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Podcast Profile: The Astrophysics Podcast

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7 episodes
Median: 59 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Once a month, Purdue University's Professor Paul Duffell discusses astronomy and astrophysics with experts from around the world. Duffell and guests discuss supernovae, galaxies, planet formation, black holes, and the nature of space and time.
Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant AAG-2206299.
Music by Brittain Ashford.
Produced in beautiful Lafayette, Indiana by Paul Duffell.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Astronomy and astrophysics discussions • Supermassive black holes • Supernovae and remnants • Galactic formation • Turbulence in the universe • Big data in astronomy • Neutrinos • White dwarfs • JWST observations

"The Astrophysics Podcast" is a monthly program where Professor Paul Duffell from Purdue University engages with experts to explore the vast realms of astronomy and astrophysics. This podcast delves into a variety of intriguing and complex topics pertaining to the universe. The discussions span a broad range of subjects including the phenomena of supernovae, the formation and characteristics of galaxies, and the nature of black holes. Notable discussions focus on what happens after a supernova explosion and the remnants it leaves, providing valuable insights into stellar life cycles and cosmic events. Another significant theme is the diverse environments and objects surrounding supermassive black holes, shedding light on the enigmatic centers of active galaxies.

Listeners are also introduced to broader astrophysical phenomena such as turbulence on cosmic scales and the methods used by astronomers to decipher these chaotic movements. The podcast provides a glimpse into the cutting-edge tools and technologies, like the James Webb Space Telescope, that are employed to study the early stages of galaxy formation and other distant cosmic events.

The advancements in data handling and interpretation are a recurring theme, particularly in relation to the enormous datasets generated by modern observatories. The podcast discusses innovative machine learning techniques that facilitate the identification and prioritization of significant astronomical events from massive datasets.

In addition to these scientific explorations, the podcast also delves into the infrastructure of astrophysical research, including the process of scientific publication and the internal workings of stars, such as the production of neutrinos. This comprehensive and insightful podcast offers a detailed look into the workings of the universe and the methodologies used by scientists to uncover its secrets, making it a rich source of knowledge for anyone interested in the field of astrophysics.

Dr. Rosalba Perna -- The Neighborhood of a Supermassive Black Hole
64 minutes
Dr. Soham Mandal -- What Happens to Supernovae After they Explode?
50 minutes
Dr. Yuan Li -- Our Turbulent Universe
56 minutes
Dr. Ashley Villar -- Big Data in Astrophysics
63 minutes
Dr. Frank Timmes -- Pulsing White Dwarfs, Neutrinos, and the Infrastructure of Research
57 minutes
Dr. Erica Nelson -- Watching the First Galaxies Form
59 minutes
Dr. Abigail Polin -- A New Type of Supernova
63 minutes