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Podcast Profile: The Space Between

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22 episodes
2023 to 2024
Median: 58 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The Space Between is one of the top astronomy podcasts in the world, and for that matter, the universe, by Kolby Van Camp with Dawson Wagner. We explore astronomy, cosmology, astrophysics, and more while asking questions about the final frontier with astronomical experts.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Astronomy • Cosmology • Astrophysics • UAPs • Space exploration • Astrophotography • Nobel Laureates • Telescopes • Dark matter • AI in space • Astronomical experts • Planetary science

"The Space Between," hosted by Kolby Van Camp with contributions from Dawson Wagner, is a prominent astronomy podcast delving into various aspects of space science and exploration. Through a diverse array of episodes, this podcast covers a broad range of topics including astronomy, cosmology, and astrophysics. The hosts engage in in-depth discussions on phenomena such as dark matter, exoplanets, and unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs).

A recurring theme in the podcast is the technological advancements in space exploration, evidenced by episodes that discuss cutting-edge instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope and radio telescopes. The hosts frequently explore the implications of these technologies for our understanding of the universe, including theories about the early cosmos and the potential for time travel through advanced telescopic capabilities.

Another significant aspect of the podcast is its focus on interviews with notable figures in the space science community. Prominent guests include astrophysicists, Nobel Laureates, and renowned astrophotographers. These interviews provide insights into the personal journeys and professional achievements of these experts, as well as their contributions to space science and public engagement through media collaborations.

The podcast also addresses contemporary issues such as dark sky activism and the reduction of light pollution, highlighting the intersection between scientific research and environmental advocacy. Additionally, the show engages with popular culture and public interest, discussing recent developments, such as lunar missions and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Overall, "The Space Between" offers a blend of scientific rigor and accessible communication, making complex astronomical concepts relatable and engaging for a general audience. The podcast invites listeners to ponder profound questions about the final frontier, while staying informed about the latest advancements and debates in the field of space science.

Episode Image #20: Recap of our Very Large Array trip
39 minutes
Episode Image #19: To UAP or not to UAP, that is the question
58 minutes
Episode Image Patreon Pod Preview: Odysseus... fell over
9 minutes
Episode Image #18: To the moon and beyond
64 minutes
Episode Image #17: Planets, exoplanets, and more
65 minutes
Episode Image #16: The power of radio telescopes
63 minutes
Episode Image #15: Josh Dury, dark sky activism, and astrophotography
63 minutes
Episode Image #14: Trevor Jones and AstroBackyard
59 minutes
Episode Image #13: John Mather and the James Webb Space Telescope
53 minutes
Episode Image #12: AI and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence
71 minutes
Episode Image #11: Bettymaya Foott, astrophotography, and the DarkSky Initiative
40 minutes
Episode Image #10: Telescopes and time travel (sort of)
56 minutes
Episode Image #9: Lado Samushia and dark matter
69 minutes
Episode Image #8: NASA, UAPs, and mummies
58 minutes
Episode Image #7: Is life possible on Mars?
68 minutes
Episode Image #6: Listening to the universe through sonifcation
46 minutes
Episode Image #5: Is our universe inside a black hole?
58 minutes
Episode Image #4: Has the Space Race already been won?
49 minutes
Episode Image #3: Quasars, blazars, and pulsars, oh my!
50 minutes
Episode Image #2: Nico Carver and astrophotography
59 minutes
Episode Image #1: David Kipping and the Cool Worlds Lab
47 minutes
Episode Image The Space Between (Trailer)
less than a minute