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Podcast Profile: Moral Minority

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11 episodes
Median: 88 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Moral Minority is a podcast on moral philosophy and the problem of moral foundations. Why does morality matter? What grounds the moral principles to which we appeal when making judgments about right and wrong, justice and injustice? Do we have good grounds for making the judgments we do make–in our everyday lives, our relationships, our work, or in politics? And if not, where does that leave us?

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Moral philosophy • Moral foundations • Existentialism • Critical theory • Modernity • Logical and semantic analysis • Nietzsche • Marxism • Cultural industry • Secular ethics • Normative questions • Ancient Greek ethics • Faith and reason

This podcast, "Moral Minority," delves into the nuanced and complex world of moral philosophy, examining the foundations of morality and its implications in our daily lives and broader societal structures. It addresses profound questions such as why morality matters and the principles underpinning our judgments of right and wrong. The overarching theme is a critical exploration of moral principles through the lens of various philosophical traditions and seminal works.

The content encompasses a wide range of philosophical inquiries, often highlighting existentialist and post-Kantian ethical perspectives. Discussions frequently focus on how moral theories can be rationally justified and the implications of these theories in practical and political contexts. A recurring emphasis is placed on analyzing historical and philosophical texts, providing listeners with in-depth interpretations and critiques of foundational works by philosophers such as Søren Kierkegaard, Max Weber, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

The podcast also explores the legacy of critical theory, particularly the influence of the Frankfurt School's "Dialectic of Enlightenment," in understanding modern social conditions and ideologies. Episodes address themes such as the culture industry's role in shaping societal norms and the instrumentalization of reason and scientific knowledge in politics.

In addition, the podcast tackles contemporary analytic metaethics and debates surrounding moral realism, further examining the objective validity of moral claims. Episodes often situate these discussions within the broader historical and social contexts that shape philosophical discourse.

Moral "Minority" aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of moral philosophy's challenges and uncertainties, encouraging listeners to engage critically with the ethical dimensions of their actions and beliefs. Throughout, the podcast maintains a focus on both the theoretical underpinnings and practical ramifications of moral thought.

Contemporary Conversations: Vanessa Christina Wills on Marx's Ethical Vision
119 minutes
Fear and Trembling
104 minutes
Dialectic of Enlightenment, Part 3: The Culture Industry
104 minutes
Dialectic of Enlightenment, Part 2
89 minutes
Dialectic of Enlightenment, Part 1
75 minutes
Vocation Lectures
83 minutes
Shame & Necessity
75 minutes
Sources of Normativity
74 minutes
After Virtue
88 minutes
Moral Realism
86 minutes
Episode Image Dawn
95 minutes