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22 episodes
2020 to 2021
Median: 54 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Thinking through the technology, philosophy, morality, and politics of Black Mirror

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Technology • Philosophy • Morality • Politics • Religion • Self-improvement • Dating • AI • Surveillance • Memory • Social media • Dehumanization • Celebrity • Digital afterlife • Gaming

"Black Mirror Reflections" is a thought-provoking podcast that delves into the deeper implications of the popular TV series "Black Mirror." Hosted by Dr. J, the podcast features conversations with various experts, primarily from academic circles, who bring their unique perspectives to the table. Each episode of the podcast is dedicated to a different Black Mirror episode, with discussions revolving around technology, philosophy, morality, and politics.

The podcast consistently explores themes such as human interaction with technology and the ethical dilemmas spawned by advanced technological developments. Episode discussions often touch on the human condition, examining how digital advancements can influence mental health, relationships, and society at large. Topics like surveillance, artificial intelligence, digital afterlives, and social media are analyzed through a philosophical lens, prompting listeners to ponder the ramifications of living in an increasingly digital world.

Recurring subjects include the nature of consciousness and identity in relation to technology, ethical considerations about digital experiences and virtual realities, and the societal impacts of emerging technologies. The guests on the show bring a range of expertise, enhancing conversations with insights into social justice, the philosophical underpinnings of human behavior, and theoretical frameworks relating to race, gender, and class.

Overall, "Black Mirror Reflections" serves as an intellectual exploration of how elements of "Black Mirror" mirror real-world concerns and speculative futures. Through its episodes, the podcast provides an in-depth analysis of the moral and ethical questions presented by technology, shedding light on the intricate balance between innovation and humanity's foundational values. Whether examining the implications of robot dogs, the concept of justice, or the potential for virtual moral agents, the conversations are rich with academic rigor and philosophical inquiry, making it a substantial resource for those interested in the intersection of technology and human experience.

Episode Image "Smithereens" (with special guest, James Buchanan "Bru" Wallace)
55 minutes
Episode Image "Hang the DJ" (with special guest, John Torrey)
49 minutes
Episode Image "Bandersnatch" (with special guest, Eric Steinhart)
50 minutes
Episode Image "Metalhead" (with special guest, Roman V. Yampolskiy)
48 minutes
Episode Image "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too" (with special guest, Karen Tongson)
53 minutes
Episode Image "White Bear" (with special guest, Charles W. Mills)
73 minutes
Episode Image "Arkangel" (with special guest, Shannon M. Mussett)
52 minutes
Episode Image "Hated in the Nation" (with special guest, Ammon Allred)
66 minutes
Episode Image "Men Against Fire" (with special guest, Charles W. McKinney, Jr.)
54 minutes
Episode Image "Be Right Back" (with special guest, Samir Chopra)
56 minutes
Episode Image "Black Museum" (with special guest, Zandria F. Robinson)
66 minutes
Episode Image "USS Callister" (with special guest, David Gunkel)
56 minutes
Episode Image "Nosedive" (with special guest, John Danaher)
53 minutes
Episode Image "Shut Up and Dance" (with special guest, Rick Lee)
58 minutes
Episode Image "The Waldo Moment" (with special guest, Jason Read)
58 minutes
Episode Image "Playtest" (with special guest, C. Thi Nguyen)
62 minutes
Episode Image "The Entire History of You" (with special guest, John Cerrito)
48 minutes
Episode Image "San Junipero" (with special guest, Michael Norton)
55 minutes
Episode Image "Striking Vipers" (with special guest, Adriel M. Trott)
42 minutes
Episode Image "The National Anthem" (with special guest, Ammon Allred)
53 minutes
Episode Image 'White Christmas" (with special guest, Chris Gilliard)
64 minutes
Episode Image "15 Million Merits" (with special guest, Shannon Mussett)
45 minutes