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Podcast Profile: WHY? Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life

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20 episodes
2023 to 2024
Median: 76 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Join us each month as we engage in philosophical discussions about the most common-place topics with host Jack Russell Weinstein, professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of North Dakota. He is the director of The Institute for Philosophy in Public Life.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical discussions on everyday topics • Ethics of lying, democracy, and privacy • Role of luck, offense, and race in modern life • War crimes, nonhuman rights, and dehumanization • Philosophy in education and gaming

This podcast, hosted by Jack Russell Weinstein, engages listeners in monthly philosophical discussions centered on everyday life and contemporary issues. Each episode delves into a variety of topics, exploring both common and complex questions through a philosophical lens. Frequent subjects include democracy, ethics, and societal norms, with discussions on the state of American democracy, the ethics surrounding law enforcement, and the impact of offense in modern society.

The podcast also investigates the philosophical dimensions of specific situations and professions, from the ethics of gaming to the controversies surrounding cryptocurrency. Episodes often feature conversations with authors and experts in diverse fields such as philosophy, ethics, technology, and politics, providing comprehensive perspectives on the topics discussed.

Recurring themes highlight how broader societal factors and personal experiences intersect. For instance, several episodes discuss the influence of luck on personal success, the ethical considerations of war crimes, and the moral implications of human rights for nonhuman entities. The podcast also tackles weighty issues like dehumanization, racial myths, and the role of prisons within contemporary society, prompting listeners to consider different viewpoints and ethical dilemmas.

In addition to these discussions, certain episodes offer meta-commentary on the practice and instruction of philosophy, exploring what it means to study philosophy and how to navigate presenting complex philosophical ideas. The podcast occasionally revisits previous conversations, indicating ongoing relevance and exploring evolving perspectives.

Overall, this podcast serves as an intersection of philosophy with everyday and critical issues, offering nuanced conversations and varied expert insights designed to prompt reflection and understanding of the complexities inherent in everyday life and broader societal structures.

ALERT ... refresh for "Is America's Democracy Failing"
less than a minute
“Is America’s Democracy Failing?”
77 minutes
Am I Right to Be Offended?
77 minutes
“Police and the Ethics of Lying”
73 minutes
“How Does Luck Determine Our Lives?”
66 minutes
Should Prisons Be Abolished
82 minutes
"A Philosophy of Gaming"
92 minutes
Our November Podcast Mistake
less than a minute
"Why do we dehumanize people?"
81 minutes
The Ethics of Cryptocurrency
88 minutes
“How to Give Sex Advice” with Dan Savage
76 minutes
Episode Image “The Myths of Whiteness”
79 minutes
“Who is Responsible for War Crimes?”
86 minutes
Episode Image “The Case for Nonhuman Rights"
70 minutes
“Consolation, Solace, and Leadership”
71 minutes
"The Philosophy of Depression"
90 minutes
Bonus Episode: "Philosophy in the Classroom"
47 minutes
What is it like to be a philosophy student?
96 minutes
Privacy is Power
70 minutes
"A Philosophical Look at Immigration and Migration"
71 minutes