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Podcast Profile: Conversations at the Perimeter

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23 episodes
2022 to 2024
Median: 59 minutes
Collections: Physics, Math, and AstronomyScience

Description (podcaster-provided):

Conversations at the Perimeter will introduce you to brilliant researchers working at the forefront of science, seeking to solve nature’s deepest mysteries – from quantum to cosmos. Learn about their motivations, the challenges they encounter, and the drive that keeps them searching for answers. Join the conversation!

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Theoretical physics • Quantum science • Astrophysics • Black holes • Cosmology • Quantum computing • Research challenges • Scientific motivations • Personal anecdotes • Educational outreach • Notable scientists

"Conversations at the Perimeter" is a podcast that delves into the pioneering research and intriguing personal stories of scientists at the forefront of theoretical physics and other related fields. Hosted by Perimeter Teaching Faculty member Lauren Hayward and journalist-turned-science communicator Colin Hunter, the podcast offers a window into the minds of the researchers working to solve some of nature's most profound mysteries, ranging from the quantum scale to cosmic phenomena.

The episodes feature discussions with a diverse group of scientists, each bringing their own unique perspectives and pioneering efforts to the table. Topics frequently explored include quantum mechanics, black holes, cosmology, and quantum computing. The podcast not only covers the groundbreaking discoveries and theories these scientists are working on but also delves into their motivations, the challenges they face, and the personal journeys that have brought them to their current roles.

Listeners can expect to hear about the latest advancements in theoretical physics, such as quantum gravity, superfluidity, and high-temperature superconductivity, as well as practical applications of these theories. There are also conversations about the role of quantum information theory in developing new technologies, and insights into the complex data analysis involved in cosmic surveys and black hole imaging.

In addition to the scientific discussions, the podcast places significant emphasis on the human aspect of scientific endeavor. Guests often share personal anecdotes, the influence of mentors and collaborators, and reflections on their careers. Some episodes also explore themes of diversity and inclusion in science, and the broader implications of scientific research for society. Overall, "Conversations at the Perimeter" provides an engaging and comprehensive look at the cutting-edge questions and the people passionately striving to answer them.

Episode Image Neil Turok on the simplicity of nature
61 minutes
Episode Image Sir Anthony Leggett on science, superfluidity, and serendipity
88 minutes
Episode Image Shep Doeleman on hunting for black holes
73 minutes
Episode Image Shohini Ghose on revolutions – quantum and social
59 minutes
Episode Image Pedro Vieira on a theory of all quantum field theories
74 minutes
Episode Image Ganapathy Baskaran on physics, biology, and global science
63 minutes
Episode Image Nicole Yunger Halpern on quantum steampunk
59 minutes
Episode Image Dustin Lang on big data from a big universe
69 minutes
Episode Image Savas Dimopoulos on the universe’s biggest unsolved puzzles
62 minutes
Episode Image Lee Smolin on a lifetime of big questions
47 minutes
Episode Image Jessie Muir on the mystery of dark energy
62 minutes
Episode Image Raymond Laflamme on the life-changing power of curiosity
59 minutes
Episode Image Hilding Neilson on stellar stories
53 minutes
Episode Image Estelle Inack on quantum intelligence
50 minutes
Episode Image François David on mathematical beauty
50 minutes
Episode Image Meenu Kumari on quantum chaos
50 minutes
Episode Image Lucien Hardy on quantum gravity and (apparent) paradoxes
50 minutes
Episode Image Avery Broderick on a black hole breakthrough from the EHT
55 minutes
Episode Image Ghazal Geshnizjani and Niayesh Afshordi: Cosmologically Coupled
72 minutes
Episode Image Carlo Rovelli on physics and philosophy
57 minutes
Episode Image Katie Mack on the end of it all – and new beginnings
56 minutes
Episode Image Timothy Hsieh on the magic of quantum
45 minutes
Introducing: Conversations at the Perimeter
4 minutes