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Podcast Profile: Mind Chat

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28 episodes
2021 to 2024
Median: 116 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Philip Goff is a philosopher who thinks consciousness pervades the universe. Keith Frankish is a philosopher who thinks consciousness* doesn't even exist. From their very different perspectives, Keith and Philip interview leading scientists and philosophers of consciousness, engaging and debating in a friendly way in pursuit of truth. Mind Chat aims to be highly accessible, allowing those with no background in science and/or philosophy to get a grip on the cutting edge of the field.
(*To be more precise, Keith thinks *phenomenal* consciousness doesn't exist; listen to find out what this is.)

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Consciousness debates • Philosophy and science intersection • Illusionism vs. panpsychism • Free will exploration • Science of consciousness challenges • Experience, reality, and perception inquiries • Dualism and materialism discussions

Mind Chat is a podcast where philosophers Philip Goff and Keith Frankish engage with leading thinkers in consciousness studies. The show explores various perspectives on consciousness, often contrasting Philip's view that consciousness pervades the universe with Keith's belief that phenomenal consciousness does not exist. Despite their differing opinions, both hosts maintain a friendly and open dialogue with their guests.

The episodes cover a broad spectrum of topics relating to consciousness, intertwining discussions of philosophical theories with scientific insights. Common themes include the nature and existence of consciousness, free will, the relationship between consciousness and reality, and the implications of scientific theories on our understanding of the mind. Guests from diverse academic backgrounds, such as cognitive science, neuroscience, and philosophy, contribute to the conversations, discussing both well-established theories and new, avant-garde concepts.

Panpsychism, the idea that consciousness is a fundamental and ubiquitous aspect of reality, is frequently explored, as well as its converse, illusionism, which posits that consciousness is an illusion created by brain processes. The podcast often delves into the controversies and debates surrounding these views. Other recurrent subjects include the potential of psychedelics to offer insights into the mind, the challenges posed by the 'hard problem of consciousness,' and the debate over whether consciousness can be fully explained by materialist views.

Mind Chat aims to make these complex discussions accessible to a general audience, encouraging listeners without a background in science or philosophy to engage with cutting-edge ideas at the intersection of these fields.

Episode Image Andy Clark: The Experience Machine
89 minutes
Episode Image Philip Goff & Keith Frankish: Heretical Christianity
88 minutes
Episode Image Annaka Harris: Is Consciousness Everywhere?
108 minutes
Episode Image Sarah Lane-Ritchie & Aidan Lyon: What Can Psychedelics Tell Us About Mind & Reality?
101 minutes
Episode Image Kevin Mitchell: Do We Have Free Will?
105 minutes
Episode Image Cat Gillen: Do Electrons Exist?
72 minutes
Episode Image Halloween Special! The Purpose of the Universe
99 minutes
Episode Image Donald Hoffman: What is Reality?
119 minutes
Episode Image Eric Schwitzgebel : Is the United States Conscious?
114 minutes
Episode Image Michelle Liu and Edouard Machery: Is the 'Hard Problem of Consciousness' Nonsense Invented by Philosophers?
129 minutes
Episode Image Frank Jackson: The Greatest Argument Against Materialism
116 minutes
Episode Image Francois Kammerer and Luke Roelofs: Illusionism or Panpsychism?
122 minutes
Episode Image Noam Chomsky: Chomsky on Consciousness
72 minutes
Episode Image Angela Mendelovici: How Does Consciousness Connect us to Reality? Part II
179 minutes
Episode Image Ann-Sophie Barwich: Smellosophy--The Philosophy & Neuroscience of Smell
144 minutes
Episode Image Philip Goff: Is Physics Different in the Brain?
54 minutes
Episode Image Sean Carroll and Barry Loewer: What Does Physics Tell Us About Consciousness?
129 minutes
Episode Image Helen Steward: Do We Have Free Will?
126 minutes
Episode Image David Papineau: How Does Consciousness Connect Us To Reality?
178 minutes
Episode Image David Chalmers: Are We Living in a Simulation?
169 minutes
Episode Image Christmas Special: Panpsychism or Illusionism?
167 minutes
Episode Image Sean Carroll: Is Consciousness Emergent?
194 minutes
Episode Image Anil Seth: Is Consciousness a Controlled Hallucination?
117 minutes
Episode Image Helen Yetter-Chappell: Is Reality Made up of Consciousness?
124 minutes
Episode Image Matthias Michel: Is a Science of Consciousness Possible?
158 minutes
Episode Image Christof Koch: The Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness
95 minutes
Episode Image Janet Levin: The Materialist Theory of Consciousness
102 minutes
Episode Image Tim O'Connor: Interview with a Dualist
115 minutes