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Podcast Profile: The Neuromantics

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24 episodes
2019 to 2024
Median: 47 minutes
Collection: SciPhi-Adjacent

Description (podcaster-provided):

Welcome to The Neuromantics – a monthly podcast for writers, psychologists, neuroscientists, poets, philosophers, comedians, musicians, and anyone interested in the exchange of ideas. The idea: a free-ranging conversation between Professor Sophie Scott ( and @sophiescott) of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL and Will Eaves about the brain, the mind, language, gesture, and communication as a fundamental property of science, literature and the arts. The format: roughly 30 mins of chat with musical stings in the punning style of the podcast title by Michael Caines. Sophie shares a bit of research. Will brings along a poem, story, speech, or essay. There will be guests in the future. There will be events.

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Neuroscience • Literature • Psychology • Cognitive bias • Memory • Emotion • Perception • Imagination • Communication • Cultural engagement • Mental health • Social bonds • Human behavior

"The Neuromantics" is a monthly podcast that explores the interplay between neuroscience, literature, and the arts. Hosted by Professor Sophie Scott and Will Eaves, the podcast features wide-ranging discussions that bring together academic research and creative works to examine the mind, language, and communication.

Each episode typically juxtaposes scientific papers with literary pieces, aiming to highlight how these different disciplines inform and enrich one another. Topics covered span a variety of interests, including cognitive bias, auditory hallucinations, memory, emotional responses, and the effects of trauma on successive generations. Episodes delve into the nuances of human experience by analyzing both neurological studies and the narratives embedded in poetry, short stories, and classic literature.

Recurring themes include the cognitive processes underlying problem-solving, the nature of inner dialogue and auditory perception, and how our sensory experiences shape our understanding of the world. Additionally, the podcast often examines the social and psychological aspects of human behavior, such as the role of laughter in social bonding, the memory wars surrounding repressed trauma, and the impact of hormonal influences on behavior.

The podcast also addresses philosophical questions about the nature of perception and reality, often looking at how metaphors and mental imagery aid in problem-solving and artistic expression. The podcast sometimes extends its discussions to the arts, considering the therapeutic and societal roles of cultural engagement, musical experiences, and the literary imagination.

Whether considering how birds navigate or the social bonds of baboons, "The Neuromantics" consistently integrates scientific inquiry with literary artistry, making connections that offer listeners a comprehensive understanding of both the scientific and humanistic dimensions of cognition and perception.

Episode Image The Neuromantics – S3, Ep 4
48 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S3, Ep 3
41 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S3, Ep 2
39 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S3, Ep 1
40 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 10
49 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 9
49 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 8
52 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 7
54 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 6
46 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 5
53 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 4
42 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 3
54 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 2
50 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – S2, Ep 1
46 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 10
52 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 9
54 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 8
50 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 7
41 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 6
46 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 5
52 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 4
42 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 3
41 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics – Episode 2
37 minutes
Episode Image The Neuromantics - Episode 1
37 minutes