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Podcast Profile: This Week in Space (Audio)

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10 episodes
Median: 67 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The new space age is upon us, and This Week in Space leaves no topic untouched. Every Friday, join Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, Rod Pyle and Managing Editor of, Tariq Malik as they explore everything related to the cosmos.
New episodes posted every Friday.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Space exploration developments • Interviews with experts • 3D-printed habitats • Solar activity and impacts • Space race and geopolitics • Astronomy advancements • Mars sample return • Space-themed music • Starliner missions

"This Week in Space (Audio)" is a podcast dedicated to exploring a broad array of topics related to the cosmos. Hosted by Rod Pyle, the Editor-in-Chief of Ad Astra magazine, and Tariq Malik, Managing Editor of, the show delves into the latest developments and enduring challenges in space exploration, technology, and research.

The episodes frequently feature interviews with experts and insiders from various space-related fields. Topics span from futuristic technologies, like 3D printing habitats on the Moon and Mars, to discussing the ongoing and historical missions of international space agencies, including NASA, SpaceX, and the Chinese space program. The podcast also covers the scientific significance of heliophysics, examining solar activity and its impact on Earth and technology.

Listeners can expect content that delves into the practical challenges and achievements of space missions. The intricate processes behind launching spacecraft, the scientific discoveries enabled by these missions, and the personal stories of astronauts and engineers are common themes. Issues faced by current missions, such as construction challenges on other planets and technical setbacks of spacecraft like Boeing's Starliner, feature prominently.

The podcast also touches on the cultural aspects of space exploration, including the intersection of space with music and popular culture, the role of space-themed communities, and the visions for future human settlement beyond Earth. Recurring segments discuss space weather phenomena, the latest spacecraft launches, and the competitive dynamics among nations and private entities striving to lead in space exploration.

In summary, "This Week in Space (Audio)" offers a comprehensive overview of contemporary space science and exploration. It provides insights into current missions, technological innovations, and the science behind our understanding of the universe, all while incorporating the human element through personal stories and cultural context.

Episode Image TWiS 117: A Home on the Moon - 3D Printing Lunar Habitats
69 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 116: Spreading the Good Word - With the Space and Things Podcast
65 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 115: Our Friendly Mr. Sun - Mr. Sun: Friend or Foe? With Dr. Alex Young
67 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 114: Starliners & Starships - Boeing's Redemption, SpaceX's Ambition
76 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 113: China's Heavenly Dream - Chang'e 6 and China's Lunar Ambitions With Mike Wall
67 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 112: Mars on Pause? - With JPL Chief Engineer Emeritus Rob Manning
67 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 111: The Big Glass Wars - Inside the Race to Build the World's Largest Telescopes
65 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 110: Voyager 1's Brush with Silence - Saving an Icon With Project Scientist Dr. Linda Spilker
69 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 109: Music of the Spheres - Space Music with Chris Carberry
66 minutes
Episode Image TWiS 108: Starliner: Better Late Than Never? - Boeing's College Try
67 minutes