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Podcast Profile: Phi on New York

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
8 episodes
2021 to 2024
Median: 63 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The Phi on New York podcast deciphers the words that city's philosophers (and other prophets) have written on the subway walls. Through in-depth conversations about the ideas, issues, and challenges that shape lives of New Yorkers, we try to understand what the city is and what it might become.
Produced by Joseph S. Biehl
Original music by Jay Spero
Intro voiceover by Mike "Sport" Murphy
Logo art by Mary Ann Biehl

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical discussions • Urban issues • New York's social dynamics • City development • Civic engagement • Political analysis • Food justice • Rights and democracy • Cultural critiques • Notable figures’ interviews

"Phi on New York" is a podcast that delves into the philosophical and ideological fabric of New York City, examining the city's evolving identity through thoughtful conversations with writers, philosophers, and public policy experts. With a focus on the ideas, issues, and challenges that shape the lives of New Yorkers, the show dissects themes of urban development, social justice, political dynamics, and cultural shifts.

The podcast features a diverse array of guests who provide insights into the complexities of urban life. Discussions often explore broader perspectives on the current state of the city, touching on topics such as the impact of philosophical theories like the "right to the city" and exploring how these ideas intersect with activism and policy. The show also examines the philosophical underpinnings behind political strategies and city governance, often bringing in writers and political commentators to provide context and critique of recent political events and decisions.

Social justice is a recurring theme, with several episodes addressing issues like food security and the implications of the #MeToo movement on local politics. Conversations about democratic engagement, electoral reforms, and the efficacy of various governance models also appear, reflecting a concern with making the city's political system more inclusive and responsive.

Moreover, the podcast often turns its gaze inward to question the intrinsic qualities of the city itself, such as its "soul" and existential essence, and how these affect its inhabitants. This includes reflections on how shifts in technology, economy, and policy influence the urban experience.

Through these explorations, "Phi on New York" provides a platform for intellectual debate and seeks to bring a philosophical lens to the everyday experiences and broader societal trends that define New York City.

Episode Image Ross Barkan on The State of the City
65 minutes
Episode Image Does New York City have rights? Margaret Cuonzo on the Right to the City and the Rights of the City
55 minutes
Episode Image Episode 6: Joseph Viteritti and the Search for the Soul of the City
61 minutes
Episode Image Episode 5: The Fixer is In: A conversation with Bradley Tusk
63 minutes
Episode Image Episode 4: Michael Menser and the Changing Logic of the City
63 minutes
Episode Image Episode 3: #Me Too, Scott Stringer, and the Race for Mayor
61 minutes
Episode Image Episode 2: Food, Hunger, and Justice
72 minutes
Episode Image Elections, Engagement, and Democracy
79 minutes