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Podcast Profile: Interviews with Philosophers

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5 episodes
Median: 31 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

A selection of short interviews with Oxford philosophers (part of the series of 'Interviews with Oxonians').

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Metaphysics • Rationality • Global Catastrophic Risks • Simulation Theory • Applied Ethics • Human Enhancement • Aristotle's Ethics

The podcast "Interviews with Philosophers" presents a collection of thought-provoking conversations with distinguished Oxford philosophers, focusing on an array of philosophical subjects. The episodes delve into fundamental topics that have shaped the field of philosophy, each featuring a different expert’s perspective.

The overarching aim of this podcast is to explore and elucidate key philosophical concepts and questions. Discussions range from the profound and abstract to the directly applicable and contemporary. One recurring theme is the exploration of classical philosophical disciplines, such as metaphysics, ethics, and rationality. For instance, notable philosophical frameworks are examined, shedding light on the historical origins and the enduring debates within these fields.

The podcast also addresses modern philosophical inquiries, particularly those intersecting with current societal and technological issues. Episodes tackle applied ethics, highlighting contemporary challenges in bioethics and the ethical implications of advancements in biosciences. The exploration extends to existential risks and hypothetical scenarios, such as the simulation theory, which examines the possibility that reality might be an artificial construct.

Listeners will find discussions that not only outline theoretical perspectives but also consider practical implications and contemporary relevance. This blend of historical philosophical analysis with modern-day applicability ensures that the content remains accessible yet deeply enriching. Through these interviews, the podcast offers a comprehensive portal into understanding critical philosophical questions and the diverse ways in which they impact and reflect our world today. The dialogue-driven format helps demystify complex ideas, making it an engaging resource for those interested in understanding the profound inquiries at the heart of human thought.

Adrian Moore on Metaphysics
31 minutes
John Broome on Rationality
45 minutes
Nick Bostrom on Global Catastrophic Risk and Simulation Theory
25 minutes
Julian Savulescu on Applied Ethics and Human Enhancement
37 minutes
Roger Crisp on Aristotle's Ethics
20 minutes