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Podcast Profile: Out of the Tower

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9 episodes
2020 to 2022
Median: 42 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Podcast by Out of the Tower

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Big Tech challenges • NFTs in art • Satire in politics • Corporate culture and spirituality • Philosophy and linguistics • Emotional impact of the pandemic • Climbing opportunities for the disabled

"Out of the Tower" is a podcast that delves into the intersections between philosophy, technology, art, and society. Through discussions with experts, the show explores the evolving influence of digital innovations, such as NFTs and big tech, on various societal sectors. Esteemed guests from academic and professional backgrounds provide insights into contemporary issues and trends, making the podcast a rich resource for understanding the broader implications of modern technological advancements.

One prominent theme is the role of philosophical inquiry in addressing the challenges posed by emergent technologies. The podcast features conversations with scholars who unpack how big tech impacts legal, moral, and social dimensions, emphasizing the importance of philosophical engagement in tech-centric discussions. This exploration extends to practical applications whereby philosophical skills could be implemented in real-world contexts, suggesting a pathway for philosophy graduates to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Another recurring topic is the integration of ethics and spirituality in corporate environments. Guests discuss the potential for creating better workplaces by championing values such as spirituality and corporate responsibility. This includes narratives about organizations that foster inclusivity and support unique employee needs, highlighting how ethical considerations can shape corporate cultures positively.

The podcast also addresses the importance of art and satire in society. Episodes feature discussions with art historians and ethicists who explore the impact of digital art forms and the necessity of humor in navigating today's politically charged landscape. They bring to light how artistic expressions and satire can serve as tools for societal reflection and sanity.

Moreover, the podcast examines the emotional and societal transformations prompted by recent global events like the COVID-19 pandemic. It delves into how our emotional lives have adapted, emphasizing the significance of emotional expression and values during crises.

Overall, "Out of the Tower" covers a spectrum of thought-provoking topics that collectively underscore the dynamic relationship between philosophy, technology, art, and society.

Episode Image Ep. 9 - Digital Originals: NFTs with Dr. Sally Metzler & Christie's Steven Zick and Meghan Doyle
60 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 8 - An (Un)expected Error Has Occurred: Rob Reich on the Challenges of Big Tech
33 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 7 - A Comedic Imperative: The Need for Satire in a Politics-Obsessed World with Al Gini
52 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 6 - Getting (and Climbing) Over It: Changing Corporate Culture with Timmy O'Neill
42 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 5 - Corporate Spirituality: A Better Workplace with Peter Ferris
57 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 4 - Speaking Bridges: Philosophical Curiosity in a Tech-Centric World with Matthew Teichman
57 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 3 - Emotional Transformation in the Pandemic with Sara Protasi
34 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 2 - Out of the Tower, Into the Gap
29 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 1 - A Louder Voice for Philosophy In Tech
31 minutes