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Podcast Profile: Exploring Astrophysics

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31 episodes
2020 to 2023
Median: 22 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Join me as I learn about the world of Astrophysics. My name is Vikram Bhamre and I am 18 years old. On my podcast, Exploring Astrophysics, I chat with some of the most incredible astrophysicists around the world on the most interesting questions left unanswered in astrophysics. What's amazing is how helpful and forthcoming they all are and I hope you too are inspired when you listen to them.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Astrophysics research • Binary star systems • Young stars and star clusters • Supermassive black-hole binaries • Spectroscopy • Magnetic field mapping • Early universe formation • Exoplanets • Gravitational lensing • X-rays from galaxy clusters • Dark energy and dark matter • Computational astrophysics

In "Exploring Astrophysics," the podcast hosted by Vikram Bhamre, an 18-year-old passionate about the mysteries of the cosmos, listeners are taken on an enlightening journey through various aspects of astrophysics. Each episode features conversations with prominent researchers and scientists, offering insights into a wide range of specialized topics within the field.

The episodes often focus on significant areas of astrophysical research, such as the formation and evolution of stars, star clusters, and planets both within and beyond our solar system. Explorations into the properties and behaviors of celestial bodies, including binary star systems, supermassive black hole binaries, and circumstellar disks, are commonly discussed.

Another recurring theme is the investigation of the early universe and the origins of galaxies. Experts share their findings on dark matter, dark energy, and the processes that have shaped the cosmos since its inception. Gravitational lensing and high-energy astrophysics, including the study of active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray astrophysics, are also frequent subjects of exploration.

The podcast features detailed discussions about cutting-edge research tools and methodologies, such as spectroscopy for studying the universe's earliest stars and the use of machine learning in cosmic surveys. The design and construction of astronomical instruments and telescopes are practical aspects that receive attention, illustrating how theoretical concepts are applied in real-world scientific endeavors.

Listeners can also gain insights into the academic and professional experiences of the guests, from postdoctoral researchers and PhD candidates to seasoned professors and directors of prominent astrophysical institutes. These conversations often touch on the path to becoming a researcher, the challenges and rewards of academic careers, and the opportunities for young aspiring scientists.

By presenting a variety of topics and expert perspectives, "Exploring Astrophysics" provides an extensive and detailed view of the current state of astrophysical research and endeavors to inspire and educate its audience about the wonders of the universe.

Episode Image Dr Kareem El-Badry, incoming Assistant professor at Caltech
25 minutes
Episode Image Dr. Lynne Hillenbrand, Professor of Astronomy at Caltech
31 minutes
Episode Image Dr Maria Charisi, Postdoctoral associate at Vanderbilt University
21 minutes
Episode Image Dr Robert Simcoe, Director of MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
23 minutes
Episode Image Dr Gina Panopoulou, Assistant professor, Chalmers University of Technology
16 minutes
Episode Image Dr Christian Byrnes, Senior lecturer at the University of Sussex
22 minutes
Episode Image Dr Javier Garcia, Assistant professor of physics at Caltech
26 minutes
Episode Image Dr Kathy Romer, Professor at the university of Sussex
25 minutes
Episode Image Dr Raissa Estrela, Postdoctoral fellow at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
20 minutes
Episode Image Dr Olivier Hervet, Assistant project scientist at UC Santa Cruz
20 minutes
Episode Image Dr Xinnan Du, Outreach and Engagement manager at KIPAC Stanford
21 minutes
Episode Image Dr Tansu Daylan, Posdoctoral associate and MIT and Princeton
23 minutes
Episode Image Dr Rana Ezzeddine, Assistant professor and Astrophysicist as the University of Florida
23 minutes
Episode Image Dr Saeed Salimpour, Researcher at IAU's Office of Astronomy for Education
21 minutes
Episode Image Sven Heydenreich, PHD student at the University of Bonn
17 minutes
Episode Image Marcus Keil, PHD student at University College London
42 minutes
Episode Image Dr Niall Jeffrey, Researcher at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris
25 minutes
Episode Image Dr Peter Doel, Professor of Astronomical Instrumentation at University College London
18 minutes
Episode Image Prof. Marco Cavaglia, Professor of Physics at Missouri University
24 minutes
Episode Image Dr Boris Leistedt, Researcher at Imperial College London
24 minutes
Episode Image Dr Pablo Lemos, Postdoctoral research fellow in cosmology at UCL, London
17 minutes
Dr Constance Mahony, Postdoctoral researcher at the German Centre for Cosmological Lensing
17 minutes
Episode Image Aaron Stemo, A PHD candidate at the university of Colorado Boulder
21 minutes
Episode Image Prof. Benedikt Diemer, Computational astrophysicist as the University of Maryland
18 minutes
Episode Image Dr Rebecca Nevin, Postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics
18 minutes
Episode Image Dr. Sandro Tacchella, Postdoctoral researcher at Harvard
22 minutes
Episode Image Dr Elena Massara, Postdoctoral researcher at the university of Waterloo
16 minutes
Episode Image Prof. Matthew Evans, member of the MIT Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave observatory
23 minutes
Episode Image Gladys Velez Caicedo, Technical Instructor for physics at MIT
27 minutes
Episode Image Dr Pat Scott, Astroparticle phenomenologist and head of GAMBIT
23 minutes
Exploring Astrophysics - Trailer
less than a minute