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Podcast Profile: Physics of the Human Body

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18 episodes
Median: 17 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

These interesting podcasts come from the University of Utah Department of Physics and Astronomy and describe how physics is utilized by the human body for every day activities like blood pressure, running vision, breathing, and hearing.  They talk about how strokes are caused, blisters are formed ,how sun screens work and how diseases are caused.   Listen as Richard ingebretsen MD, PhD helps us understand how physics helps to operate our bodies.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Physics of human body functions • Medical imaging (MRI, X-rays) • Sunscreen mechanics • Nervous system and pain • Ear and eye functionality • Blood pressure and circulation • Metabolism • Running biomechanics • Joint and muscle physics

The podcast "Physics of the Human Body," produced by the University of Utah Department of Physics and Astronomy, explores the intersection of physics and human physiology. Across its episodes, listeners are introduced to the myriad ways in which physical principles govern everyday bodily functions and medical phenomena. The show delves into the workings of the body's fundamental systems and how these are influenced by physics. Themes include medical imaging techniques like MRI and X-rays, their underlying mechanisms, and practical applications in diagnostics and treatment.

Listeners also learn about the physics behind common physiological occurrences and conditions, such as blood pressure, running, breathing, and how the body manages balance and movement. The podcast explains how physical principles, such as pressure and friction, contribute to conditions like hernias, varicose veins, joint pain, and blisters. It addresses topics concerning the body's major systems—such as the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and sensory organs—illustrating how physics helps us understand heart function, nerve transmission speed, hearing, and vision.

Episodes cover the biomechanics of activities like walking and running, detailing how evolutionary development relates to physical performance and endurance. Additionally, the podcast discusses how external factors, such as sun exposure, can be mitigated through the physics of sunscreens.

In-depth discussions are also provided on less obvious topics, such as how the body detects acceleration and the role of Newton's laws in understanding vertigo. The series captures a broad array of subjects, from metabolism and nutrient processing, explained through the lens of electron transfer, to how physical forces impact injury severity in trauma cases.

Overall, this podcast offers a comprehensive look at how physics is not just a field of abstract equations but a vital component in understanding and optimizing human health and function, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a wider audience.

MRI - The Magnetic Resonance In Our Bodies
14 minutes
X-rays in Medicine
18 minutes
The Physics of Sunscreens
18 minutes
The Human Nervous System
20 minutes
The Human Ear
12 minutes
The Human Eye
14 minutes
Under Pressure
12 minutes
The Human Heart
25 minutes
Those Electrons We Eat
22 minutes
Born to Run
19 minutes
Knee Pain - The Physics That Causes Our Knees to Hurt.
17 minutes
Walking - The Physics of Moving Our Legs
9 minutes
Physics, Bones and Trauma
13 minutes
The Physics Behind Back Pain
18 minutes
Friction and the Cause of Joint,Tendon and Muscle Pain
18 minutes
The Physics of Blisters
20 minutes
Arches and the Physics of Foot Pain
14 minutes
How the Body Detects Acceleration: Vertigo and Newton's Laws
13 minutes