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Podcast Profile: Beyond the Physics

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21 episodes
2019 to 2024
Median: 138 minutes
Collection: Physics, Math, and Astronomy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Beyond the Physics is a podcast run by Joseph Guzman and Irene Roman, PhD physics students, who hope to learn more about the universe, and the people that make up the culture behind the science. Come along as we hope to tackle some of the most difficult, and thought provoking questions of our time, and shatter the notions of what it takes to be a physicist.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Physics • Existential and ethical discussions • Academic experiences • Mental health challenges • Personal growth • Cultural and societal issues • Religion and spirituality • Science communication • Astronomy • Philosophy

"Beyond the Physics" is a podcast hosted by Joseph Guzman and Irene Roman, PhD physics students, which delves into the intriguing intersections between science, culture, and personal experiences. Through a series of conversations with fellow physicists, colleagues, and special guests, this podcast explores a broad spectrum of thought-provoking themes and issues relevant to both the academic and the human side of science.

One of the primary themes of the podcast is the personal and professional journey of physicists. Episodes frequently feature discussions on the challenges and triumphs faced by physics students and professionals, such as balancing personal beliefs with scientific principles, navigating the difficulties of graduate school, coping with imposter syndrome, and dealing with academia's bureaucratic hurdles. The hosts and their guests often reflect on their individual life stories, describing how diverse backgrounds and unique personal experiences shape their careers in physics.

Another recurrent topic is exploring the profound questions and cultural implications surrounding physics and science. The podcast tackles existential and philosophical inquiries, such as the utility and evolution of religion, the morality of various scientific practices, and the concept of informed consent in human and animal research. The hosts also delve into how scientific thinking can provide a form of spiritual fulfillment and ethical framework.

Collaborations with other science communicators, including guests from related podcasts, bring additional perspectives into discussions. These episodes touch on issues like diversity in the field, barriers to entry, and how inclusivity can enrich scientific inquiry. The podcast also provides a platform for discussing significant current events and their impacts on the scientific community, such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social justice movement following George Floyd's death.

Overall, "Beyond the Physics" combines in-depth science discussions with personal anecdotes and broader cultural critiques, providing listeners with a multifaceted look at the lives and thoughts of those navigating the world of modern physics.

Episode Image Balancing Acts: Navigating the Utility of Religion and Facing the Abyss with Terence
138 minutes
Episode Image Kintsugi with Michael Jaramillo
170 minutes
Episode Image Venom, Death and Abuse - 2023 Update
121 minutes
Episode Image How Moon Knight Changed My Life
53 minutes
Episode Image Couch Talks #1 - Eigenbros
94 minutes
Episode Image From Eigenbros to Beyond Grad School, Juan pt.2
141 minutes
Episode Image 2022 Update: Break, Therapy, NVC, COVID
110 minutes
Episode Image Joe's Imposter Syndrome Deconstruction
88 minutes
Episode Image Book Club #1 - "Conscious" by Annaka Harris
183 minutes
Episode Image Will and Determination- Edward Benavidez
203 minutes
Episode Image Fathers Day Special Part 2- Javier Roman
155 minutes
Episode Image Fathers Day Special Part 1- John Guzman
162 minutes
Episode Image Every great dream begins with a Dreamer- Jesus
175 minutes
Episode Image 2020 Update - PhD, Coronavirus, George Floyd
86 minutes
Episode Image The Prestige of Puerto Rico - Gabriel Rodriguez
151 minutes
Episode Image Is Morality Objective? Ft. Eigenbros
108 minutes
Episode Image Women in Physics and Astronomy, Also Aliens- Sahana
170 minutes
Episode Image "F#*k your ideas" - Juan Mejia
191 minutes
Episode Image From Coincidences to Cosmology - Juan
133 minutes
Episode Image "The system I was looking for my whole life" - Terence
101 minutes
Episode Image Welcome to the Beyond the Physics Podcast!
17 minutes