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Podcast Profile: Two Philosophers Drink Beer & Discuss Film

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3 episodes
2021 to 2022
Median: 44 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Listen to Dr Daniel Murphy and Dr Gregory David Jackson offer philosophical readings of popular films, whilst drinking beer. Follow us on or to get involved with the discussion.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical film analysis • Loneliness in modern life • Surveillance capitalism • Existential phenomenology of addiction • Totalitarianism in society • Final reflections and farewell toast

"Two Philosophers Drink Beer & Discuss Film" offers a unique blend of philosophical analysis and casual conversation, centered around popular films. Hosted by Dr. Daniel Murphy and Dr. Gregory David Jackson, this podcast delves into profound philosophical readings while maintaining a laid-back atmosphere, often accompanied by beer.

The episodes explore films from various genres and time periods, highlighting significant thematic concerns such as existentialism, loneliness, modern societal issues, and artificial intelligence. For instance, discussions include themes of loneliness tied to modern life and philosophical interpretations regarding the impact of surveillance capitalism, artificial intelligence, and addiction. The hosts employ philosophical frameworks from renowned thinkers like Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas, Shoshana Zuboff, Francis Fukuyama, Ayn Rand, and Herbert Marcuse to enrich their analyses.

Listeners are encouraged to follow the podcast on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to join the discussion and further engage with the content. The final episode presents a reflective note on the journey of the podcast, expressing gratitude towards the listeners and offering a final film recommendation.

Overall, this podcast combines thoughtful philosophical discourse with an informal, engaging presentation style, making complex philosophical ideas accessible through the medium of film analysis.

Episode Image Episode 32: End Credits
34 minutes
Episode Image Episode 31: Her
46 minutes
Episode Image Episode 30: Trainspotting
44 minutes