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Podcast Profile: Philosophy and Classics

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24 episodes
2022 to 2023
Median: 14 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Join us as we explore the world of Greek classics and philosophy, and their relevance to modern life. Episodes published bi-weekly, featuring interviews with renowned authors and academics in the fields of philosophy and classics. Show hosted by Plato's Academy Centre, a nonprofit organization based in Athens, Greece.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Ancient Greek classics • Philosophy and modern relevance • Interviews with authors and academics • Socratic Method • Stoic wisdom and resilience • Leadership • Virtue ethics • Logical fallacies and cognitive distortions • Political philosophy

This podcast, titled "Philosophy and Classics," is produced by the Plato's Academy Centre, a nonprofit organization in Athens, Greece. The show delves into the intersection of Greek classics and philosophy, focusing on their relevance to contemporary life. Episodes are published bi-weekly and often feature interviews with renowned authors and academics in the fields of philosophy and classics.

Central themes include explorations of ancient philosophical methods, particularly the Socratic Method, and their application to modern issues such as politics, leadership, psychological resilience, and ethical living. The discussion often revolves around the ideas of key historical figures such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Diogenes the Cynic. The podcast also investigates how these classical thinkers have influenced various domains such as civic friendship, rational discourse, and moral virtue.

One recurrent topic is the Socratic Method, presented both in historical context and its modern applications, such as in cognitive therapy and educational techniques. Discussions incorporate the principles of dialectic, logical reasoning, and the value of questioning assumptions. Another focus area includes Stoicism, with insights into its teachings on resilience, emotional control, and moral philosophy, drawing upon the works of Seneca and Epictetus among others.

Episodes also explore the philosophical insights derived from classical literature, and how these ancient texts can offer practical guidance for contemporary leadership and personal development. Themes of virtuous leadership, civic education, and the pursuit of good life recur frequently, illustrating the timeless relevance of classical philosophy. Through these discussions, the podcast aims to offer listeners a deeper understanding of both ancient wisdom and its enduring applicability in various aspects of modern existence.

Episode Image Spencer Klavan: Civic Friendship & Politics as an Act of Love
22 minutes
Episode Image Ward Farnsworth: The Socratic Method
28 minutes
Episode Image Double Ignorance and Socratic Irony
5 minutes
Episode Image Spotting Common Fallacies
8 minutes
Episode Image Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living Audiobook
29 minutes
Episode Image Virtuous Leadership: Dr. Sean Lyons
11 minutes
Episode Image The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic
62 minutes
Episode Image How Can Philosophy Save Civility in the City
27 minutes
Episode Image Stoic Wisdom: Ancient Lessons for Modern Resilience
39 minutes
Episode Image Socratic Questioning Today
7 minutes
Episode Image Plutarch on Resilience by Donald Robertson
39 minutes
Episode Image William O. Stephens on Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius
65 minutes
Episode Image Matthew Sharpe on Stoicism, the Enlightenment, and Civility
21 minutes
Episode Image The Socratic Method
7 minutes
Episode Image The Future of Philosophy at Plato's Academy
20 minutes
Episode Image Socrates and Civility
10 minutes
Episode Image Tom Morris: True Success for Leaders
12 minutes
Episode Image Simon J. E. Drew: The Walled Garden
35 minutes
Episode Image Nancy Sherman: Courageous Defiance
15 minutes
Episode Image Mick Mulroy: Lead Like a Spartan
14 minutes
Episode Image Who was Socrates?
7 minutes
Episode Image Eugenia Manolidou: Disrupting Me Stoically
9 minutes
Episode Image Donald Robertson: "Socrates on Leadership and Self-Discipline"
11 minutes
Episode Image How to Learn the Socratic Method
14 minutes