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Podcast Profile: New Scientist Weekly

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19 episodes
Median: 27 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

A news podcast for the instatiably curious by the world's most popular weekly science magazine. Everything from the latest science and technology news to the big-picture questions about life, the universe and what it means to be human.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Science and technology news • Astrobiology • Climate change • Animal intelligence • AI and robotics • Health and medicine • Quantum mechanics • Environmental issues • Space exploration • Archaeology

"New Scientist Weekly" is a podcast curated for those with an insatiable curiosity about the world of science and technology. Drawing from the content of a renowned weekly science magazine, the podcast delves into a broad array of scientific disciplines and cutting-edge research, offering listeners a glimpse into both groundbreaking discoveries and the more enigmatic questions that challenge our understanding of life, the universe, and humanity.

Recurring themes in this podcast include animal behavior and intelligence, where discussions have revolved around the sophisticated communication systems of whales and elephants, suggesting these animals possess more complex social dynamics than previously thought. Similarly, the show often addresses advances in genetic research and biotechnology, such as efforts to reverse blindness or novel gene therapies that restore hearing.

Another focal point is climate science and environmental concerns. Episodes frequently explore the impacts of climate change, from accelerating climate shifts and record global temperatures to innovative geoengineering solutions aimed at mitigating these effects. The show also touches on fossil fuel advertising bans and developments in clean energy technology, like solar power beamed from space.

Space exploration and astronomy are prominently featured, with episodes discussing phenomena such as black holes, galactic weather reports, and the potential for Dyson spheres. The podcast also reports on space missions and the biological experiments conducted in space, highlighting how these ventures expand our understanding of both the cosmos and human physiology.

Additionally, themes of human health and social well-being are explored through topics like the physiological impacts of emotions on health, the challenges of social isolation, and the potential of personalized medicine based on genetic insights. Tech-driven discussions address the roles of artificial intelligence, quantum theories, and neuromorphic computing in relation to both current technological capabilities and futuristic aspirations.

Overall, "New Scientist Weekly" provides richly detailed explorations of diverse scientific phenomena and technological advancements, frequently highlighting how these studies and innovations intersect with the broader contexts of human life and environmental sustainability.

Episode Image Even more powerful gene editing than CRISPR; first moon samples from the far side; dangerous new mpox
23 minutes
Episode Image Why some people never get covid-19; Chimps using herbal medicines; Largest ever Maxwell’s demon
24 minutes
Episode Image Elephants have names for each other; conspiracies and doppelgangers with Naomi Klein; an ancient galactic weather report
36 minutes
Episode Image Why we should drill a massive hole in the moon; banning fossil fuel advertising; how to stop being lonely
28 minutes
Episode Image Google’s AI search problem; time is a quantum illusion; can we stop ageing?
33 minutes
Episode Image Record hurricane season approaches; uncovering the mysteries of a rare earth metal; how to fight in Bronze Age armour
27 minutes
Episode Image Hints of alien life in our galaxy; freezing human brains; solving a mystery of Egypt’s pyramids
28 minutes
Episode Image Do sperm whales have an alphabet?; Why dark energy is so weird; US bird flu outbreak
25 minutes
Episode Image Is climate change accelerating?; Anger vs heart health; New sensory organ
29 minutes
Episode Image What India elections mean for climate change; why animals talk; “tree of life” for plants
33 minutes
Episode Image Carbon storage targets ‘wildly unrealistic’; world’s biggest brain-inspired computer; do birds dream?
33 minutes
Episode Image The multiverse just got bigger; saving the white rhino; musical mushrooms
29 minutes
Episode Image Miniature livers made from lymph nodes in groundbreaking medical procedure
30 minutes
Episode Image Immune system treatment makes old mice seem young again; new black hole image; unexploded bombs are becoming more dangerous
26 minutes
Episode Image How declining birth rates could shake up society; Humanoid robots; Top prize in mathematics
27 minutes
Episode Image Gaza’s impending long-term health crisis
26 minutes
Episode Image Woolly mammoth breakthrough?; The Anthropocene rejected; Bumblebee culture
27 minutes
Episode Image Is personalised medicine overhyped?; Pythagoras was wrong about music; How your brain sees nothing
26 minutes
Episode Image Reversing blindness; power beamed from space; animal love languages
23 minutes