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Podcast Profile: The Joy of Why

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38 episodes
2022 to 2024
Median: 40 minutes
Collections: Physics, Math, and AstronomyScience

Description (podcaster-provided):

“The Joy of Why” is a Quanta Magazine podcast about curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. The mathematician and author Steven Strogatz and the cosmologist and author Janna Levin take turns interviewing leading researchers about the great scientific and mathematical questions of our time. New episodes are released every other Wednesday.
Quanta Magazine is a Pulitzer Prize–winning, editorially independent online publication launched and supported by the Simons Foundation to illuminate big ideas in science and math through public service journalism. Quanta’s reporters and editors focus on developments in mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical computer science and the basic life sciences, emphasizing timely, accurate, in-depth and well-crafted articles for its broad discerning audience. In 2023, Steven Strogatz received a National Academies Eric and Wendy Schmidt Award for Excellence in Science Communications partly for his work on “The Joy of Why.”

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Scientific curiosity • Mathematical concepts • Neuroscientific findings • Astrophysical phenomena • Evolutionary biology • Quantum mechanics • Technological advancements • Mental health research • Fluid dynamics • Immunology • Artificial intelligence

"The Joy of Why" is a podcast that delves into the profound questions of science and mathematics, exploring the depths of human curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Hosted by the mathematician Steven Strogatz and the cosmologist Janna Levin, the podcast features interviews with leading researchers who provide insights into some of the most intriguing and complex topics in modern science.

The episodes cover a diverse range of subjects, from the potential mental health benefits of psychedelics to the perplexing nature of consciousness. Listeners can expect to encounter discussions that challenge conventional wisdom, such as new perspectives on depression treatments, the evolutionary roots of altruism, and the enigmatic properties of quantum teleportation. The podcast often ventures into the realms of physics and cosmology, examining phenomena like black hole information paradoxes, the nature of time, and the implications of a multiverse.

Themes of discovery and the unknown are prevalent throughout the series, as episodes unravel the mysteries of the universe through a scientific lens. This includes explorations into the fundamental questions of existence, such as the origins of life, the evolution of complex behaviors in animals, and the theoretical underpinnings of quantum field theory. The podcast also addresses practical scientific advancements and theoretical conundrums, such as the quest for high-temperature superconductors and the potential of programmable cells.

"The Joy of Why" doesn't shy away from the abstract or the speculative, making complex scientific concepts accessible to a broad audience by breaking down intricate ideas into engaging and thought-provoking conversations. Overall, this podcast serves as a bridge between cutting-edge scientific research and the inquisitive minds eager to understand the world's most fascinating scientific mysteries.

Episode Image How Is Science Even Possible?
35 minutes
Episode Image Can Psychedelics Improve Mental Health?
39 minutes
Episode Image What Happens in the Brain to Cause Depression?
33 minutes
Episode Image Will Better Superconductors Transform the World?
28 minutes
Episode Image What Does Milk Do for Babies?
34 minutes
Episode Image Can Information Escape a Black Hole?
29 minutes
Episode Image How Is Flocking Like Computing?
39 minutes
Episode Image What Is Quantum Teleportation?
30 minutes
Episode Image What Is the Nature of Time?
30 minutes
Episode Image How Did Altruism Evolve?
34 minutes
Episode Image What Makes for ‘Good’ Math?
35 minutes
Episode Image Trailer: The Joy of Why Season 3
2 minutes
Episode Image Does Nothingness Exist?
44 minutes
Episode Image Can Math and Physics Save an Arrhythmic Heart?
46 minutes
Episode Image What Can Jellyfish Teach Us About Fluid Dynamics?
43 minutes
Episode Image What Causes Giant Rogue Waves?
40 minutes
Episode Image What Is the Nature of Consciousness?
52 minutes
Episode Image Are There Reasons to Believe in a Multiverse?
48 minutes
Episode Image Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?
36 minutes
Episode Image How Can Some Infinities Be Bigger Than Others?
46 minutes
Episode Image What Has the Pandemic Taught Us About Vaccines?
42 minutes
Episode Image Is There Math Beyond the Equal Sign?
49 minutes
Episode Image Can We Program Our Cells?
45 minutes
Episode Image How Will the Universe End?
43 minutes
Episode Image The Joy of Asking About Infinity, Jellyfish and the End of the Universe
2 minutes
Episode Image Why and How Do We Dream?
45 minutes
Episode Image What Is Quantum Field Theory and Why Is It Incomplete?
42 minutes
Episode Image Why Do We Get Old, and Can Aging Be Reversed?
38 minutes
Episode Image How Do Mathematicians Know Their Proofs Are Correct?
28 minutes
Episode Image Can Computers Be Mathematicians?
32 minutes
Episode Image What Is Life?
41 minutes
Episode Image How Could Life Evolve From Cyanide?
39 minutes
Episode Image Will the James Webb Space Telescope Reveal Another Earth?
49 minutes
Episode Image Where Do Space, Time and Gravity Come From?
42 minutes
Episode Image Why Is Inflammation a Dangerous Necessity?
40 minutes
Episode Image Untangling Why Knots Are Important
44 minutes
Episode Image Why Do We Die Without Sleep?
43 minutes
Episode Image Trailer: The Joy of Why
2 minutes