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Podcast Profile: Living Proof: the Isaac Newton Institute podcast

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74 episodes
2019 to 2024
Median: 21 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The Isaac Newton Institute is the world's foremost mathematical research centre. Living Proof aims to highlight the diverse people and interconnected topics linked to its many activities. Interviewees range from visiting academics and lecturers to mathematicians, other scientists, musicians, artists, students, and prominent figures within the University of Cambridge and beyond. The podcast typically involves mathematical themes, but is specifically aimed at a general audience. The focus is on the subjects being interviewed and the social stories they have to tell, not just on the significance and details of the research they may be undertaking. We hope there is interest and inspiration here for everyone.- The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (UK) is an international research centre based in Cambridge, UK. A part of the University of Cambridge, it has been hosting research programmes on mathematical themes since July 1992.Visit >

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Mathematical research highlights • Interviews with mathematicians and scientists • Personal journeys and stories • Communicating mathematics to the public • Academic and social impacts of research • Global collaborations

"Living Proof: the Isaac Newton Institute podcast" delves into the broad and interconnected world of mathematics through a diverse array of interviews with individuals connected to the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. This podcast, although grounded in mathematical themes, is crafted for a general audience, focusing more on the social narratives and personal journeys of the interview subjects rather than the technical details of their research.

The podcast features conversations with a wide range of guests, including visiting academics, early career researchers, prominent mathematicians, and other figures from science, the arts, and the University of Cambridge community. Many episodes highlight the achievements and experiences of individuals who have made significant contributions to their fields. For instance, listeners can learn about the successes and future aspirations of medalists from the STEM for Britain awards or understand the personal and professional journeys of Simons Postdoctoral Fellows.

A recurring topic in the podcast is the intersection of mathematics with other disciplines and real-world applications. This includes discussions on teaching mathematics in different cultural contexts, the mathematics behind fluid mechanics and turbulence, and the impact of mathematical research on public policy and societal issues. Episodes often explore the professional and personal stories of those engaged in these interdisciplinary efforts.

There is a notable focus on the personal stories of mathematicians affected by external circumstances, such as those who were displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and found new academic homes through programs like INI's Solidarity for Mathematicians. The podcast also highlights efforts to make mathematics more accessible and engaging, including events like the Cambridge Festival and the Newton Gateway's engagement initiatives.

Listeners can expect to encounter deep dives into specific mathematical topics, insights into the experiences of researchers at different stages of their careers, and discussions on the broader impacts and applications of mathematical sciences in society. The podcast aims to inspire and inform a broad audience by showcasing the human side of mathematical research and its diverse applications.

