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Podcast Profile: Nonlocal: a quantum computing podcast

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
4 episodes
2020 to 2021
Median: 52 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

This podcast takes you behind the scenes into the world of quantum computing research: through conversations with researchers, we explore the latest and most exciting ideas in the field. The podcast is aimed at anyone interested in quantum computing.
About the hosts:
Vincent Russo ( has a PhD in computer science. Software engineer by day and quantum engineer by night.
William Slofstra ( is a mathematician at the University of Waterloo.
Henry Yuen ( is a computer scientist at Columbia University.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Quantum computing research • Quantum advantage • Shallow quantum circuits • Quantum certified deletion • Quantum channel capacities • Quantum cryptography • Quantum complexity theory • Mermin-Peres magic square

"Nonlocal: a quantum computing podcast" delves into the cutting-edge domain of quantum computing through insightful conversations with leading researchers in the field. The podcast is designed to cater to an audience with a budding or established interest in quantum computing, providing a window into the latest research and developments.

The content spans a variety of intricate topics within quantum computing. Key themes include the exploration of the quantum advantage, particularly in the context of shallow circuits. The podcast discusses the complexities and implications of quantum circuits, referencing significant research papers that detail both theoretical and practical advancements. There is a focus on how quantum computing can outperform classical computing, examining specific conditions and scenarios where quantum superiority is evident.

Another recurrent theme is the concept of quantum deletion, where listeners are introduced to protocols aimed at ensuring data has been securely erased, a critical matter for privacy and data security in the quantum realm. Discussions on quantum channel capacities reveal the nuanced and often counterintuitive behaviors of these channels, such as superadditivity and superactivation, and their implications on quantum information theory.

Additionally, the podcast covers foundational elements of quantum cryptography and quantum complexity theory, through discussions on seminal works like the Mermin-Peres magic square, which underpins many results in these fields. Each episode features detailed conversations with experts, dissecting groundbreaking research papers and their implications in a coherent and accessible manner.

The hosts, Vincent Russo, William Slofstra, and Henry Yuen, bring their extensive expertise in computer science and mathematics to the table, making complex quantum computing topics approachable for a wider audience. The inclusion of research papers, links to further resources, and even online courses, provides a comprehensive learning experience for anyone interested in the advancements of quantum computing research.

Episode Image 004: Shallow quantum circuits with David Gosset
74 minutes
003: Quantum certified deletion with Anne Broadbent
35 minutes
002: Quantum channel capacities with Debbie Leung
63 minutes
001: The origin of the Mermin-Peres magic square
42 minutes