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Podcast Profile: The Joy of x

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26 episodes
2020 to 2021
Median: 48 minutes
Collections: Physics, Math, and AstronomyScience

Description (podcaster-provided):

The acclaimed mathematician and author Steven Strogatz interviews some of the world's leading scientists about their lives and work.
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Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Leading scientists' lives and work • Neuroscience • Quantum computing • Pure mathematics • Anesthesia • AI research • Mathematical biology • Algorithmic social justice • Combinatorics • Statistical mechanics • Theoretical physics • Evolution • Graph theory • Social insects • String theory • Neurogenetics

This podcast, titled The Joy of x, features acclaimed mathematician and author Steven Strogatz as the host, who interviews leading scientists and researchers from diverse fields. The central theme is to delve into the lives and work of these experts, exploring how their scientific contributions illuminate various phenomena and advance our understanding of the world.

The episodes cover a broad spectrum of topics, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of modern science. They often explore the intersection of mathematics, biology, physics, and computer science. For instance, discussions include the resilience of neural circuits, the quest for quantum computing, and the dynamic systems underlying complex processes like chaos and puff pastry formation. Subjects such as the mysteries of anesthesia, the roots of artificial intelligence, and the mathematical modeling of cancer therapies highlight the practical applications of high-level research.

Moreover, the podcast does not shy away from exploring the more personal and philosophical aspects of scientific careers. Themes such as the nature of creativity, the pursuit of truth in various realms, and the challenges faced by scientists—especially underrepresented groups—are common. The podcast also frequently emphasizes storytelling, with scientists recounting pivotal moments in their careers, such as discovering ancient fossils, studying transparent worms, or making major theoretical breakthroughs.

Listeners can expect to hear engaging conversations about significant scientific concepts and their real-world implications, the role of emotion and collaboration in scientific discovery, and the societal impact of scientific advances, especially through algorithms and data-driven approaches to social justice. There is also a recurring focus on the beauty and simplicity underlying complex scientific theories and phenomena.

Through these wide-ranging but interconnected discussions, the podcast aims to provide deep insights into both the human and intellectual elements of scientific research, making it a rich resource for anyone interested in the frontiers of modern science.

Episode Image Eve Marder on the Crucial Resilience of Neurons
40 minutes
Episode Image Charlie Marcus Knows That Quantum Facts Aren’t Complicated
49 minutes
Episode Image Amie Wilkinson Sees the Dynamic Chaos in Puff Pastry
42 minutes
Episode Image Emery Brown and the Truth About Anesthesia
40 minutes
Episode Image Melanie Mitchell Takes AI Research Back to Its Roots
40 minutes
Episode Image Trachette Jackson Fights Cancer With Math
42 minutes
Episode Image Rediet Abebe on Using Algorithms for Social Justice
43 minutes
Episode Image Federico Ardila on Math, Music and the Space of Possibilities
50 minutes
Episode Image Sharon Glotzer’s Deep Curiosity About Order From Chaos
48 minutes
Episode Image Frank Wilczek on the Strong Force, Quarks and Dark Matter
48 minutes
Episode Image Bonnie Bassler on Talkative Bacteria and Eavesdropping Viruses
39 minutes
Episode Image Neil Shubin on Tiktaalik, Ballistic Tongues and Evolution
47 minutes
Episode Image Podcast Preview: The Joy of x, Season Two
2 minutes
Episode Image Moon Duchin on Fair Voting and Random Walks
50 minutes
Episode Image Brian Keating’s Quest for the Origin of the Universe
41 minutes
Episode Image Rebecca Goldin and Brian Nosek on Hard Truths in Math and Psychology
46 minutes
Episode Image Cori Bargmann on the Genetics of Transparent Worms, Supertasters and Cancer
53 minutes
Episode Image Tadashi Tokieda's Special Kind of Magic
51 minutes
Episode Image Janna Levin on Seeing and Hearing Black Holes
54 minutes
Episode Image John Urschel: From NFL Player to Mathematician
45 minutes
Episode Image Corina Tarnita and the Deep Mathematics of Social Insects
51 minutes
Episode Image Robbert Dijkgraaf on Exploring Quantum Reality
49 minutes
Episode Image Leslie Vosshall on Designer Mosquitoes and Dude Walls
58 minutes
Episode Image Alex Kontorovich on the Absolute Truth of Pure Math
57 minutes
Episode Image Priya Natarajan on Black Holes and Mapping the Universe
65 minutes
Episode Image Podcast Preview: Introducing The Joy of x
2 minutes