Episode Image #59 Meeting the three mathematics medalists from the STEM for Britain awards 2024
32 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #11 Dr Swapnil Jaideo Kole
8 minutes
Episode Image #58 Linking Cambridge with Africa: how to co-host an international research workshop
22 minutes
Episode Image #57 Cambridge Festival | Prof Ben Allanach previews his talk: "The Force Awakens: Quantum Collisions"
9 minutes
Episode Image #56 Voices from Ukraine: Olena Domanska of the Solidarity for Mathematicians programme
19 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #10 Dr Samuel Stark
4 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #9 Dr Zhao-He Watse Sybesma
10 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #8 Dr Paul Pruzina
5 minutes
Episode Image #55 Marbles, pint glasses and the Kepler conjecture: an overview of the 2023 GeomPack programme, with organisers Simon Cox and Adil Mughal
28 minutes
Episode Image #54 Discussing "The Irrational Diary of Clara Valentine", an interview with Coralie Colmez
16 minutes
#53 Disproving Ravenel's "telescope conjecture": an interview with Tomer Schlank and Jeremy Hahn
23 minutes
Episode Image Thirty years of proof: celebrating Andrew Wiles on the anniversary of Fermat's Last Theorem
26 minutes
Episode Image #51 Celebrating the Newton Gateway's 10th anniversary, an interview with Clare Merritt
15 minutes
Episode Image #50 Why should we bother communicating INI research? An interview with Rachel Thomas and Marianne Freiberger
31 minutes
Episode Image #49 How to make maths funny, an interview with Timandra Harkness
28 minutes
Episode Image Making data accessible: an interview with Hannah Thomas of Government Analysis Function
31 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #7 Dr Nicolas Boulle
7 minutes
Episode Image “Meet the… Simons Postdoctoral Fellows” mini series #6 Dr Patrick Sprenger
10 minutes
Episode Image Voices from Ukraine: Yuriy Semenov of the Solidarity for Mathematicians programme
20 minutes
Episode Image Voices from Ukraine: Nataliya Vaisfel'd of the Solidarity for Mathematicians programme
24 minutes
Episode Image #45 Making maths fascinating, an interview with Ben Sparks and Katie Steckles
57 minutes
Episode Image #44 Travel, enthusiasm and history: an interview with Don and Silke Zagier
31 minutes
Episode Image #43 Communicating maths: a journalist’s perspective, an interview with Tom Whipple
31 minutes
Episode Image #42 Solving the "two-body problem", an interview with Prof Parimala Raman
20 minutes
Episode Image #41 Discovering the "Gems of Hypolytos" - an interview with Prof Herbert Gangl
28 minutes
Episode Image #40 Fluid mechanics, turbulence and more: an interview with Prof Rama Govindarajan
36 minutes
Episode Image #39 Meeting one of Canada's most powerful women: an interview with Prof Anita Layton
28 minutes
Episode Image #38 Amsterdam to INI... by bicycle! An interview with Antoine Gagnebin
13 minutes
Episode Image #37 Teaching maths in Africa: an interview with Professor Franca Hoffmann
42 minutes
Episode Image #36 "You don't need anybody's permission to be a great mathematician", an interview with Dr Nira Chamberlain
45 minutes
Episode Image "Meet the... Simons Postdoctoral Fellows" mini series #5 Dr Anagha Madhusudanan
20 minutes
Episode Image "Meet the... Simons Postdoctoral Fellows" mini series #4 Dr Antoine Remond-Tiedrez
17 minutes
Episode Image #35 Discussing the "Cluster algebras and representation theory" programme
23 minutes
Episode Image "Meet the... Simons Postdoctoral Fellows" mini series #3: Dr Aluna Rizzoli
16 minutes
Episode Image "Meet the... Simons Postdoctoral Fellows" mini series #2: Dr Avi Mayorcas
13 minutes
Episode Image "Meet the... Simons Postdoctoral Fellows" mini series #1: Dr Emine Yildirim
16 minutes
Episode Image #34 Welcoming Ulrike Tillmann: a brief interview with INI’s new Director
12 minutes
Episode Image #33 Becoming Bethany Marsh, life as a transgender Professor of Mathematics
48 minutes
Episode Image #32: Quanta, MoMath and communicating mathematics with Alex Kontorovic
47 minutes
Episode Image #31 From rural Zimbabwe to international mathematics: an interview with Professor Anotida Madzvamuse
46 minutes
Episode Image #30 “Exit strategy”: Director David Abrahams looks back on his 2016-2021 tenure at INI
48 minutes
Episode Image #29 All about Plus magazine, with Marianne Freiberger and Rachel Thomas
36 minutes
Episode Image Cambridge Philosophical Society mini-series #3: Dr Jay Taylor
15 minutes
Episode Image Cambridge Philosophical Society mini-series #2: Dr Elena Luca
18 minutes
Episode Image Cambridge Philosophical Society mini-series #1: Dr Francisco Sahli
14 minutes
Episode Image “Art of INI” mini-series #1: What can maths offer art and art offer maths?
46 minutes
Episode Image #28 Twenty-seven years of progress: an interview with Professor Valerie Isham
43 minutes
Episode Image #27 “An ecology of people telling it how it is”: an interview with Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter
35 minutes
Episode Image #26 “Maths masterclass tutorials”: an announcement from Simon Singh
15 minutes
Episode Image #25 “How to win at Pandemic”: an interview with Professor Julia Gog
34 minutes
Episode Image #24 Mathematics goes virtual, with Professor Rebecca Hoyle
37 minutes
Episode Image #23 The mathematical models of COVID-19 (part 2), with Dr Robin Thompson
32 minutes
Episode Image #22 The mathematical models of COVID-19 (part 1), with Dr Kit Yates
41 minutes
Episode Image #21 Promoting mathematics via social media: an interview with Ollie Jones and Kamilla Rekvényi
21 minutes
Episode Image #19 Asking for “a lot of money and a lot of time”: an interview with Professor Liz Mansfield
20 minutes
Episode Image #20 “On the nature of mathematical joy”, with Professor Liz Mansfield
4 minutes
Episode Image #18 Peer support and “the ability to develop agency”: an interview with Associate Professor Lesley Ward
26 minutes
Episode Image #17 Running the numbers: an interview with Dr Tony Hill
16 minutes
Episode Image #16 Life in “a harmonic universe”: an interview with Tamara Kokilashvili
17 minutes
Episode Image #15 Talking maths in public: an interview with Matt Parker
11 minutes
Episode Image #14 “A Golden Age of maths communication”: an interview with Professor Chris Budd
16 minutes
Episode Image #13 When mathematicians and environmental scientists meet: an interview with Professor Paula Harrison and Dr Martine Barons
23 minutes
Episode Image #12 Investigating the Wiener-Hopf technique: an interview with Dr Anastasia Kisil
10 minutes
Episode Image #11 Tour de France Special: an interview with Professor David Abrahams
28 minutes
Episode Image #10 “Bringing the changes we want in Africa”: an interview with Dr Bubacarr Bah
19 minutes
Episode Image #09 “The beauty of results”: an interview with Professor Svitlana Mayboroda
21 minutes
Episode Image #08 Interdisciplinary excitement: an interview with Professor Xian Chen
11 minutes
Episode Image #07 The realities of academic life: an interview with Professor Irene Fonseca
36 minutes
Episode Image #06 Mathematikum: an interview with Professor Martin Buhmann
17 minutes
Episode Image #05 Exploring sundials: an interview with Dr Frank King
20 minutes
Episode Image #04 What can an early career researcher contribute? An interview with interview with Henri Elad Altman
12 minutes
Episode Image #03 A male dominated environment: an interview with Susanne Hilger
15 minutes
Episode Image #02 A mother of three in a academia: an interview with Professor Patricia Goncalvez
20 minutes
Episode Image #01 Directing the INI: an interview with Professor David Abrahams
25 minutes