Description (podcaster-provided):
Join Rob Colter and Massimo Pigliucci for a series of engaging conversations, sometimes with special guests, on what it means to practice philosophy as a way of life. New episodes out on the second Friday of every month. Full index at and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):
➤ Philosophy as a way of life • Stoicism • Ancient philosophies • Personal development • Ethics and politics • Translating ancient texts • Special guests and author interviewsThis podcast, titled "Philosophy as a Way of Life," explores the application of philosophical ideas to both historical and modern contexts. Hosted by Rob Colter and Massimo Pigliucci, the show delves into what it means to practice philosophy in daily life, featuring conversations sometimes joined by various guests such as scholars, authors, and practitioners. Released monthly, the podcast frequently touches on Stoic philosophy, examining its principles through discussions with translators, scholars, and practitioners, and considering Stoicism's relevance today.
Episodes cover a variety of philosophical themes and thinkers. There's a notable focus on Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca, addressing Stoic ethics, politics, and the philosophy’s misinterpretations. The hosts also engage with other philosophical traditions, such as Confucianism, Aristotelianism, and Existentialism, providing a broader landscape of philosophical thought as a guide to living well.
The podcast discusses the practical aspects of philosophy, illustrating how philosophical teachings can be integrated into daily routines, personal relationships, and personal growth. It examines how philosophy intersects with emotions, character development, and moral growth, considering contributions from Eastern and Western philosophical traditions.
By addressing both ancient and contemporary philosophical dialogues, the show emphasizes the ongoing relevance of philosophy. It tackles diverse topics from philosophical perspectives on love, leadership, and ethics to the more niche applications of philosophy in domains such as graphic novels and even comedy. The podcast offers listeners a chance to reflect on how these philosophical insights can be incorporated into a conscious and thoughtful way of living.