Description (podcaster-provided):
In What’s Left of Philosophy Gil Morejón (@gdmorejon), Lillian Cicerchia (@lilcicerch), Owen Glyn-Williams (@oglynwil), and William Paris (@williammparis) discuss philosophy’s radical histories and contemporary political theory. Philosophy isn't dead, but what's left? Support us at and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):
➤ Marxism • Critical theory • Political philosophy • Social justice • Economic critiques • Historical analysis • Revolutionary thought • Contemporary leftist debates • Guest scholars • Philosophical discussionsThis podcast, "What's Left of Philosophy," delves into the intersection of philosophy, politics, and critical theory, offering an exploration of radical philosophical ideas and contemporary political thought. The hosts—Gil Morejón, Lillian Cicerchia, Owen Glyn-Williams, and William Paris—engage in discussions that weave through the historical and theoretical dimensions of various philosophical traditions.
The episodes cover a broad range of topics, from critiques of market society to explorations of Marxist philosophy and its variants. Central themes often include the interrogation of state power, critiques of capitalism, and considerations of socialism. The podcast frequently addresses the works of influential philosophers, both classical and contemporary, engaging with their ideas on subjects like justice, equality, and the dynamics of freedom and oppression.
Recurring subjects include economic power, critical realism, and debates on reform versus revolution. The podcast also examines the intersections of race, colonialism, and identity politics, with discussions on figures such as Frantz Fanon and Charles Mills. Additionally, the podcast reflects on the role of aesthetics, exploring how art can contribute to social change and philosophical understanding.
Considerations of ethics and morality appear throughout, with special attention to the application of philosophical theories to practical matters, such as environmental sustainability and participatory economics. The hosts also delve into societal structures, from the dynamics of urbanization to the alienation of labor and the impact of propaganda.
The content is deeply embedded in critical theory, often challenging traditional liberal viewpoints and evaluating progressive alternatives. By engaging with both historical and modern philosophical texts and theories, the podcast aims to provoke thoughtful dialogue on how philosophical insights can contribute to understanding and potentially transforming contemporary social and political landscapes.
Episodes: |
107 | How Labor Can Win w/ Eric Blanc 2025-Feb-10 70 minutes |
106 | Karl Polanyi and the Critique of Market Society 2025-Jan-27 62 minutes |
105 TEASER | Fredric Jameson: Marxist Criticism and the Role of Theory 2025-Jan-16 9 minutes |
104 | Does History Have a Repetition Compulsion? 2024-Dec-30 58 minutes |
103 | Habermania w/ Dr. Steven Klein 2024-Dec-18 67 minutes |
102 TRAILER | The Heidegger Episode 2024-Dec-03 6 minutes |
101 | Free Time Under Capitalism 2024-Nov-18 60 minutes |
100 | Special Q+A Livestream! 2024-Nov-01 117 minutes |
100th Episode Livestream Announcement | Ask Us Anything! 2024-Oct-17 1 minute |
99 | What is Dialectics? Part VI: From Explanation to Emancipation: Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism 2024-Oct-14 61 minutes |
98 TEASER | Reform or Revolution? 2024-Sep-27 10 minutes |
97 | Poulantzas, Marxism and the State 2024-Sep-12 55 minutes |
96 TEASER | What is Utopia? Part IV. Bacon's New Atlantis 2024-Aug-28 14 minutes |
95 | John Dewey and the Education of Experience 2024-Aug-14 63 minutes |
94 | Norman Geras' Ethics of Revolution 2024-Aug-02 57 minutes |
93 TEASER | Charles Mills and the Racial Contract 2024-Jul-16 11 minutes |
92 | What is Liberalism? Part V. Robert Nozick’s Libertarian Reveries 2024-Jul-01 62 minutes |
91 | Fanon’s Dialectic of Violence 2024-Jun-11 61 minutes |
90 | Ecological Materialism and Logistical Strategy w/ Dr. Jeff Diamanti 2024-May-27 80 minutes |
