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Podcast Profile: Mind-Body Problems

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16 episodes
2019 to 2021
Median: 60 minutes
Collection: Philosophy

Description (podcaster-provided):

The mind-body problem, which Buddha, Socrates and many modern scientists have sought to solve, encompasses riddles such as consciousness, free will, morality and the meaning of life. In this podcast, science journalist John Horgan, talks to leading mind-body theorists about their views and often, about their personal lives. The show is an outgrowth of a book of the same title, available for free at

Themes and summary (AI-generated based on podcaster-provided show and episode descriptions):

➤ Mind-body problem • Quantum mechanics • Free will • Consciousness • Science vs. humanities • Philosophy of science • Novelty in physics • Panpsychism • Stoicism • Spirituality • Epiphanies • Communication theory

" Mind-Body Problems" is a podcast that navigates the complex terrain of the mind-body problem by engaging with various thinkers and scholars from both the scientific and philosophical communities. Host John Horgan, a seasoned science journalist, steers conversations into deep and often perplexing questions surrounding consciousness, free will, morality, and the very essence of human existence.

Recurring themes in the podcast include the foundations and implications of quantum mechanics, as discussed by several guests who examine its nuances, from its deterministic or non-deterministic nature to its potential replacement or evolution. These discussions often lead to broader reflections on the nature of reality itself and whether our current scientific understanding will eventually provide a final, all-encompassing explanation.

Another prevalent topic is the entanglement of consciousness with quantum mechanics and other scientific theories. Guests often delve into philosophical inquiries about whether consciousness is a fundamental component of the universe, exploring ideas like panpsychism and its alternatives, as well as integrated information theory.

The show also addresses the intersection of science with other disciplines such as the arts, humanities, and even fictional narratives. This crossover is evident in episodes that reflect on the creative processes of writing and storytelling, particularly in relation to scientific and philosophical ideas.

Ethics, morality, and the personal lives of the guests occasionally come into focus, providing a multi-faceted view that spans professional achievements and individual worldviews. Discussions often extend to a critique of contemporary issues, such as the role of expertise and the implications of technological progress, as well as reflections on historical and personal crises that have shaped the careers and perspectives of the show's guests.

Overall, " Mind-Body Problems" thoughtfully juxtaposes scientific rigor with philosophical inquiry, offering listeners a comprehensive exploration of some of the most profound questions about the human condition.

Episode Image Consolations of Physics (John Horgan & Sabine Hossenfelder)
60 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Mechanics and the Quest for Final Knowledge (John Horgan & Philip Ball)
60 minutes
Episode Image Science, Fiction, and the Mind-Body Problem (John Horgan & Erik Hoel)
60 minutes
Episode Image Explaining Quantum Mechanics (John Horgan & Tim Maudlin)
60 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Mechanics and “Reality” (John Horgan & Adam Becker)
60 minutes
Episode Image Spooky Action at a Distance (John Horgan & George Musser)
60 minutes
Episode Image Quantum Mechanics and Other Mysteries (John Horgan & Amanda Gefter)
60 minutes
Episode Image The Quantum Astrologer's Handbook (John Horgan & Michael Brooks)
60 minutes
Episode Image The Innovation Delusion (John Horgan & Lee Vinsel)
60 minutes
Episode Image Debating Panpsychism (John Horgan & Philip Goff)
60 minutes
Episode Image The Case Against Thomas Kuhn (John Horgan & Errol Morris)
60 minutes
Episode Image Scientist, Philosopher, Stoic (John Horgan & Massimo Pigliucci)
60 minutes
Episode Image Spiritual Science (John Horgan & Steve Taylor)
60 minutes
Episode Image Universal Consciousness (John Horgan & Bernardo Kastrup)
60 minutes
Episode Image Epiphanies of Mind (John Horgan & Jeffrey Kripal)
60 minutes
Episode Image The Theology of Communication (Nikita Petrov & John Horgan)
60 minutes