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Podcast Profile: Plato's Pod: Dialogues on the works of Plato

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62 episodes
2021 to 2024
Median: 113 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Welcome to Plato's Pod, a bi-weekly podcast of group discussions on the dialogues of Plato held through Anyone interested in participating, whether to learn about Plato or to contribute to the dialogue, is welcome to join with no experience required! The podcast is hosted by amateur philosopher James Myers and inquiries can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Wherever we go in our discussions we gain knowledge from each other’s perspectives, and for the increase in knowledge we invite everyone to add their voice to the dialogue. Plato, without a doubt, would have imagined no better way than in dialogue for knowledge – the account of the reasons why – to find its home.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Discussions on Plato's dialogues • Examination of philosophical ideas • Analysis of ancient texts in modern context • Focus on Plato’s works: The Republic, The Laws, Timaeus, Protagoras, Phaedo, and more • Meetup group dialogues

"Plato's Pod: Dialogues on the Works of Plato" is a podcast dedicated to exploring the philosophical dialogues of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Hosted by amateur philosopher James Myers, the podcast features bi-weekly group discussions involving participants from philosophy meetup groups in Toronto, Calgary, and Chicago. The episodes derive from a collective examination of Plato’s most prominent and intricate works, such as "The Republic," "The Laws," "The Phaedo," and "The Symposium," among others.

The show delves deeply into the philosophical inquiries posed by Plato, examining themes such as virtue, justice, the soul, reason, and the nature of reality. These discussions are framed within both the context of their ancient origins and their relevance to contemporary issues. For example, themes from "The Laws" are brought into dialogue with present-day political situations, and the myth of Atlantis from the "Timaeus" is discussed in relation to social constitutions and memory. Similarly, the podcast ventures into the metaphysical and ethical implications of knowledge, perception, and the soul's immortality, often referencing modern scientific concepts like quantum mechanics to bridge ancient philosophy with contemporary understanding.

Episodes typically feature rigorous dialogue on specific books and passages from Plato’s works, attempting to unravel the complex interplay of ideas presented. Discussions often focus on the nature and utility of virtues, the philosophical underpinnings of justice and governance, and the dichotomy between knowledge and sensory perception. There is also an emphasis on the method of dialectic as a means of pursuing philosophical truths, mirroring the style of Plato’s own dialogues.

Throughout the podcast, a recurring method involves comparing Plato’s philosophical ideas with modern examples and technologies, thereby seeking new insights into age-old queries. This approach aims to demonstrate the enduring relevance of Plato's philosophy and its applicability to the challenges of the modern world.

Episode Image Plato’s Laws – Book V: The Soul in Communal Harmony
104 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book IV: Leadership by Reason
124 minutes
Episode Image Plato’s Laws – Book III: Finding Unity and Reason in the Balance of Reason
126 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book II: Learning the Pleasure of the Good and Beautiful
132 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book I, Part 2: Mastering Pain and Pleasure in a Virtuous Society
113 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book I, Part 1: A Constitution for Peace and Virtue
117 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book X, Part 2: Reason as the Cause in the Middle of It All
113 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Laws - Book X, Part 1: Universal Patterns
123 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Critias Revisited: The Tale of Atlantis and the Harmonics of Memory
113 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Timaeus Revisited: Part IV - The Soul's Perceptions in the Universal Middle
112 minutes
Episode Image Plato’s Timaeus Revisited, Part III: Perceiving Imitations of Being as they Become
119 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Timaeus Revisited: Part II - A Universe Centered on the Soul
110 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Timaeus Revisited: Part I – Cities in Motion for both Observer and Observed
114 minutes
Episode Image What Would Socrates Say About ChatGPT?
41 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Crito: The Constitution of Souls
120 minutes
Episode Image Plato’s Ion: The Stories That Souls Trade
111 minutes
Episode Image Platio's Symposium, Part 3: Knowledge Versus Mastery, and Love's Light in The Cave
108 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Symposium, Part 2: Love and the Immortal Good
112 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Symposium, Part 1: Love's Poetry, Bearing Individual and Universal Truths
106 minutes
Episode Image Plato’s Hippias Minor: Truth, Lies, and Feedback Loops
92 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Protagoras, Part 3: In Virtue of What Does Good Outweigh Bad?
111 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Protagoras, Part 2: Is Virtue One Thing or Many?
112 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Protagoras, Part 1: Can Virtue Be Taught?
113 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Philebus, Part 3: The Philosopher's Arithmetic
112 minutes
Episode Image Plato’s Philebus, Part 2: Does the Universe Have a Soul and Reason?
99 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on the Philebus, Part 1: The Universe of Memory, Knowledge, and Limits
111 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Greater Hippias: The Measure of Intelligence
106 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on the Cratylus, Part 3: Things Good, True, and Beautiful
100 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Cratylus, Part 2: Being, Becoming, and Limits
102 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Cratylus, Part 1: Distinguishing One Thing From Another
94 minutes
Episode Image Plato's Cratylus and the Forms: Our Perception in Time
35 minutes
Episode Image Modern Technology and Ancient Philosophy: Building the Bridge With Science
97 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Parmenides, Session 2: If the One is Not, then Nothing Is
97 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Parmenides, Session 1: The One and the Many
111 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Statesman, Session 3: Harmony in Time
103 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Statesman, Session 2: The Mean and The Extremes
112 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Statesman, Session 1: Ripple of Hope
123 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On The Sophist, Session 3: The Forms In A Harmony Of Difference
122 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On The Sophist, Session 2: The Forms Whole And One
123 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On The Sophist, Session 1: Continuous Division
120 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On Phaedo, Session 3: Form And Cause
120 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On Phaedo, Session 2: Infinite Potential
114 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On Phaedo, Session 1: Logic Of The Equal
120 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue On Philebus: The One And The Many
124 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 6: The Immortal Soul
113 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 5: Knowledge of Philosophers
118 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 4: Philosopher Rulers
115 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 3: The Guardians, The Virtues, and The Soul
116 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 2: Social Constitution
114 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 1: Allegory of the Cave, Simile of the Sun, Nature of Good, and the Divided Line
117 minutes
Episode Image Welcome to Plato's Pod! - Season 2 Trailer
2 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Theaetetus, Part 2: Transmission of Knowledge in Two Types of Motion
117 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Theaetetus, Part I: Knowledge, memory, and their measure
115 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Euthyphro: The nature of piety and our relationship with the eternal
110 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Critias: The Legend of Atlantis and the Quest for Divine Harmony
112 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Phaedrus (Part II): The Purpose of Speech, and its Powers in Particular
119 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Republic, Session 5: Knowledge of Philosophers
118 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Phaedrus: The Soul and General Forms of Understanding
less than a minute
Episode Image Dialogue on The Charmides: The “Science of Self” in the Intelligent Universe
114 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Meno: Virtue and Knowledge in the Intelligent Universe
119 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Timaeus: Creation of the Observable, Visible, Physical Universe
108 minutes
Episode Image Dialogue on The Timaeus: Creation of the Intelligent Universe
110 minutes