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Podcast Profile: Count Me In

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27 episodes
2021 to 2023
Median: 53 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Join former MAA President Deanna Haunsperger and Monthly Editor Della Dumbaugh as they explore the lives of mathematicians in this podcast to reveal the humanity of the discipline. These conversations will inspire others with their shared experiences of challenge and support, of doubt and devotion, and of isolation and community.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Mathematicians' personal stories • Overcoming challenges • Career paths in mathematics • Educational journeys • Mentorship and support • Diversity in mathematics • Teaching strategies • Interdisciplinary connections • Mathematical research and applications

"Count Me In" is a podcast that delves into the personal and professional lives of mathematicians to highlight the human aspects of the discipline. Each episode, hosted by former MAA President Deanna Haunsperger and Monthly Editor Della Dumbaugh, features in-depth conversations with various mathematical scholars. The show aims to inspire listeners by sharing the mathematicians' experiences with challenge and support, doubt and devotion, as well as themes of isolation and community.

A recurring theme across episodes is the unconventional and diverse career paths that mathematicians take. Stories often recount formative childhood experiences, educational journeys, and unique professional milestones. Many episodes explore the impact of mentorship and effective advising, emphasized through personal anecdotes about influential teachers and mentors.

Another common topic is the intersection of mathematics with other fields and interests. Several episodes cover mathematicians who engage in interdisciplinary research, hold positions outside academia, or utilize their mathematical skills in broader societal contexts. The podcast also showcases mathematicians' efforts to advance underrepresented groups within the field, highlighting their initiatives and outreach programs.

In addition, listeners can expect discussions about the practical applications of mathematical concepts, the importance of community building within academic and professional settings, and the personal passions that these mathematicians pursue outside of work. Themes of perseverance, goal-setting, and achieving work-life balance are also prevalent.

Each episode provides insights into the day-to-day lives of mathematicians, offering listeners a glimpse of their personal hobbies, unique items found on their desks, and the small, yet significant, life moments that have shaped their careers. "Count Me In" serves to demystify the mathematical profession by showing the individuals behind the equations, their stories, and their contributions to both mathematics and society.

Episode Image Susan D'Agostino
48 minutes
Episode Image Edray Goins

Episode Image Tara Holm
41 minutes
Episode Image Kobi Abayomi
53 minutes
Episode Image Ranthony Edmonds
56 minutes
Episode Image Ed Burger
69 minutes
Episode Image Season 3 - Trailer
2 minutes
Episode Image Cindy Wyels
55 minutes
Episode Image Mary Gray
52 minutes
Episode Image Ron Buckmire
54 minutes
Episode Image Ron Buckmire
54 minutes
Episode Image Eugenia Cheng, Part 2
42 minutes
Episode Image Eugenia Cheng, Part 2
42 minutes
Episode Image Eugenia Cheng, Part 1
53 minutes
Episode Image Ben Orlin
56 minutes
Episode Image Moon Duchin
56 minutes
Episode Image Season 2 - Trailer
2 minutes
Episode Image Tensia Soto
55 minutes
Episode Image Lloyd Douglas
57 minutes
Episode Image Alicia Prieto Langarica
69 minutes
Episode Image Susan Colley
51 minutes
Episode Image Frank Farris
53 minutes
Episode Image Erica Winterer
58 minutes
Episode Image Erica Flapan
52 minutes
Episode Image Zerotti Woods
49 minutes
Episode Image Talithia Williams
68 minutes
Episode Image Count Me In - Season 1 Trailer
1 minute