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Podcast Profile: This Is The Way: Chinese Philosophy Podcast

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5 episodes
Median: 87 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

This Is The Way is a podcast on Chinese philosophy, exploring philosophical themes by reflecting on significant Chinese texts and through interviews with scholars of Chinese thought. We aim to offer discussions that are informative and accessible to a broad audience.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Chinese philosophy • Confucian texts • Zhuangzi dialogues • Moral self-cultivation • Persuasion techniques • Oneness concept • Detachment • Shame in ethics • Scholar interviews • Traditional commentaries

This podcast, titled "This Is The Way: Chinese Philosophy Podcast," delves into Chinese philosophy by reflecting on significant texts and interviewing scholars within the field. The show aims to present discussions that are both informative and accessible to a wide audience. The episodes cover a range of philosophical themes drawn from classical Chinese texts and ideas.

Central to the podcast is the exploration of concepts such as moral self-cultivation, persuasion, oneness, detachment, and shame. These topics are examined through the lens of prominent philosophical works and figures, including Confucius and his Analects, and the Zhuangzi, a foundational Daoist text. The episodes often feature detailed discussions on what these concepts mean in the context of Chinese philosophy and how they relate to broader ethical and philosophical questions.

The podcast includes interviews with scholars like Dr. Jing Iris Hu and Philip J. Ivanhoe, who contribute their expertise to enrich the conversation, offering nuanced interpretations and defenses of classical Chinese thought. Discussions also involve analysis of traditional commentaries and the views of ancient practitioners, enhancing the depth of each episode.

Listeners can expect to encounter dialogues on the practical implications of philosophical arguments and how they intersect with real-life issues, such as the influence of persuasion on personal relationships and societal norms. The theme of self-cultivation recurs, emphasizing the process of achieving personal moral development according to Confucian ideals.

Furthermore, the podcast highlights significant philosophical principles like "the fasting of the mind" and understanding "Heaven's Mandate," and it addresses the ethical roles of emotions such as shame. The content reflects a blend of philosophical scholarship with an aim to make these ancient texts and ideas relevant and comprehensible to today's listeners. Through discussions and interviews, the podcast creates a rich tapestry of Chinese philosophical thought, inviting listeners to engage deeply with the material.

Episode 5: Cultivation and the Autobiography of Confucius
88 minutes
Episode 4: Persuasion
96 minutes
Episode 3: Oneness
87 minutes
Episode 1: Detachment
71 minutes
Episode 2: Shame
72 minutes