowledge acquisition and explores Cartesian dualism, which posits the mind and body as separate entities. Thought experiments play a significant role, offering hypothetical scenarios to provoke deeper philosophical inquiry and discussion. Overall, this podcast provides a comprehensive delve into philosophical inquiry, challenging listeners to think critically about their beliefs and the philosophical issues that underlie their everyday experiences.