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Podcast Profile: NOVA Now

Show Image SiteRSSApple Podcasts
30 episodes
2020 to 2021
Median: 28 minutes
Collection: Science

Description (podcaster-provided):

From the PBS science series NOVA, a biweekly podcast digging into the science behind the headlines. Alok Patel takes you behind the scenes with the people—scientists, engineers, technologists, mathematicians and more—working to understand our world. Now it's more critical than ever to distinguish fact from fiction and find science-based answers to the most pressing questions of our time.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Science behind current events • Space exploration • Climate change • Health and medicine • Technology and innovation • Sociology and psychology • Energy sustainability • Environmental issues • Economics and cryptocurrency

The podcast "NOVA Now" from PBS is a biweekly series that delves into the scientific principles and discoveries behind current headlines and pressing global questions. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Alok Patel, a physician and science communicator, who guides listeners through various complex topics with the help of experts from many scientific fields.

A recurring theme in the podcast is space exploration and cosmology, with episodes exploring subjects such as the Big Bang theory, black holes, exoplanets, and the potential for extraterrestrial life. Another significant focus involves environmental and sustainability issues, including discussions on climate change, hurricanes, drought, and renewable energy sources like nuclear fusion.

Furthermore, the podcast frequently addresses advancements in technology and their societal impacts. This includes topics like cryptocurrency, satellite technology, electric vehicles, and innovations in food science. Public health and science are also covered in-depth with episodes on the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine development, the effects of cannabis, and the practice of eating insects as a potential solution to food sustainability.

The show also examines the intersection of science with social and legal issues, such as the science behind mail-in voting, the implications of scientific evidence in the courtroom, and the statistics involved in political polling. Episodes often isolate complex concepts, like the science of fear, the neuroscience of motivation, and the intricacies of how exercise affects the body.

The podcast not only presents factual scientific information but frequently includes discussions with experts, offering practical insights and applications of scientific research in everyday life. Overall, "NOVA Now" aims to disentangle fact from fiction by presenting a wide array of scientific topics in an accessible manner, emphasizing the importance and relevance of science in modern society.

Episode Image Bonus: From our friends at MASTERPIECE Studio
56 minutes
Episode Image The Big Bang: started from inflation, now we’re here
33 minutes
Episode Image Black holes: to the event horizon and beyond
31 minutes
Episode Image The hitchhiker’s guide to exoplanets and alien life
30 minutes
Episode Image How to make a Milky Way: the ultimate galactic recipe
25 minutes
Episode Image Fusion: Can we recreate the renewable power of stars down on Earth?
27 minutes
Episode Image This is NOVA Now Universe Revealed
2 minutes
Episode Image Would you eat insects to help the planet?
29 minutes
Episode Image Cryptocurrency: the future of money in a digital world?
31 minutes
Episode Image Cannabis: Discovering its effects on the body and brain
31 minutes
Episode Image The case of hurricanes and climate change
19 minutes
Episode Image Back to school during a pandemic: experts weigh in
35 minutes
Episode Image Electric vehicles: infrastructural needs and environmental effects
21 minutes
Episode Image Covid Vaccines & Variants: What will it take to get out of this pandemic?
28 minutes
Episode Image The science of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
28 minutes
Episode Image Using technology to cope with drought
27 minutes
Episode Image The science of exercise—and getting back in the game
29 minutes
Episode Image NOVA Now Returns!
2 minutes
Episode Image Bonus! From our friends at AirSpace: Mask, Gloves, Soap, Scrubs
27 minutes
Episode Image The science of positive motivation for the New Year
25 minutes
Episode Image How the future of satellites might affect life on Earth
27 minutes
Episode Image Covid vaccines are coming: What’s inside, and how and when you’ll get one
27 minutes
Episode Image The future of food
30 minutes
Episode Image The statistical science behind polling
21 minutes
Episode Image The science of fear
31 minutes
Episode Image Science in the courtroom
29 minutes
Episode Image Rising health risks from West Coast wildfires
31 minutes
Episode Image COVID meets CRISPR
27 minutes
Episode Image The hidden science of mail-in voting
28 minutes
Episode Image Welcome to NOVA Now
2 minutes