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Podcast Profile: Upon Reflection

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13 episodes
2019 to 2023
Median: 34 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Welcome to the Upon Reflection podcast with Nick Byrd, a podcast about what we think as well as how and why we think it. Nick studies the philosophy of cognitive science and the cognitive science of philosophy. This podcast will share Nick's and others' research. For instance, the podcast will discuss the differences between intuition and reflection as well as the ways in which intuitive reasoning predicts different philosophical, moral, and religious judgments than reflective reasoning. The podcast will also discuss topics like implicit bias—e.g., contrary to what you may have heard, implicit bias may not be entirely unconscious and involuntary. If you want to hear more about this research, you can subscribe wherever you find podcasts. And if you end up enjoying the Upon Reflection podcast, then feel free to tell people about it, online, in person, or in your review.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Cognitive science of philosophy • Reflective vs. intuitive reasoning • Implicit bias • Philosophical beliefs • Public health and COVID-19 • Psychological factors • Moral dilemmas • Online academic conferencing

Upon Reflection is a podcast hosted by Nick Byrd that delves into the intricacies of cognitive science and philosophy. The show addresses a variety of topics that intersect these two fields, often focusing on how we think, the processes underlying our reasoning, and the implications of our thought patterns. A recurring theme in the podcast is the distinction between intuitive and reflective reasoning. It explores how these different modes of thought influence philosophical, moral, and religious judgments, often presenting evidence that intuitive and reflective reasoning can lead to vastly different conclusions.

Episodes frequently feature discussions about implicit bias, challenging the common perception that these biases are entirely unconscious and involuntary. The podcast also critiques existing methods used to measure reflective thinking, questioning their validity and proposing alternative approaches.

Another significant focus of the podcast is how psychological factors and demographic differences impact philosophical beliefs. This includes examining the role of personality, education, and even societal values in shaping one's viewpoints. The podcast also investigates the complex relationship between reflective reasoning and phenomena like free will and moral decision-making.

Additionally, the show often highlights Byrd's own research and collaborations with other scholars. Episodes provide deep dives into specific studies, including empirical findings and theoretical analyses, enriching the listener's understanding of contemporary debates in cognitive science and philosophy.

Issues of societal relevance, such as the impact of philosophical beliefs on public health compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic, also feature prominently. Byrd examines how philosophical commitments can influence decisions in critical situations, suggesting that ingrained beliefs may drive behaviors more than immediate messaging.

Overall, Upon Reflection presents a thorough exploration of cognitive and philosophical topics, inviting listeners to both ponder established theories and consider new, sometimes controversial, perspectives.

Episode Image Ep. 12 - Tell Us What You Really Think (with B. Joseph, G. Gongora, and M. Sirota)
32 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 11 - Testing Implicit Bias (with Morgan Thompson)
23 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 10 - Great Minds Do Not Think Alike
47 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 9 - Bounded Reflectivism & Epistemic Identity
40 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 8 - Reflective Reasoning & Philosophy
24 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 7 - Do Unreflective Intentions Undermine Free Will?
16 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 6 - Your Health vs. My Liberty (Pandemic Psychology Research)
46 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 5 - Reflective Reasoning For Real People (Dissertation Defense Overview)
15 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 4 - Online Conferences: Some History, Methods, and Benefits
34 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 3 - Causal Network Accounts of Ill-being
40 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 2 - Not All Who Ponder Count Costs (with Paul Conway)
79 minutes
Episode Image Ep. 1 - What We Can Infer About Implicit Bias
53 minutes
Episode Image Episode 0 - Welcome to Upon Reflection with Nick Byrd
1 minute