89 TEASER | G.A. Cohen's Analytical Red Sublime 2024-May-15 12 minutes |
88 | On Late Fascism w/ Alberto Toscano 2024-May-02 67 minutes |
87 | The Politics of Left-Wing Climate Realism w/ Dr. Ajay Singh Chaudhary 2024-Apr-17 74 minutes |
86 | Right-Wing Political Thought w/ Dr. Matt McManus 2024-Apr-02 59 minutes |
85 TEASER | Giving an Account of Oneself: Judith Butler's Ethics of Opacity 2024-Mar-19 8 minutes |
84 | Sex in Philosophy w/ Dr. Manon Garcia 2024-Mar-07 66 minutes |
83 | What is Aesthetics? Part III. Ernst Bloch: In Search of the Red Sublime 2024-Feb-19 56 minutes |
82 | The State and Right: Kant's Metaphysics of Morals 2024-Feb-07 61 minutes |
81 TEASER | David Harvey: Capitalist Urbanization and the Right to the City 2024-Jan-22 11 minutes |
80 | Grab Bag Special Episode with Michael Peterson! Utilitarian Harems, Nietzschean Ciphers, and Cowardly Chatbots 2024-Jan-09 82 minutes |
79 | What Could It Mean to Say, “Capitalism Causes Sexism and Racism”? with Professor Vanessa Wills 2023-Dec-18 64 minutes |
78 | Perry Anderson's Considerations on Western Marxism 2023-Dec-05 58 minutes |
77 | What is Ecosocialism? Part I. John Bellamy Foster and the Metabolic Rift 2023-Nov-22 59 minutes |
76 | For and Against Participatory Planning & Economics 2023-Nov-06 56 minutes |
75 TEASER | Power, Reason, and Justification: Rainer Forst’s Critical Theory 2023-Oct-24 8 minutes |
74 | Time and Work Discipline with E.P. Thompson 2023-Oct-02 58 minutes |
73 | Effective Altruism is Terrible w/ John Duncan 2023-Sep-20 60 minutes |
72 | Gerrard Winstanley and the English Revolution 2023-Sep-13 54 minutes |
Updates and Live Show Announcement! 8/22/2023 2023-Aug-22 2 minutes |
71 TEASER | What is Liberalism? Part IV: Neo-Republicanism 2023-Aug-08 19 minutes |
70 | How Does Propaganda Work? w/ Dr. Megan Hyska 2023-Jul-28 58 minutes |
69 | Mute Compulsion: Economic Power and Capitalist Domination w/ Dr. Søren Mau 2023-Jul-13 56 minutes |
68 | F.A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom: Competition, Individualism, and the Politics of Reaction 2023-Jun-27 57 minutes |
67 TEASER | What is Liberalism? III. John Rawls and Political Liberalism 2023-Jun-13 16 minutes |
66 | What's Left of Equality? Between Opportunity and Flourishing 2023-May-30 60 minutes |
65 | Gramsci's The Modern Prince 2023-May-17 61 minutes |
64 | What is Aesthetics? Part II. How Does it Feel to be a Problem, Hip Hop Nation? W/ Dr. Michael Thomas 2023-May-01 62 minutes |
63 Teaser | Lenin's State and Revolution 2023-Apr-17 9 minutes |
62 | What is Aesthetics? Part I. Schiller's Letters on Aesthetic Education 2023-Apr-03 61 minutes |
61 | Frantz Fanon, Racism, and the Alienation of Reason 2023-Mar-20 66 minutes |
60 | Antifascism and Emancipatory Violence with Devin Zane Shaw 2023-Mar-06 71 minutes |
59 | Herbert Marcuse B-Sides Mixtape 2023-Feb-20 65 minutes |
58 Teaser | Angela Davis: Dialectics of Oppression and Liberation 2023-Feb-06 18 minutes |
UNLOCKED: 24 | What's Left of Foucault? 2023-Jan-30 70 minutes |
57 | What is Liberalism? Part II. Policing and Political Economy 2023-Jan-16 61 minutes |
56 | Special Minisode: Hating on New Year’s Day with Antonio Gramsci 2023-Jan-01 31 minutes |
55 Teaser | Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality 2022-Dec-20 8 minutes |
54 | Expropriating the Expropriators w/ Dr. Jacob Blumenfeld 2022-Dec-05 67 minutes |
53 | Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: Anti-Materialist Sociology 2022-Nov-28 70 minutes |
52 | Mike Davis: Historical Materialism and Militant Theory 2022-Nov-14 63 minutes |
51 Teaser | What is Utopia? Part III. Hermeneutics and Utopia: From Hans-Georg Gadamer to Ernst Bloch (Part 2) 2022-Nov-01 20 minutes |
50 | Hermeneutics and Utopia: From Hans-Georg Gadamer to Ernst Bloch (Part 1) 2022-Oct-17 63 minutes |
49 | Coming to Terms with Human Finitude w/ Prof. Martin Hägglund 2022-Oct-03 65 minutes |
48 | Gillian Rose: Speculative Thinking and Post-Kantian Sociology with James Callahan 2022-Sep-19 60 minutes |
