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Podcast Profile: Physicists in the Wild

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11 episodes
2023 to 2024
Median: 14 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

It might surprise you, but most physics PhD students eventually end up in careers outside of academia. Some leave before graduating, some leave straight after, while others pursue an academic career for years before making the transition. Yet, despite the numbers, current PhD students often find it hard to envision any career beyond the academic horizon. Why? They're simply not exposed to the countless other exciting opportunities available to them. 
"Physicists in the Wild" aims to change that. 
Join Aggie Branczyk as she interviews physicists who have turned their PhD training into diverse and often unconventional careers. From the corporate world to government, from education to finance, discover the “other” paths traveled by those with graduate training in physics. 
Tune in every two weeks to hear the stories of physicists in the wild. 
Aggie works at IBM as a Senior Research Scientist on the Quantum Computational Science team, and the opinions shared in this podcast are her own and are not in any way endorsed by IBM.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Career transitions from physics PhDs • Interviews with physicists • Diverse professional paths • Corporate, government, finance, education sectors • Personal journeys and insights • Networking and mentorship tips

"Physicists in the Wild" is a podcast hosted by Aggie Branczyk that explores the diverse and unconventional careers pursued by individuals with advanced physics training. The central theme of this podcast is highlighting the myriad career paths available to physics PhD graduates outside academia. Through interviews with physicists who have navigated various professional landscapes, the podcast aims to provide current PhD students and other listeners with insights into non-academic opportunities.

From the corporate sector to government roles, the podcast delves into the lives of physicists who have transitioned into fields such as aerospace, artificial intelligence, venture capital, software development, education, and finance. Each episode features a different guest, discussing their unique trajectory, personal challenges, and the skills they leveraged to succeed outside academic settings.

The listeners will encounter stories of physicists who have done groundbreaking research, such as contributing to the discovery of the Higgs boson, and later applying their analytical and technical expertise to roles like Chief Scientist, AI Startup Founder, or Data Scientist. Discussions often revolve around the importance of adaptability, networking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to transfer technical knowledge to new industries.

Guests provide valuable reflections on their career choices, the unexpected turns they took, and the moments of realization that led them away from academia. From pioneering in quantum computing to engaging in scientific publishing, the podcast covers a broad spectrum of experiences, showcasing the versatility of physicists in tackling diverse professional challenges. Through these narratives, the podcast underscores the potential for physicists to make significant contributions across various sectors, encapsulating the vast potential for physicists in the wild.

Jay Lowell - AMO Physics PhD to Chief Scientist in Aerospace
16 minutes
Amir Feizpour - Quantum Optics Postdoc to AI Startup Founder
14 minutes
Cristina Escoda - String Theory PhD to Venture Capital & Angel Investing
13 minutes
Brigette Oakes - Experimental Physics PhD to Director of Propulsion
14 minutes
Riccardo Di Sipio - Particle Physics Postdoc to Senior Machine Learning Developer
14 minutes
Emily Petroff - Astrophysics postdoc to Associate Director, Strategic Partnerships, Grants and Awards
13 minutes
Bety Rodriguez-Milla - Condensed Matter PhD to Software Development
14 minutes
Katiuscia Cassemiro - Quantum Optics Prof to PRX Quantum Editor
12 minutes
Juan Ignacio Cayuso - Cosmology PhD to Data Science
14 minutes
Ekaterina Babourina-Brooks - Quantum Information PhD to Education
12 minutes
Rohan Dalton - Quantum Optics PhD to Software, Data & Fin Tech
13 minutes