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Podcast Profile: Bio-Ethics Bites

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10 episodes
2011 to 2012
Median: 18 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Bioethics is the study of the moral implications of new and emerging medical technologies and looks to answer questions such as selling organs, euthanasia and whether should we clone people. The series consists of a series of interviews by leading bioethics academics and is aimed at individuals looking to explore often difficult and confusing questions surrounding medical ethics. The series lays out the issue in a clear and precise way and looks to show all sides of the debate.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Moral implications of medical technologies • Neuroscience and morality • Brain chemistry • Responsibility • Organ selling • Trust in healthcare • Genetic engineering • Life and death decisions • Designer babies

This podcast, titled "Bio-Ethics Bites," delves into the multifaceted and often contentious realm of bioethics, examining the moral implications of advancements in medical technologies. Across various episodes, the series explores a wide array of ethical dilemmas that arise from contemporary medical practices and scientific discoveries. The discussions are led by leading bioethics academics, providing nuanced perspectives on complex issues.

Key topics regularly addressed include the interplay between neuroscience and morality, where scientific insights into brain chemistry are considered for their potential to influence moral decision-making. The series also confronts the ethical dimensions of selling human organs, probing whether financial incentives should be permitted in organ donation. Another recurrent subject is the issue of personal responsibility in light of psychiatric and neurological disorders, questioning how diagnoses impact moral and legal accountability.

Furthermore, the podcast examines the ethics of life and death, pondering whether individuals should have the right to end their lives or make end-of-life decisions for others in incapacitated states. Cloning and genetic engineering are also frequently discussed, with episodes questioning the implications of creating "designer babies" and the biases toward maintaining the status quo in genetic tampering.

Medical resource allocation presents another profound theme, addressing the ethical challenges of distributing finite healthcare resources amidst infinite demand. Trust in medical professionals, particularly in the context of emerging consent protocols and radical new medical techniques, is critically analyzed.

Overall, this podcast offers a thorough exploration of bioethics, presenting diverse viewpoints to help listeners navigate the ethical complexities inherent in modern medical science and practice. The content is designed to make these challenging issues accessible and thought-provoking, encouraging deeper reflection on moral questions that impact both individuals and society at large.

Neuroscience Can Tell Us About Morality
19 minutes
Brain Chemistry and Moral Decision-Making
16 minutes
16 minutes
Selling Organs
18 minutes
Bio-Ethics Bites
20 minutes
18 minutes
Status Quo Bias
19 minutes
Life and Death
16 minutes
Moral Status
18 minutes
Designer Babies
21 minutes