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Podcast Profile: Contemporary Philosophy

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8 episodes
Median: 39 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Conversations with Contemporary Philosophers hosted by John Symons, a professor of philosophy from the University of Kansas.
Presented to you by Mana Platform.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Discussions with contemporary philosophers • Topics on consciousness, aspiration, and ambition • Business ethics and digital ethics • History of vitalism and materialism • The role of philosophy in various contexts

"Contemporary Philosophy: Global Conversations" is a podcast that delves into various complex and thought-provoking topics within modern philosophy. Hosted by John Symons, a professor of philosophy at the University of Kansas, the show invites distinguished philosophers from diverse backgrounds to explore a wide array of philosophical ideas and debates. Each episode offers a deep dive into specific philosophical themes, guided by experts who have made significant contributions to their respective fields.

Recurring themes across the episodes include the nature of consciousness, the concept of aspiration, and the nuances of ambition versus aspiration. The show engages with questions about business ethics, the history of vitalism and materialism, and the philosophy of science. It also covers experimental philosophy and the challenges of trusting scientific findings. Episodes address issues like wonder, disagreement in philosophical thought, and the exploration of philosophy's role outside academic settings. Topics span historical perspectives and contemporary issues, providing listeners with a comprehensive look at both longstanding philosophical questions and modern debates.

The podcast features conversations with renowned philosophers who have authored influential books and papers. These guests include leading figures in Anglo-American philosophy, as well as experts in digital ethics, business ethics, and the philosophy of information. The discussions often reference the guests' published works, which are accessible through links provided in the episode descriptions. This inclusion of resources allows listeners to further explore the topics discussed and engage with the material in more depth.

Overall, "Contemporary Philosophy: Global Conversations" serves as a platform for intellectual discussion and provides listeners with insights into various philosophical disciplines, encouraging them to think critically about the world around them.

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Philosopher Olga Pombo
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