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Podcast Profile: NeuroDiving

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6 episodes
Median: 33 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

a philosophy podcast about neurodivergence

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Autism research critique • Theory of mind deficit • Pseudoscience in autism studies • Autistic experiences • Neurodiversity vs. pathology paradigm • Philosophy of autism • Empathy and autism

NeuroDiving is a philosophy podcast focused on exploring neurodivergence, with a particular emphasis on autism. The show delves into scientific theories, philosophical questions, and the lived experiences of neurodivergent individuals to dissect and challenge prevailing notions within autism research.

A recurring theme throughout the podcast is the critique of the "theory of mind deficit" concept in autism research. Episodes frequently discuss the historical development, methodological issues, and the problematic nature of this theory, which posits that autistic individuals struggle to understand the mental states of others. The discussions include in-depth examinations of the theory's inability to account for the heterogeneity of autistic experiences and its failures of replication over time.

Philosophical perspectives are a cornerstone of the podcast, with philosophers and researchers debating the underpinnings of autism research paradigms. There's a strong focus on contrasting the "pathology paradigm," which views autism in terms of deficits, with the "neurodiversity paradigm" that highlights differences without pathologizing them. The podcast also touches on how assumptions and values influence scientific research, citing feminist critiques to underscore the embedded biases in scientific methodologies.

In addition to theoretical critiques, the podcast presents alternative frameworks for understanding autism, such as the "double empathy problem," which considers mutual misunderstandings between autistic and non-autistic individuals, and "monotropism," a theory related to focused attention in autism. Discussions often highlight how these alternative perspectives offer more respectful and inclusive ways of conceptualizing autistic experiences.

This podcast also addresses the real-world impact of autism research theories on autistic individuals, exploring how stigmatizing views can have harmful consequences. By sharing personal stories and insights from neurodivergent academics and researchers, the show aims to bridge the gap between scientific discourse and the experiences of those it studies. Through these varied discussions, NeuroDiving seeks to rethink and reshape the foundational assumptions and practices in autism research.

Episode Image Episode 5: "New Paradigms, New Values"
43 minutes
Episode Image Episode 4: "Zombie Pseudoscience"
41 minutes
Episode Image Episode 3: "Violins and Violas"
35 minutes
Episode Image Episode 2: "An Intellectualist Fossil"
30 minutes
Episode Image Episode 1: "A Productive Irritant"
24 minutes
Episode Image Welcome to NeuroDiving (Trailer)
3 minutes