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Podcast Profile: Ethical Theory Review

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10 episodes
2020 to 2024
Median: 57 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Critical Discussions of recent articles in ethics and practical philosophy.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Ethical theory discussions • Practical philosophy topics • Fanaticism and devotion • Veganism ethics • Emotional reactions • Confucian rituals • Gamete donation ethics • Prophetic pragmatism • Grief philosophy • Determinism and morality • Human development • Virtue and meaning

This podcast, titled "Ethical Theory Review," delves into critical discussions of contemporary articles in ethics and practical philosophy, offering an in-depth exploration of various moral and philosophical issues. Each episode features interviews with scholars and thinkers who provide insights into specific topics, reflecting a commitment to nuanced and thoughtful discourse.

The content spans a diverse array of themes, with episodes examining the ethical dimensions of modern and historical debates. Common topics include the nature of moral obligations, the ethics of consumption, and the interplay of emotions in shaping ethical behavior. Episodes often question deeply held beliefs about human nature, moral responsibility, and the societal norms influencing our ethical frameworks.

Another recurrent theme is the role of philosophical traditions in contemporary ethical discussions. Episodes explore Confucianism, examining how ancient rituals and views on human nature can inform modern concepts of well-being and morality. Similarly, insights from religious humanism and the Enlightenment's impact on human development are discussed, highlighting the tension between secular and religious views on moral growth.

The podcast also tackles more contemporary and practical ethical issues, such as the ethics of gamete donation and the value of genetic knowledge in forming individual identity. It further delves into the ethical implications of grief and the norms surrounding grieving practices.

One notable approach is the podcast's examination of philosophical arguments regarding determinism and moral responsibility, offering new interpretations of classical philosophical works. Episodes also discuss the significance of moral virtues and the pursuit of a meaningful life, questioning and expanding upon Aristotelian ethics.

Overall, "Ethical Theory Review" provides a platform for rich philosophical inquiry, addressing both abstract and practical issues in moral philosophy. It presents listeners with a thoughtful analysis of diverse ethical theories, encouraging critical reflection on various aspects of human life and society.

Episode Image Fanaticism, Devotion, and Nihilism
45 minutes
Episode Image Veganism and Free-riding
42 minutes
Episode Image How to Do Things with Emotions: Owen Flanagan
55 minutes
Episode Image Confucianism, Morality, and Well-being
63 minutes
Episode Image Ethics of Gamete Donation and the Value of Genetic Knowledge
61 minutes
Episode Image Prophetic Pragmatism: Cornel West, Hope, and the Philosophy of Race
54 minutes
Episode Image Grief: A Philosophic Guide
56 minutes
Episode Image Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals
67 minutes
Episode Image Religion and Human Development (Jennifer Herdt)
59 minutes
Episode Image Virtue and Meaning -- an Interview with David McPherson
73 minutes