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Podcast Profile: NeuroDiving

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6 episodes
Median: 33 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

a philosophy podcast about neurodivergence

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophy and neurodivergence • Autism research history • Theory of mind critiques • Neurodiversity paradigm • Empathy and autism • Autistic perspectives • Scientific values • Challenging myths

NeuroDiving is a philosophy podcast that delves into neurodivergence, with a particular focus on autism. Hosted by philosophy professors who are themselves neurodivergent, the podcast aims to bridge philosophical inquiry with experiential insights. The overarching theme of this podcast revolves around the critique and exploration of the "theory of mind" deficit in autism research—a prevalent idea suggesting autistic individuals struggle with understanding others' thoughts and emotions.

Throughout its episodes, NeuroDiving examines the historical and philosophical underpinnings of autism research, questioning the validity and ethical implications of the theory of mind deficit narrative. The podcast explores how this perspective has impacted autistic people, both in scientific literature and in everyday misconceptions. By dissecting this and other related myths, the hosts aim to foster a deeper understanding of autistic experiences.

Listeners are introduced to alternatives to the deficit model, such as the neurodiversity paradigm, which emphasizes embracing autistic differences without pathologizing them. The podcast discusses various theoretical frameworks, such as the double empathy problem and monotropism, and reviews scholarship that challenges mainstream narratives. It also examines the role of values in scientific research, inviting philosophers and researchers to reflect on the assumptions influencing their work.

Overall, NeuroDiving provides a critical examination of how autism is understood, questioning established narratives while highlighting the importance of listening to autistic voices in research. It combines philosophical perspectives with empirical research, offering a rich tapestry of insights for those interested in the philosophy of neurodiversity and the evolving discourse surrounding autism.

Episode Image Episode 5: "New Paradigms, New Values"
43 minutes
Episode Image Episode 4: "Zombie Pseudoscience"
41 minutes
Episode Image Episode 3: "Violins and Violas"
35 minutes
Episode Image Episode 2: "An Intellectualist Fossil"
30 minutes
Episode Image Episode 1: "A Productive Irritant"
24 minutes
Episode Image Welcome to NeuroDiving (Trailer)
3 minutes