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Podcast Profile: Science with Sabine

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69 episodes
2023 to 2024
Median: 18 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

Science news and updates from Sabine Hossenfelder. As simple as possible, but not any simpler.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Weekly science news updates • Climate change discussions • Quantum mechanics explorations • AI technology insights • Physics breakthroughs • Astrophysics findings • Energy innovations • Scientific controversies

This podcast, titled "Science with Sabine," delivers a wide array of science news and updates presented by Sabine Hossenfelder, with an emphasis on making complex scientific concepts understandable. The episodes cover an expansive range of topics within the realms of physics, climate science, technology, and more.

A frequent focus of the podcast is on cutting-edge developments in physics, including discussions about quantum mechanics, theories of everything, and general relativity. Episodes often explore the ongoing quest for understanding fundamental forces and particles, such as neutrinos and dark matter, and delve into both established and emerging theories like string theory and quantum gravity. There's a notable interest in the intersection of science and modern technology, with episodes examining advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, fusion energy, and the latest innovations in clean energy technology like geothermal power and nuclear reactors.

Climate change is another recurring theme. The podcast tackles both the science behind climate change and the various technological and policy responses to it. Discussions range from the benefits and consequences of climate change to innovative solutions like climate engineering and carbon removal. The podcast doesn't shy away from contentious issues, such as the human rights implications of climate change and the feasibility of achieving net-zero emissions.

Additionally, the episodes reflect on the broader societal and ethical implications of scientific progress. Issues such as scientific fraud, the reliability of AI, and the legal challenges faced by scientists are brought to the fore. Sometimes, the podcast explores how scientific understanding can impact and be impacted by societal norms and practices, like the influence of social media on public health or the consequences of pseudoscience.

Overall, "Science with Sabine" provides listeners with a thorough and nuanced exploration of contemporary scientific issues, while maintaining a balance between deep technical insights and broader societal implications. This podcast is especially suited for those curious about the latest scientific developments and their potential to shape the future.

Episode Image Is Bitcoin Mining Good for the Environment?
17 minutes
Episode Image This New Idea Could Explain Complexity -- and other science news of the week
24 minutes
Episode Image AI Learned to Lie Deliberately -- and other science news of the week
31 minutes
Episode Image The Benefits of Climate Change -- and other science news of the week
23 minutes
Episode Image Actor Claims His New Theory of Everything Improves Physics -- and other science news of the week
32 minutes
Episode Image Space-Based Solar Power is Dead -- and other science news of the week
23 minutes
Episode Image Time to Get Real About Climate Change -- and other science news of the week
24 minutes
Episode Image Einstein's Other Theory of Everything
12 minutes
Episode Image Scientific Progress Has Slowed Down -- and other science news of the week
28 minutes
Episode Image Fusion in Space: New Plasma Thruster Tested Successfully -- and other science news of the week
24 minutes
Episode Image Scandal over Nuclear Phase-out in Germany -- and other science news of the week
27 minutes
Episode Image Modified Gravity Strikes Back -- and other science news of the week
23 minutes
Episode Image New Superconductor Scandal -- and other Science News of the week
43 minutes
Episode Image Search for Quantum Gravity Begins at South Pole -- and other science news of the week
39 minutes
Episode Image New Theory says Irrationality comes from Quantum Physics -- and other science news of the week
28 minutes
Episode Image The Butterfly Effect is much Worse than We Thought -- And Other Science News
42 minutes
Episode Image How I fell out of love with academia
13 minutes
Episode Image New Theory of Gravity Needs No Dark Matter -- And other Science News of the Week
36 minutes
Episode Image Scientists warn of AI collapse -- And other Science News of the Week
33 minutes
Episode Image Black holes might have layers with dark energy inside -- and other science news of the week
44 minutes
Episode Image A new type of magnetism -- and other science news of the week
36 minutes
Episode Image Most robust time crystal ever -- And other Science News of the Week
37 minutes
Episode Image String theory nonsense makes comeback -- And other news of the week
43 minutes
Episode Image I wasn't worried about climate change. Now I am.
19 minutes
Episode Image AI Experts predict Megadeaths -- And other Science News of the Week
29 minutes
Episode Image Icelanders plan to drill into Magma Chamber -- And Other Science News of the Week
25 minutes
Episode Image Big Rip seems unlikely in light of new data -- And other science news of the week
22 minutes
Episode Image AI could kill quantum computing -- And other science news of the week
29 minutes
Episode Image Why is nuclear power so expensive?
26 minutes
Episode Image Gravity is not a force. But what does this mean?
14 minutes
Episode Image The experiment that could save physics (and other science news of the week)
38 minutes
Episode Image The biggest gap in science: complexity
16 minutes
Episode Image A new competitor for string theory (and other science news of the week)
21 minutes
Episode Image These scientists got sued for doing their job
15 minutes
Episode Image A particle accelerator that's just 10 cm long, and other science news of the week
18 minutes
Episode Image Why was Sam Altman fired from Open AI? And other science news of the week.
18 minutes
Episode Image All you need to know about Long COVID
18 minutes
Episode Image Is Science Dying?
14 minutes
Episode Image Mars glows green, and other science news of the week
15 minutes
Episode Image Net Zero will Be Virtually Impossible To Reach Without Carbon Removal
16 minutes
Episode Image New Data Spells Trouble for Dark Matter's Biggest Competitor
16 minutes
Episode Image The lost continent of Argoland has been found -- And other science news of the week
13 minutes
Episode Image Science News Nov 01: The sun's magnetic field will flip earlier than expected
13 minutes
Episode Image Beyond the Hype: All you need to know about Ozempic and Wegovy
14 minutes
Episode Image Science News October 25: Coin Tossing is Unfair, Science Proves It
15 minutes
Episode Image Does the Many Worlds Interpretation make sense?
7 minutes
Episode Image Three New Laws of Nature in One Week!
14 minutes
Episode Image Is time travel possible?
16 minutes
Episode Image Science News Oct 14: A New Candidate for a Cosmic String
16 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Computing in 2023: Three Newcomers
16 minutes
Episode Image Science News Oct 4: Nobel Prize in Physics 2023
16 minutes
Episode Image Science News Sep 26: Quantum Computing at Room Temperature?
17 minutes
Episode Image Is the universe pointless?
15 minutes
Episode Image Science News Sep 18: Possible Signs of Life on an Exoplanet
17 minutes
Episode Image Don't trust me, I'm an influencer!
15 minutes
Episode Image Science News Sep 12, 2023
16 minutes
Episode Image Web3: Next internet revolution or just a scam?
16 minutes
Episode Image I do my own research. And so can you.
17 minutes
Episode Image Science News Aug 22: Quantum Superchemistry!
17 minutes
Episode Image Do we have a mental health crisis?
14 minutes
Episode Image Fermilab Finds Feeble Fifth Force (Maybe)
19 minutes
Episode Image Is Moore's Law Dead?
20 minutes
Episode Image Science News Aug 8 2023: Superconductor LK 99 Update
16 minutes
Episode Image Do we have evidence for new physics? Or not?
18 minutes
Episode Image Science News July 31: A new room-temperature superconductor?
17 minutes
Episode Image Greenwashing: Spot and Avoid It
15 minutes
Episode Image Science News July 26: Einstein was right, again!
18 minutes
Episode Image Are personality tests the new horoscopes?
18 minutes
Episode Image Science News July 19 2023: Evidence for Dark Stars?
16 minutes