47 | Guy Debord and the Society of the Spectacle 2022-Sep-06 61 minutes |
46 Teaser | What is Dialectics? Part V: Adorno's Negative Dialectics 2022-Aug-22 10 minutes |
45 | On Solidarity and Conflict with Nathan DuFord 2022-Aug-08 68 minutes |
44 | Karl Kautsky's Cooperative Commonwealth 2022-Aug-01 61 minutes |
43 | Transindividuality and Marxism with Jason Read 2022-Jul-26 61 minutes |
42 | Going Beyond the Pleasure Principle with Freud 2022-Jul-12 68 minutes |
41 | James Boggs and the Problem of Rights under Capitalism 2022-Jun-27 59 minutes |
40 Teaser | What is Liberalism? Part I. John Locke's Second Treatise of Government 2022-Jun-13 11 minutes |
39 | Lukács: Social Totality and the Commodity Form 2022-May-30 65 minutes |
38 | Liberal Democracy in Crisis: Carl Schmitt and the Present 2022-May-16 60 minutes |
37 Teaser | What’s the ‘Structural’ in ‘Structural Injustice’?: Iris Marion Young and Political Philosophy 2022-May-02 10 minutes |
36 | What is Utopia? Part II. Plato's Republic (with Owen Alldritt) 2022-Apr-20 67 minutes |
35 | Moral Luck and Pedagogy (with Aaron Rabinowitz) 2022-Apr-05 68 minutes |
34 Teaser | What is Dialectics? Part IV: Dialectic of Enlightenment with Adorno and Horkheimer 2022-Mar-22 8 minutes |
33 | (Un)Learning How to Do Politics with Hannah Arendt 2022-Mar-07 68 minutes |
32 | What is Equality? Disagreeing with Jacques Rancière 2022-Feb-22 65 minutes |
31 | Raymond Geuss: Realism in Political Theory 2022-Feb-07 62 minutes |
30 | What is Utopia? Part I. Thomas More: Critical Realism in a Time of Enclosure 2022-Jan-24 60 minutes |
29 | Sartre and the Question of Philosophy 2022-Jan-10 66 minutes |
28 | A Very Special Holiday Episode: Learning How to Give with Jacques Derrida 2021-Dec-25 54 minutes |
27 | Crisis and Utopian Consciousness 2021-Dec-21 65 minutes |
26 | Wake Up and Choose Divine Violence: Walter Benjamin w/ Dr. Ashley Bohrer 2021-Dec-04 69 minutes |
25 | Reflections on Freedom and the Cold War w/ Dr. Lea Ypi 2021-Nov-19 62 minutes |
24 Teaser | What's Left of Foucault? 2021-Nov-05 23 minutes |
23 | How Does a Democracy Keep its Character? Lessons from the Black Radical Tradition w/ Prof. Melvin Rogers 2021-Oct-22 66 minutes |
22 | The Meaning of Disability (with Dr. Joel Michael Reynolds) 2021-Oct-08 68 minutes |
21 | What is Critical Theory Doing? w/ Dr. Prof. Robin Celikates 2021-Aug-28 68 minutes |
20 | David Walker and the Politics of Judgment 2021-Aug-13 58 minutes |
19 | Machiavelli: Cunning, Fortune, and Republican Virtue 2021-Aug-01 71 minutes |
18 | Spinoza: Necessity, Ethics, Joy 2021-Jul-16 73 minutes |
17 Teaser | What is Dialectics? Part III: What's the Deal with Marx, Anyway? 2021-Jul-02 19 minutes |
16 | Erik Olin Wright: Utopia and Social Science 2021-Jun-18 67 minutes |
15 | What is Dialectics? Part II: We Need to Talk about Hegel 2021-Jun-04 76 minutes |
14 | Thomas Hobbes Hates Your Book Club 2021-May-22 63 minutes |
13 | What is Dialectics? Part I. The Crew Gets Kant-Pilled 2021-May-07 62 minutes |
12 Teaser | Gustav Landauer: Anarchism, Utopia, Community 2021-Apr-23 8 minutes |
11 | Climate Politics and Global Justice (with Dr. Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò) 2021-Apr-09 78 minutes |
10 | Donna Haraway: Socialist Cyborg Affinities 2021-Mar-28 75 minutes |
9 | C.L.R. James: Leadership, Organization, Mass Politics (with Dr. William Clare Roberts) 2021-Mar-12 61 minutes |
8 | (Neo)colonialism and Anticolonialism 2021-Feb-26 66 minutes |
7 | Why Does Class Matter? 2021-Feb-12 59 minutes |
6 | What's Left of Positivism (with Dr. Liam Kofi Bright) 2021-Jan-29 72 minutes |
5 Teaser | Beauvoir: Existentialism and Liberation 2021-Jan-15 14 minutes |
4 | Security, Supreme Concept of Bourgeois Society? 2021-Jan-01 58 minutes |
3 | Laclau and Mouffe, or How we learned to hate class and love Derrida 2020-Dec-18 71 minutes |
2 | Stuart Hall: What are the politics of culture? 2020-Dec-18 76 minutes |
1 | Althusser: Marxism and Philosophy 2020-Dec-18 62 minutes |