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Podcast Profile: Fusion Focused

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
27 episodes
2021 to 2023
Median: 29 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The Fusion Focused podcast aims to highlight inspiring experts within the Plasma Physics & Fusion Energy community, showcase the diverse careers available within the fusion field, talk with the guests about their scientific interests, and chat about why fusion is so cool!

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Fusion energy experts • Plasma physics • Research journeys • Diagnostic techniques • Academic careers • Diversity in STEM • Industry approaches • Science communication • International collaboration • Environmental impact

"Fusion Focused" is a podcast dedicated to exploring and highlighting key figures and topics within the Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy community. Hosted by Dr. Ella Fox-Widdows, the podcast showcases a diverse array of careers and scientific interests within the fusion field, aiming to underline the complexity and excitement surrounding fusion energy research.

The content revolves primarily around discussions with experts ranging from established professors to PhD students and professionals in the industry. Common themes across the episodes include various fusion approaches, diagnostic techniques, and cutting-edge research. For example, topics like millimeter wave diagnostics, electron Bernstein waves, and plasma turbulence are frequently explored to provide insight into the technical aspects of fusion science.

Another significant recurring subject in the podcast is the role of collaboration and international research opportunities. Guests often share their academic and professional journeys, detailing how they've contributed to various high-profile fusion projects and programs. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on the future potential of fusion energy, noting its importance for achieving environmentally sustainable energy solutions.

The podcast also places special focus on diversity within the fusion community. Episodes frequently discuss the necessity of attracting a diverse cohort to the field and the impact of different perspectives on scientific progress. Guests share their personal experiences and challenges, providing advice on how to navigate a career in fusion energy and the importance of being pro-nuclear for environmental reasons.

Listeners can expect to hear about the journey of researchers from various stages of their careers, their specific research interests, and their contributions to prominent research institutions and companies. This informative series seeks to inspire and educate by bringing together a wealth of knowledge and experience from leaders and rising stars in the fusion energy sector.

Episode Image S2 E11: Prof. Anne White
54 minutes
Episode Image S2 E10: Rosie Barker
25 minutes
Episode Image S2 E9: Maria Morbey
20 minutes
Episode Image S2 E8: Dr Eleanor Tubman
40 minutes
Episode Image S2 E7: Cyd Cowley
48 minutes
Episode Image S2 E6: Dr Steffi Diem
31 minutes
Episode Image S2 E5: Dr Humberto Torreblanca
26 minutes
Episode Image S2 E4: Jane Hotchkiss
60 minutes
Episode Image S2 E3: Dr Nick Hawker
21 minutes
Episode Image S2 E2: Dr Valerie Jamieson
26 minutes
Episode Image S2 E1: Dr Richard Pearson
49 minutes
Episode Image S1 E15: Dr Sam Gibson
24 minutes
Episode Image S1 E14: Dario Cruz
29 minutes
Episode Image S1 E13: Dr Ana Koller
29 minutes
Episode Image S1 E12: Fabio Federici
31 minutes
Episode Image S1 E11: Dr Ryoko Osawa
26 minutes
Episode Image S1 E10: Guido Lange
26 minutes
Episode Image S1 E9: Erica Salazar
36 minutes
Episode Image S1 E8: Dr Nick Walkden
29 minutes
Episode Image S1 E7: Dr Kate Lancaster
42 minutes
Episode Image S1 E6: Emre Yildirim
48 minutes
Episode Image S1 E5: Dr Kirsty McKay
25 minutes
Episode Image S1 E4: Laura Wheatley
25 minutes
Episode Image S1 E3: Dr Alex Creely
33 minutes
Episode Image S1 E2: Dr Aneeqa Khan
22 minutes
Episode Image S1 E1: Dr Melanie Windridge
76 minutes
Episode Image Fusion Focused S1: Trailer
1 minute