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Podcast Profile: Out of the Vat

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10 episodes
2019 to 2021
Median: 32 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

Philosophers’ work and philosophers’ lives, both inside and outside of philosophy. Brought to you by the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, LSE, and the Forum for Philosophy.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Philosophical insights • Olfaction • Epistemology • Phenomenology • Consciousness • Ethics • Perception • Public Policy • Bioethics • Science • Personal interests in diverse topics like Star Trek, trains, and punk music

"Out of the Vat" is a podcast that delves into the intricate and often personal intersections between philosophers' professional work and their private lives. Produced by the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, the Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, LSE, and the Forum for Philosophy, this podcast offers a unique blend of scholarly discourse and biographical storytelling.

The episodes feature in-depth conversations with philosophers from various academic institutions, highlighting their expertise in specialized fields such as the philosophy of olfaction, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and phenomenology. Listeners are introduced to a diverse array of philosophical topics including self-knowledge, perception, causation, correlations, and public policy.

These discussions frequently extend beyond academic philosophies to include personal anecdotes and interests, which provide an engaging and relatable dimension to the content. For instance, guests talk about their childhood experiences, hobbies, and eclectic tastes in music, literature, and media. Discussions range from the practical implications of philosophical questions to the guests' contributions to contemporary philosophical debates.

Notably, the podcast covers a wide variety of thought-provoking subjects such as the ethics of beauty, the implications of utopian visions, and the challenges of confronting denialism. It also addresses both historic and current philosophical inquiries, blending traditional and modern approaches.

In essence, "Out of the Vat" presents philosophically rich content interwoven with personal narrative, offering listeners a well-rounded view of the philosophers' intellectual pursuits and personal lives. This podcast is ideal for those interested in both the theoretical aspects of philosophy and the individual stories behind the thinkers who explore these profound questions.

Out of the Vat #10 – Ann-Sophie Barwich
41 minutes
Out of the Vat #9 – Lucy Campbell
37 minutes
Out of the Vat #8 – David Papineau
45 minutes
Out of the Vat #7 – Philip Goff
31 minutes
Out of the Vat #6 – Mahon O’Brien
35 minutes
Out of the Vat #5 – Heather Widdows
17 minutes
Out of the Vat #4 – Brian Glenney
32 minutes
Out of the Vat #3 – Katherine Furman
17 minutes
Out of the Vat #2 – Richard Ashcroft
32 minutes
Out of the Vat #1 – Steven French
28 minutes