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Podcast Profile: Natural Philosophers

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
4 episodes
Median: 116 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Here, I interview some of the leading thinkers in modern natural philosophy. I'm your host, Dr. Siddharth Muthukrishnan. I originally trained in theoretical physics, before deciding that my interests were more conceptual and foundational, and switched to philosophy. Conversations will span science and philosophy and perhaps other topics as well.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Quantum physics • Philosophy of science • Metaphysics • Quantum mechanics interpretations • Spacetime emergence • Black hole thermodynamics • Animal consciousness • Cognition and evolutionary biology

"Natural Philosophers," hosted by Dr. Siddharth Muthukrishnan, is a podcast that delves into the intersection of science and philosophy, often exploring profound and foundational questions about reality. Dr. Muthukrishnan, who initially trained in theoretical physics before transitioning to philosophy, converses with leading thinkers to illuminate the latest ideas in modern natural philosophy.

The podcast episodes feature discussions with prominent philosophers and scientists, focusing on significant themes within the realms of quantum mechanics, metaphysics, and consciousness, among others. For instance, notable interviews include intricate examinations of quantum physics' metaphysical implications, such as the concept of quantum modal realism, which posits the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics as metaphysically possible. This theme highlights the intersection of physics and philosophical inquiry, revealing how scientific theories can influence our understanding of possibility and reality.

Another recurrent theme is the exploration of quantum spacetime, where guests discuss how spacetime itself could emerge from complex quantum mechanical systems. Topics covered under this umbrella include entanglement, decoherence, and theories such as the AdS/CFT correspondence and string theory. These discussions often extend into philosophical territory, addressing issues of reduction and emergence, and the ongoing debate between substantivalism and relationalism.

The podcast also investigates topics in classical and contemporary philosophical thought, such as the nature of black holes. Conversations on black hole thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and the black hole information paradox aim to bridge the gap between theoretical physics and philosophical analysis.

Additionally, the show addresses broader philosophical themes like consciousness and cognition, particularly in non-human animals. Discussions here span evolutionary biology, learning, and the nature of consciousness itself, suggesting a cross-disciplinary approach that incorporates perspectives from biology, neuroscience, and philosophy.

Overall, "Natural Philosophers" aims to foster a nuanced dialogue between science and philosophy, encouraging listeners to consider complex questions about the fundamental nature of reality through an interdisciplinary lens.

Episode Image Alastair Wilson on Quantum Modal Realism
109 minutes
Episode Image Sean Carroll on Quantum Spacetime
113 minutes
Episode Image David Wallace on Black Holes
120 minutes
Episode Image Colin Allen on Animal Consciousness
119 minutes